Anonymous ID: 8da5fd Nov. 9, 2023, 7:35 a.m. No.19887029   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I can't prove but an anon on the deep field dark is saying Obama is being recorded discussing Trump's indictments and advising the judges presiding over president Trump and ex president setting up another US president is fuckin' bizarre to say the least.


Anons I said the same thing while Trump was president and going through bogus impeachment's that Obama was behind all of Trump's illegal prosecutions… Sure wish Q would come back and comment about this topic.

Anonymous ID: 8da5fd Nov. 9, 2023, 7:43 a.m. No.19887074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7126 >>7134

I can't prove it but an anon on the deep field web dark is saying Obama has been recorded discussing Trump's indictments and advising the corrupted judges presiding over president Trump, an ex gay nigga president setting up another US president is fuckin' bizarre to say the least.


Anons I said the same thing while Trump was president and going through bogus impeachment's that Obama was behind all of Trump's illegal prosecutions… Sure wish Q would come back and comment about this topic.


GITMO is going to fill up quick.

Anonymous ID: 8da5fd Nov. 9, 2023, 7:59 a.m. No.19887166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jew's trying to do a white Genocide Program in America right now could wake upMAGAand there ain't nobody that can defeat MAGA in a weaponized conflict on US soil nobody.


Any group waking up MAGA PATRIOTS right now in this environment would be committing an absolute SUICIDE.