Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:15 a.m. No.19887574   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 Nov, 2023 10:59

I don’t understand people – Zelensky

The Ukrainian president described humans as “crazy” and expressed a fondness for dogs (He just admitted he’s like Bidan, he likes doing it with dogs, they’re obedient)


Dogs are “always funny” and seem to be a better option for Earth than humans, considering the many conflicts around the world, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told journalists on Wednesday. (He obviously doesn’t understand domesticated and wild dogs)


The Ukrainian leader expressed his fondness for canines as he was wrapping up a virtual appearance at the Reuters NEXT conference. Zelensky contrasted the joy he gets from his pets with what he feels “looking at all these wars, looking at all the crises… not only Ukraine, [but] in Africa, in the Middle East.”


“Sometimes I am looking at these and think that the best way if this planet will be the planet of dogs,” he added. “Sometimes I don’t understand people, really… Just crazy, crazy people.”(we already are idiot!)


The audience took the remark as a joke.


During the event, Zelensky expressed confidence that Ukraine could deliver “battlefield results” in the conflict with Russia, contradicting some members of Kiev’s military leadership. General Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, told The Economist last week that the conflict had reached a stalemate and that there was unlikely to be a “deep and beautiful breakthrough.”


A Time magazine profile of Zelensky, also published last week, claimed that the president’s belief in Kiev’s eventual victory over Moscow was “bordering on messianic,”while a presidential aide quoted by the outlet described the Ukrainian leader as “delusional.”


In his video appearance at the Reuters conference, Zelensky claimed that Kiev had suffered significantly fewer casualties than Russia.


“I can say that they are for today minimum… five times less,” the leader said, opening up one hand to stress the purported difference.


Neither Ukraine nor Russia publishes statistics on its own casualties. A classified US estimate leaked earlier this year put Russian dead and wounded at 189,500 to 223,000 as of February, compared to 124,500 to 131,000 for Ukraine. Both countries dismissed the figures.


Kiev has since failed in a major attempt to breach Russian defensive lines, reportedly suffering significant losses in manpower and weapons. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, by late October Ukraine had lost over 90,000 troops in the counteroffensive.


(Zelensky is definitely losing it!)

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:24 a.m. No.19887618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7754 >>8055 >>8207 >>8257

Steve Bannon: "The Sharia-Supremacist Movement" Has Surfaced At Home, Tiktok The WeaponThe video is about terrorists in our country, these people are really sick, and we have these people in our Congress!



Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:37 a.m. No.19887681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 Nov, 2023 13:58

Russia can’t be defeated on battlefield – Kremlin

Presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said officials in Kiev and Washington must face up to reality


There is no way the Russian military can be defeated, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has insisted. His comments follow recent claims by President Vladimir Putin that Western governments were lowering their expectations regarding the outcome of the Ukraine conflict.


Speaking to Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin on Thursday, Peskov stated “it is high time that everyone in Kiev and Washington realized: it’s impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield.”


Putin claimed on Friday that Western powers were “changing their tune now [and] saying different things” compared to their previous insistence on inflicting a military defeat on Russia.


Also last week, Ukraine’s top military commander, General Valery Zaluzhny, admitted in an article published by The Economist that Kiev’s troops were unlikely to pull off a “deep and beautiful breakthrough” in the conflict with Russia, unless provided with more advanced weapons by the West.


He suggested that the fighting was deadlocked and could “drag on for years,” although Peskov responded to that assessment by insisting thatMoscow’s forces were not at a stalemate. He further claimed that Ukraine’s hopes of defeating Russia had been “absurd” right from the outset.


Citing anonymous US officials, NBC reported last week that behind closed doorsWashington had been pushing Kiev toward negotiations with Moscow. The outlet also claimed that the US had been conducting “delicate” unofficial discussions with Kiev regarding concessions Ukraine would be willing to make in potential peace talks.


A State Department spokesperson denied the claims, while Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky repeated that his government would not negotiate unless Russia withdraws its troops from territory within Ukraine’s 1991 borders.


According to NBC, Western officials are increasingly concerned that Ukraine is “running out of forces,” and also harbor fears about their own ability to shore up Kiev with weapons shipments in the long run amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Media speculation has recently intensified after Ukraine failed to make any notable gains despite a months-long counteroffensive.


