Anonymous ID: b3e412 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:02 a.m. No.19887772   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7822 >>7839

You have done this so Many times before, on other worlds and other galaxies, each time learning the experience of existence in infinite form and variety.


You are System Busters and you answered the call to be here at this time. You have come from Source, you have come down from the higher dimensions to be here in lower vibrational form to experience the furthest and densest parts of the expanded universe.


The human experience is very real and necessary part of your souls journey and you are here to add all that you have learnt to the vast pool of universal knowledge by expanding awareness to the very limits you can push your individualized consciousness.

Anonymous ID: b3e412 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:04 a.m. No.19887789   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8046

You are System Busters


And what makes you System Busters? You already know, each one of you, deep within you, that you already are that. You know that you are here for a reason. You know that you are here for a purpose. A mission, and a fulfillment of promise. A promise given long, long ago. And here you are now as those System Busters to bust yet another System wide open, as you have done Many times before, in Many different Systems, different galaxies, different planets, perhaps even different universes. But here you are, at the culmination of this particular System.


This System that is no longer functioning, no longer working for the benefit of collective consciousness of man. It cannot. It has fulfilled its purpose, this illusion. This third-dimensional illusion, that you are still finding yourself in at times, has fulfilled its purpose. It is no longer needed.


You must come to understand and realize that, that you are both a part of this illusion, and not a part of this illusion. You are a part of it as much as you want to be. But you also can be separate from it as much as you want to be as well. For it does not hold you unless you let it hold you to it.


Now you all know that you have been lied to for eons of time here within this illusion. But deep down within you, you all knew the deeper truths, and that one day these truths would be revealed, as they are now being revealed. Because those within the shadows can no longer be within the shadows. They are bringing the truth forward, even though they don't want to do that. But they are finding they must bring forth the truth. And they are doing it in very much ridiculous ways, just enough for those that are yet unawakened to begin to awaken. To begin to awaken to what we call, and Many of you call, 'the nonsense' that is doing on. For it is indeed that. But know that it has a purpose. All of this.

Anonymous ID: b3e412 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:10 a.m. No.19887816   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Once we break from the slave grip and learn why we are here, there literally will be no need for money.


Because of the true reason we are here, once known people will be fighting to help each others for free.


They will be wanting to provide services to others for free.


Just wait and see

Anonymous ID: b3e412 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:19 a.m. No.19887857   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

If you were going to poison an entire country would you take over every single food /drink processing facility to do so or..


Would you just take over the FDA and mandate your poisons be added by law?

Anonymous ID: b3e412 Nov. 9, 2023, 10:31 a.m. No.19887924   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

I AM Sananda.


I AM with you here at this time just as I have been Many times before. And will continue to be with you as this group I have taken under my wing, so to speak. And I Am here to mentor to you just as you are being prepared to mentor to Many others as well. We are bringing the light; you are bringing the light; and you are sharing the light sending it forward, sending it forth.


And very soon those of you that are becoming the warriors of light will be imbued with a new level of knowing and consciousness that will take you forward into this New Golden Age of man and give you the ability, the power, the love, to be able to spread it forward to all of those that you come in contact with.


You are being prepared for much my friends.


We are here, those of us that mentor to you. We are here to continue to assist you in every way that we can. But all of you must know that you are on the verge, on the cusp of a great Many changes to this planet, to the consciousness here on the planet.


You are this consciousness shift. Everything is happening exactly as it needs to. You have heard Many times that you are in the right place at the right moment, at the right time. For everything is shifting. It is not that it is about to shift, it is already shifting. You are in that shift now.


Yes there are waves of energy that are still coming. And there is that Pulse of energy. What we and you call The Event, that is certainly coming and will be a part of your expression very shortly. But know that as this energy is building now to begin to move toward the planet, those of you here on the planet, those of you of the volunteers of the warriors and workers of the light, you are the ones that have been anchoring this light and this energy for some time now. You are increasingly anchoring this light and increasingly spreading this light just simply by being who you are.


It does not take where you sit down and speak to someone and share what you know, although that is helpful when it is called for, but simply being in a room, being in a building, being somewhere where others are gathered, there you are amongst them and there we are amongst them as well. Because where you are we are.


Always know that. We are always with you, have been always with you. For you are our emissaries. You are our messengers. You are our wayshowers. The ones that come before, the ones to go out and share the message. Just as the John the Baptist shared the message of my coming, so too are you now going out and sharing the message of the Christ, the Consciousness of The Christ returning within each of you. And to share with all that you can, all that will be able to handle this energy.


I AM Sananda. And I leave you in all peace and glory and love that you will each one take this mantle once again just as of old times. Take it once again and move forward and share all that you are meant to do as you continue on about your missions.


Peace and love be with all of you.