God bless these
Resonate your hum with there’s.
Lovely ppl.
I kinda o think I met one of them, not nessecraily these, the group was bigger and said entity in question was playing a guitar in a different fashion.
I blessed his dog and he responded.
Biggest energy giver
Ann’s got a black light. Stopped that shit ages ago.
To see sunlight u had to be a smoker..
Started smoking roll ups after quitting those things for a few years.
TLDR. Will find my blcklight and locate a smoker in a day or so.
Can’t see your post so here’s a blind reply, sorry I fuducked it for the night.
I had to take my blue light blockers off to find which light..
Am I Safe, I’m allways safe, protected.
Next thing is to find a cigarette. And compare