Anonymous ID: b0ac0f Nov. 9, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19887989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055 >>8207 >>8257

==Eating Insects Damages Organs–


A 2017 study on chitin in insects says it “stimulates the human innate immune system to generate a flood of inflammatory cytokines that damage organs (leading to asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.) and in persistent situations lead to death (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cancer, etc.).”


Even beer has been poisoned. In 2016, the Munich Environmental Institute examined the 14 most popular beer brands for Glyphosate. It was detected in all of them. In the most extreme case, it was 300 times the legal limit for drinking water. The lowest concentration was found in the Augustiner Helles brand and even that at 0.46 micrograms of per liter was more than four times the 0.1 microgram legal limit for water.


Sauce: Epoch Times Documentary :The Global War on Farmers and the Push to Eat The Bugs.

Anonymous ID: b0ac0f Nov. 9, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19888071   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8120



The current events in Israel, Palestine and its surrounding nations have a Biblical resonance.


The Great River Euphrates Water Dries Up…    Revelation 16:12

2021 Euphrates River has been drying down to its riverbed.


Jews Build The Third Temple…  Revelation 11:1

Currently the Al-Aqsa Mosque sits on the Temple Mount, on top of the site of Solomon's and the Second Temple. which means that the Jews will have to raze the Muslims' Al-Aqsa Mosque to the ground to put their Third Temple on it. The Jewish Sanhedrin oversee the building of the Third Temple.


The Red Heifer…  Numbers 19:2

Israel imported 5 Red Heifers into Tel Aviv in Sept 2022. Jews cannot build the Third Temple until they burn the Red Heifer and spread her ashes on the site.

*Note - the Red Heifer must be sacrificed at no older than 2 years and a day. Which means that the Clock is Ticking on those super rare, first in 2,000 years, blemish free Red Heifers.


Usher In The AntiChrist…   Revelation 13:11

The AntiChrist is the son of the unholy trinity. Satan the father.

Revelation 13:15 "He was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies”. Charismatic.

(The Third Temple must be built first in order to usher in the AntiChrist.)


Damascus Shall be A Ruinous Heap…  Isaiah 17:1

Damascus is about 130 miles NorthEast of Jerusalem. Israel has already fired missiles into Syria.


Gog vs. Magog…  Revelation 20:8

Will involve all nations… = WWIII.

Ezekiel 38:6 A few nations primarily from the North. Including Persia. Persia is Iran.


Battle of ARMAGEDDON…  Revelation 16:16

End Time Events in Israel

Ezekial 39:17-20  Armageddon refers to a climactic future battle between God and the forces of evil. “Mount Megiddo,” the predicted location of the battle. A final battle occurs at Christ’s second coming as the conquering Christ defeats the forces of the Antichrist.


Conversion of Israel…  Romans 11:25-26

Will there be a future turning of the Jewish people to faith in Jesus as the Messiah, leading to their spiritual restoration.

Anonymous ID: b0ac0f Nov. 9, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19888144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


CABAL Jews vs Normie Jews.


The Jewish Mafia has trained the sheeple to CONFLATE both, so that whenever a smart person calls out the Cabal Jewish Tyranny, they scream "anti-semitism" to make all the Gentiles cower.

Anonymous ID: b0ac0f Nov. 9, 2023, 11:30 a.m. No.19888280   🗄️.is 🔗kun




"CABAL" comes from the word KABBALAH.




By Deception they wage war on Humanity.