(If they can’t convince Zelensky to have peace talks, what is their next step. We all know and he should too! He should get out while he can. He used do comms in his speech posted here. Is he threatening death to leaders?)

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:48 a.m. No.19887733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7754 >>8055 >>8207 >>8257

9 Nov, 2023 10:05

Ukrainian drone drops cluster bombs on Russian town – governor(PHOTOS)

Roman Starovoyt shared images from the scene, which suggested Western-made munitions may have been used


A Ukrainian unmanned aircraft has dropped cluster munitions on a food plant in Russia’s Kursk Region, Governor Roman Starovoyt reported on Thursday. Images that the official shared online suggest the payload may have been Western-made.


The reported attack took place at a butter-making facility in the town of Sudzha, less than 10km from the Ukrainian border. A total of three cluster bombs were dropped at the location, the governor said, causing some damage but no casualties. One failed to detonate and is being handled by a bomb squad.


Ukraine has been using Soviet-made cluster munitions since the hostilities in Donbass started in 2014, according to Human Rights Watch. The type of explosive is controversial due to its design, with dozens of small submunitions that are normally scattered over an area. Some of them can fail to detonate and remain a hazard years and even decades later. Kiev was given access to Western-made weapons in July, after the US started supplying some from its stockpiles.


Starovoyt shared several images of the munitions recovered in Sudzha, including small bomblets and a fragment of the casing with the letters “SH” written in yellow on it.



© Telegram / Roman Starovoyt

Washington justified its decision to arm Kiev with cluster weapons by claiming that the Ukrainian forces had pledged not to use them in populated areas. The US government also argued that the additional contamination would not be relevant, considering that both Russia and Ukraine have been using their own cluster munitions throughout the conflict.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said in July that Moscow reserved the right to use its cluster weapons in response to Ukrainian deployments, when he commented on deliveries by the US. He claimed Russian forces had previously refrained from using such weapons even when there was a shortage of other types of munitions.


Last week, Ukraine’s top general, Valery Zaluzhny, stated that the frontline action with Russia had reached a stalemate. The government of President Vladimir Zelensky rejected the assessment and criticized Zaluzhny for his remarks.


Russian officials have claimed that since Kiev’s attempts to make territorial gains have proven futile, it is increasingly resorting to terrorist methods. The warning was reiterated this week by Nikolay Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council.


He cited a recent Ukrainian drone attack on a nuclear power plant in Kursk Region as an example of such an escalation. The incident in late October involved kamikaze drones, which reportedly carried Western-made explosives.


New title: Cluster bombs for a cluster fuck

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:56 a.m. No.19887759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7760 >>7771 >>7791 >>8055 >>8207 >>8257

(‘We are not telling American people the truth’ – US Senator on Ukraine…speech)

8 Nov, 2023 21:15


Tony Cox: US senator speaks painful truth on Ukraine and Israel aid


J.D. Vance has lifted the curtain on interventionist strategies that kill millions of people and only weaken America.1/2

A freshman US senator from Ohio has just given one of the most powerful speeches ever uttered on Capitol Hill, exposing the dishonesty of Washington’s Ukraine policy and the disastrous consequences of its decades-long military interventionism around the world.


It’s no wonder, therefore, that Senator J.D. Vance’s message was summarily dismissed or ignored by other lawmakers, including his fellow Republicans, and by the legacy media. As Vance acknowledged at the end of his speech, there’s no political appetite in Washington to have an honest reckoning with America’s foreign policy failures. “Let’s have a real debate,” he said. “We haven’t had one in 30 years.”


Speaking on the Senate floor on Tuesday, Vance argued in support of legislation that would provide $10.6 billion in military aid to Israel, rather than combining assistance for West Jerusalem with $61.4 billion in additional Ukraine funding under an emergency spending bill that President Joe Biden unveiled last month. Democrats and neoconservative Republicans have insisted that Washington must bundle its support for Ukraine to fight Russia and Israel to fight Hamas in Biden’s $106 billion package deal, rather than allowing separate votes on the issues.

