Anonymous ID: e9a7a3 Nov. 7, 2023, 10:38 p.m. No.19879745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19879345 U.S. Banks are sitting on $1.7 trillion in unrealized losses, research says lb

Sheeeit! I saw something recently that US BANK alone is sitting on $1.5 Trillion in off book derivative losses. They came in like #7 on the top ten list of US based banks. To top off the $2.5 QUADrillion in worldwide derivative losses, the stupid fuckers pulled nearly the same scam with commercial real estate for the last 15 years so the numer is probably closer to $500 QUADrillion.

Folks need to verify their banking institutions are BASEL III/IV compliant and ISO 20022 compliant and move their accounts to a compliant institution. These new regs impose transparency and capital requirements in banking. Any banks not compliant WILL NOT be bailed out when they fail. To qualify for FDIC and NCUA insurance institutions must be compliant so don't depend on them to bail individuals out.

This next and final financial collapse is going to destroy large numbers of corrupt companies. Move you retirement account balance to Money Market or all cash options until the markets bottom. Enjoy the show!