Anonymous ID: bb4107 July 1, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.1988831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933

I cautiously believe.

Corruption for so long and nothing done about it.

I have tears in my eyes sometimes when I read Q posts, that it could actually be happening (I go back and forth with it is/it isn't).

The reason I am cautiously optimistic is because I don't want to get my hopes up because it would be crushing if something didn't happen.

I will be elated though the biggest domino's begin to fall. (I really do believe, just have a tiny space in my heart saved for if it doesn't).

I have always believed in DJT and the team and always will.

He is genuine, and this cannot be faked.

We identify with him because he's like us.

I got woke because I was in LV at the time of the shooting (not in crosshairs but still chilling).

We are with you Q and company.

I do believe every part of how evil all this is, and I get it takes time and many people. I am so thankful, you have no idea (source of tears in my eyes.)