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General Flynn ️
“Every member of the House and Senate are guilty of treason. Those who would claim they are not traitors to this nation knew what was going on and remained silent instead of warning the citizens. That makes them an accessory to…[the crimes being committed against the American people.]”
@GOPChairwoman RESIGN
This article is a must read!
News With Views
The Systematic Killing of America
On Christmas Eve, 1912, with a minimum forum present, the bill passed and on December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act because law and Woodrow Wilson signed the bill. Shares in the Federal Reserve were purchased by American bankers but the fact that foreign…
Be sure to read “The Coming Battle” written during the civil war and published in 1899. READ – how the legislation was signed and passed into law pledging every America citizen as collateral for the repayment of all government debts in gold and silver. By reading this book you will better understand the events taking place today. Nothing new under the sun. History is repeating itself. Different players, the same game. World domination.
More next week on the Killing of America. God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to The Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne and Paul L. Williams, ‘Psychological Warfare and the New World Order” by Servando Gonzalez, “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian, and “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300” by Dr. John Coleman)