Anonymous ID: 7a1d23 July 1, 2018, 2:15 p.m. No.1988922   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are currently living beyond our means as a society.

We are allowing desperate, destitute people to flood into our country.

We are exporting our jobs and manufacturing base to nations historically hostile to us and we have debased our currency and allowed criminal fraud to run rampant in our banking and financial systems.

At some point a certain inevitably will present itself clearly.

How long until this harbinger arrives and who will suffer the consequences?

#GreatAwakening is not an action…

It is a reaction… and now it has begun.


"Uncle Sam has made too many promises to too many people, with little regard for its future ability to fulfill them. These are debt. Worse, some of them are additional debt on top of the obligations we already see on the national balance sheet.

Even worse, entire generations have planned their retirement lives around the government fulfilling those promises. If those promises aren’t met, their lifestyles will indeed become a potential train wreck."