As Vance rightly pointed out, it’s obvious that supporters of Biden’s nonsensical Ukraine policy are trying to piggyback widely supported aid for Israel to push through increasingly unpopular funding for Kiev. “Too many of my colleagues would like to collapse these packages because they would like to use Israel as a political fig leaf for the president’s Ukraine policy,” he said. “But the president’s Ukraine policy – just like the Israeli policy – should be debated. We should talk about it. We should discuss it. We should separate the costs and benefits and analyze them as distinct policies because that is what the American people deserve.”


Basic questions about Biden’s Ukraine policy, including Washington’s true strategic objective in the former Soviet republic, haven’t been addressed, Vance argued. He noted that Americans are commonly told that the aim is to force Russia out of all Ukrainian territory, including regions that have been annexed by Moscow following overwhelming votes for independence from Kiev.


“And yet, when you talk to the president’s own administration in private, they admit that is a strategic impossibility,” Vance said. “No rational human being in the president’s administration believes that it is possible to throw the Russians out of every inch of Ukrainian territory. So, why is that the public justification offered by many advocates of indefinite, unlimited Ukrainian aid? Because this debate is fundamentally dishonest.”


We are not telling the American people the truth because we know that if we did tell them the truth, they would not support an indefinite flow of money to Ukraine.”


The senator added that Americans still haven’t been given answers on how long they’ll be expected to fund Ukraine and how their government is ensuring that none of their money is stolen. “Are we monitoring the fact that we have spent nearly $200 billion – if the supplemental passes – $200 billion to one of the most corrupt countries in the world?” he asked. “Do we have proper assurances that all that money is being spent on the things that we tell ourselves it’s being spent on. The answer, of course, is no because we have not had a real debate in this chamber. The American people, I think, should be ashamed of us.”


Vance’s appeal for honesty fell on deaf ears, of course, as the Senate decided on Tuesday to block a standalone Israel bill and continue demanding passage of the bundled aid plan. In the meantime, we’re told that the sky will fallif Ukraine isn’t given more US taxpayer dollars. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) warned a Senate committee on Wednesday that Ukraine’s economy will collapse if more humanitarian funding for Kiev isn’t approved by lawmakers.


USAID, by the way, is a US agency that has been used by Washington to help engineer regime changes under cover of providing humanitarian relief. It’s headed by Samantha Power. That’s the same Samantha Power who was US ambassador to the United Nations in 2014, when she defended Kiev’s brutal crackdown on separatists who opposed the Washington-backed overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government.…

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.19887760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055 >>8207 >>8257




In other words, Washington’s interventionist policies of the past have helped to bring about today’s crisis. It’s just one of many conflicts around the world that the US government has knowingly helped trigger. For example, the US attempt to bring Ukraine into NATO crossed an obvious red line, knowing that Moscow could never allow Kiev’s accession to the Western military bloc without a fight.


Biden and his NATO subordinates could have prevented Russian forces from rolling across the border – or ended the conflict a few weeks after it started – by ruling out Ukraine as a future member of the alliance. That didn’t happen because the Washington uniparty obviously wanted the conflict to escalate.


Some proponents of the proxy war, such as Republican Senator Mitt Romney and Representative Dan Crenshaw, have openly celebrated the fact that the Ukraine conflict provides the US a way to weaken Russia’s military without putting American troops in harm’s way.


Notwithstanding the fact that the conflict has actually made Russia stronger, not weaker, this vampiric thinking is disgusting. The same people who are preaching about standing with Ukraine and defending freedom and democracy – in a country that has neither freedom nor democracy – are getting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians killed to serve their geopolitical interests.


Vance, a 39-year-old venture capitalist who never ran for office prior to last year, pointed out that the Ukraine debacle is just the latest in a long line of US foreign policy blunders that were supported by both Democrats and Republicans. “For 30 years, Washington, DC, has run on bipartisan foreign policy wisdom, and it has run this country to the ground, with $1.7 trillion deficits, war after war after war that has killed thousands of Americans, millions of other people and has not led to the strategic strength of this country.”


He added, “Maybe what we should have is some bipartisan wisdom that the foreign policy consensus of this country for the last three decades has been a disaster. It has been a disaster for this country. It has been a disaster for our dead marines, army soldiers, navy sailors and air force airmen. It has been a disaster for this country’s finances, and it has been a disaster for the entire world.”


