Anonymous ID: 3d56bd Nov. 8, 2023, 2:35 p.m. No.19883188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19881348 pb


wasn't that a TV show?


Trump is according to records a descendant of James the First of Scotland?.

but I can't figure it out yet (i think the story is messed with( since Quenn of Scots had three husbands and I can't sort it all out right now.)

His ancestor was the Queen of Scots, they're covering up who the King was?

they do hide stuff like that?

And basically write a negative bio of him too.

Maybe part of DJT's affinity with the QueenLiz, (so it was stated) is somewhat explained by this familial relationship?. According to witnesses Eliz said she wished Trump could be her son- and really fawned over him; which has been kept a secret.

Barry is also related to that Queen?

LIz's also is a Scot, it is said, via her mom. (who's its said by an insider informant to have been an impostor - substitute - replacement, what have you)

Yes, Trump's a superior man to those sons of Liz'…

They don't show the relationship to James the first, in the chart that was in the previous bread

(I think they re-named #6 , #1)?

here - except they do (picrel)

They list DJT as an offspring of King James the 4th of Scotland.

but little attention is brought to that.

That makes him cousins to all the British royals?

Or not, if some relevant "James" was an usurper was the one who finally took control of the throne of England?

>>19881348 pb


McLeod (DJT family name) is pronounced "McCloud"




King Jame 4 (?) is said to be an ancestor, interesting because there was supposed to be 6 James', all with rights to Briish / English throne. And they all died before they could be crowned. Finally the 6th made it through;

Did they have to kill five first ? (kek)

all makes no sense. I 'll have to ask around to some experts.

too strange of a story; must be more to it.




"MacBeth" the play (no one is allowed to say the name of that play in a theatre (because of an legendary curse - players and theatre people believe in))

And no-name = McCursed. With the name "Cain"

The Mc-no-name Shak Sper story is a real history story.

So many of the players in our present Epic have Mc or Mac in their names?

Is that a freeMasonry connect? "Sinclair" i.e. Knight Templar connect?

What do you bet it all these coinkydinks have to do with some ancestral history of our Don? Does D N A transmit info over time? Memories?

I do believe in Karma.

Hasn't the "cult" has been killing Kings for a loooooooooog time.


This (picrel), Edmunc, would've been a ggggggggg uncle. Trump's ancestor was said to be this man's sister - he was known for negotiation , check the pic.

Isnt' it sad what happened to Mary, Trump niece?

Got infected with Trump derangement. What poor luck for the niece; mentally deranged? And with the Mother Mary McLeod's first name.

Hope niece Mary's delusion gets lifted.