Old MidEvil maps showing Serpents and Sea monsters. WATCH THE WATER!
Washington DC provides easy access for Sea Creatures….
Looking for Anon help.
God sent the flood to kill off the wickedness that was running rampant BUT Sea Monsters, Sea Creatures, Sea Snakes would have been safe from such a catastrophe….
When you realize Godzilla might be real…
Are all Jews evil? Seems like a whole lot of them are…
More NAGA i.e. snake people digs from Sri Lanka
It has been fake and ghey
>anything worth doing is hard
This is not true. Hardness or Easiness is simply a perspective issue. Some people might find gardening hard while others find it easy and relaxing. It's simply perpective.
That, uh, Sea monsters and shape shifting snake NAGA have been posing as humans and trafficking and eating us? I'm sure the sheep could handle that.
I'll tell the Mrs you thought so. She pointed it out.