Unfortunately for Vance and the rest of us,that sort of wisdom isn’t on the menu in Washington.

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.19887928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7931 >>8055 >>8207 >>8257

Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

November 9, 2023 (13 hours ago).1/2


Nashville’s Diversity-Obsessed Black Police Chief Hid Trans Shooter’s Anti-White Manifesto

A deranged trans shooter killed six in a horrific massacre at a Nashville Christian school back in April. The deceased shooter, Audrey “Aiden” Hale, left behind a manifesto. Nashville Police refused to share it with the public. We learned this week why.


In screenshots obtained by Steven Crowder, Hale vented her murderous rage towards whites, whom she referred to as privileged “crackers.” Despite being white herself, the shooter wanted to kill those like her. This rhetoric isn’t found in the dark corners of 4chan. Anti-white hate is part of school curricula throughout the country. It’s broadcast by television channels and popular films. And it goes viral on social media. The demented shooter was merely repeating what she learned from the society around her.


The Tennessee legislature has sought to combat that heinous ideology by banning Critical Race Theory and other harmful forms of leftist indoctrination in schools. The shooter’s manifesto highlights the need for more to be done.


Yet, the police assiduously kept the people in the dark about the hateful manifesto. Officials even claimed the manifesto didn’t express any specific political or social agenda. Recent reports have suggested multiple officers suspected of the leak have been suspended. And the chief of police, John Drake (more on him soon), has expressed extreme frustrationover the leak. Although future developments could very well reveal there may be more to the manifesto than the anti-white hate, it is clear the police department would rather not notice the racial animus expressed by the confused transexual Hale.


Hale was taken down by heroic white officersfrom the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. They saved several lives that day by rushing to put down the shooter. Sadly, their boss wants fewer cops like them. Nashville’s black police chief John Drake’s mission since taking office three years ago has been to make the force more “diverse” and compliant with the Left’s police agenda. There could very well have been national pressure from Merrick Garland to suppress the manifesto, for reasons that may become clear in the near future. But a critical look at the Nashville Police Department reveals that suppressing the anti-white manifesto would have fit right into the mission at a local level.


John Drake doesn’t want Americans to see the transexual shooter’s anti-white manifesto.

Drake was recently in the news after his son, John Drake Jr., shot two officers during a crime spree in the area. The younger Drake was a career criminal who met his end last month during a car chase with the police. “Despite my efforts and guidance in the early and teenage years, my son, John Drake Jr., now 38 years old, resorted to years of criminal activity and is a convicted felon,” the chief said during the manhunt.


An October Associated Press report highlighted Drake’s relationship with his son. It was titled, “Nashville police chief has spent a career mentoring youths but couldn’t keep his son from trouble.”


The Associated Press:


Nashville Police Chief John Drake has spent much of his career trying to steer young people away from crime. Inspired by mentors who helped him as a young man, Drake has tried to pay it forward.


But sadly, he was unable to keep his own son out of trouble.


Drake Jr. pleaded guilty to felonies for a 2008 aggravated rape and a 2017 aggravated assault, court records show. He has faced a variety of criminal charges over a span of more than 17 years, with a mix of convictions and dismissals.…

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19887931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055 >>8207 >>8257




In the aggravated rape case, Drake Jr. was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2009 and was released in 2015 to community supervision for life, said Tennessee Department of Correction spokesperson Dorinda Carter. The aggravated assault case resulted in a six-year sentence in 2018, a split confinement in which a judge ordered him to serve a year in jail and the rest of the sentence on probation, Carter said.


According to an arrest affidavit in the 2017 aggravated assault, Drake Jr. attacked his then-girlfriend while the child they had together was in the car with them. The woman told police he choked her until she lost consciousness and later hit her when she awoke in the street and tried to defend herself. Two weeks later, an officer had to chase down Drake Jr. as he fled his arrest on the outstanding aggravated assault warrant, an affidavit shows.


Despite his failure with his own son, Drake wants police to follow his example of being a mentor rather than a warrior.


“I wanted to get away from the warrior mentality, to the guardian,” he said. “We are here to help you. We want to have movie night with you. We want to have ice cream day. We want to tutor you and get to know your family.”


