Anonymous ID: cd3f9d July 1, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.1989076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What if the whole Mandela Affect is (((them))) doing test on how big a change they can make in the timeline? Maybe they are gearing up to some big change like killing Jesus as an infant or some other large fork in the road time?


Because they are doing something weird. That Moonraker bitch had braces in the final scene. That was the whole point of the joke. Now she has spotless straight teeth no braces. And the Bible. The Lion laid down with the Lamb. Not the fucking Wolf.


(((they))) are seeing what they can get away with. But I think they have found out that the timelines will just converge again and make meaningless paradoxes.

Anonymous ID: cd3f9d July 1, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.1989120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9167 >>9197


Kind of makes the question of where are the good jews? (((they))) seem to only really trust a fellow jew to a high ranking position where they can do real damage. They really do infiltrate all host societies. They infiltrated the Masons Centuries ago. Any large group that has real world power you will find hidden Jews hiding out taking over.

Anonymous ID: cd3f9d July 1, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.1989166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did the Jews create the Rosicrucians and the Modern Masonic Orders as a psyop? As a way to take well meaning men who wanted to make the world better and turn everything on its head by fooling them into working for the Jew from the beginning?


Are the Masons nothing but tricked Goy enslaved to the Jew? All the while thinking they are in a World Wide movement of people seeking to make the world better?

Anonymous ID: cd3f9d July 1, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.1989229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9261


Imagine being a normie Jew. Raised on mega Jew propaganda your whole life. Being taught everyone in the world hates the super smart super great Jew for no reason. "jooz didnnt du nuffin". Imagine actually believing that shit. It makes the one Jew in a thousand that breaks free from the mind control quite brave. Much more than a black that attempts to get off the Democrat Slave Plantation.


Imagine being told your on the side of God every fucking day of your life. All your media says it. All the Press say it. And then……you realize it is all a big fucking Lie.


Your mind controlled only so some Luciferian assholes can always have the Jew on hand to do their bidding. They give you the most scraps from the table…..but they are still dogs.


The Jew is the first group mind fucked by the Luciferians. And they have a lot of intraspection to do before they wake up. If they ever do.