They have a playbook anon, and they never deviate from it. The "Be All You Can Be" ads in the 80's were incredibly effective at recruiting kids with no chance at a college education.
>Be me. 1983. You're a lower middle-class kid with an essentially worthless high school diploma and the best you can aspire to locally is a low-paying service or labor job. So, you're struggling your ass off, paying half the rent on some shitbox apartment on the bad side town with a buddy if you're lucky, and if you're not it's just some rando you don't really know. Eating tuna and rice and food pantry yams. By the time you pay for the gas and insurance on your car to get to your shitty job, that's the height of the cuisine you can afford. You start to get black pilled and desperate.
At that point the military starts to look pretty good. Free food, free housing, free work clothing and after just 4 years of service you can use your GI Bill benefits to get an education and a future. In peacetime, it's a skate. The only problem is you never know when the clowns running the show are going to execute that clause in your contract that allows them to throw you into a meat grinder on the whims of the Big Guy in the fancy house. It's a crapshoot. You might come out better for the experience. But then again you might get crippled, maimed or just outright un-alived.
The military is going to start throwing 50, maybe even 100k cash enlistment bonuses out for combat arms slots. Congress will make patriotic noises and increase the post-service bennies. The carrot on the end of the stick is going to be big and juicy looking and a lot of young guys will bite out of desperation.
>I know, I know. I wrote so much text