Drake became police chief in 2020. The George Floyd revolution catapulted him into power. Steven Anderson, the previous white police chief, retired after facing pressure over the department’s apparent lack of diversity and alleged harshness toward black criminals. Several city council members demanded his resignation after Nashville police issued arrest warrants for activists accused of organizing local BLM riots. One of those activists was Justin Jones, who became famous this year as one of the Tennessee lawmakers who aided gun control protesters in disrupting a legislative session. Police later withdrew the warrants, despite ample evidence that the activists engaged in illegal activity, after community backlash. Anderson soon retired, and the mayor searched for a chief who would be more amenable to woke demands.


Leaders found their pick in Drake, a long-time veteran of the MNPD.


As interim police chief following Anderson’s resignation, the black cop spoke at BLM protests and presented a softer attitude towards the agitators. He pledged that he would crack down on “overpolicing” and boost diversity.


The Tennessean:


Drake said diversity was “severely lacking” within the department. He said he started a recruitment unit to grow the number of women and minorities working on the force. He also hireda chief diversity officer to work with the oversight board and activist groups.


“This is the direction I want to go,” Drake said. “This is my strategic plan.”


Drake told the Nashville Scene in 2021 that he openly supported Black Lives Matter:


So I view the movement, not the riots, as what was needed. But I view the movement as something that was needed to get the attention of law enforcement around the country and to seek the necessary reforms. I feel there are some police departments that don’t have policy and procedure that’s as up to date as ours is, and I think that spurred that movement, to have more agencies have up-to-date policies and procedures and training methods. And we’ve even looked at ours too. We’ve updated ours to be even better than what we were. From a law enforcement executive [perspective], I view it as something that was needed. Something that was long overdue. But I think in the future it is going to help us go a long way.


He also said in the same interview:


I try to promote, every opportunity I can, any minority or woman within the police department.

Anonymous ID: a797a8 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19887986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004 >>8055 >>8207 >>8257

Biden’s police state unleashes hellish draconian spectacle against J6 participant…


November 9, 2023 (14 hours ago)

In the regime’s relentless campaign to cast MAGA supporters as “domestic terrorists,” our new police state has staged quite a hellish show. They’ve deployed a terrorism task force, including helicopters and armed SWAT teams to pursue a January 6th participant with the same zeal one would expect in the hunt for the head of a known terror group like Hamas. Except that would be unlikely, since the left actually supports Hamas.


NBC News:

Police and SWAT team members continued their search of a section of sprawling New Jersey woods for a man wanted on charges related to the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.


The search for the man, identified as Gregory Yetman, was ongoing near the Middlesex County town of Helmetta, according to the FBI. Tactical teams could be seen in the backyard of homes, as Chopper 4 showed law enforcement searching one property and a shed. The heavily armed teams set off flashbang grenades as part of the search, with the loud bangs echoing throughout the neighborhood.


It was not immediately clear what specific charges Yetman was facing, or how long police had been looking for him, but they confirmed that no arrest had been made as of Wednesday evening. Law enforcement intended to stay in the area until he was caught.


When FBI agents went to approach a house Wednesday morning near Helmetta to try to make the arrest, Yetman apparently saw them coming and ran away, a senior law enforcement official told NBC New York.


Yetman served as a sergeant in the New Jersey National Guard until March 2022.

This over-the-top display shines a light on the left’s “police state” aspirations. Honestly, we’re not that different from North Korea or China in these moments, except our propaganda game is a lot stronger.


FBI & Joint Terrorism Task Force Agents w/ Armored SWAT Trucks Are Searching for a J6 Protestor in Helmetta, New Jersey

“Officials say Yetman ran from his house, hopping a fence Wednesday morning when he was being served a warrant for his alleged participation in the storming of the Capitol”


More than 780 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the protest.


Many Americans are watching these developments with growing concern, viewing these “joint operations” as a rehearsal for what’s to come. With MAGA supporters already labeled as extremists and nationalists dubbed as top-tier terrorists, the scene unfolding before us could well be a preview of what they have in store for all dissenting voices.


(This has gotten very old, when will the full “Storm” arrive and rap this up?)