Anonymous ID: 07b56e Nov. 9, 2023, 2:52 p.m. No.19889396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Convo from FB (went back to try & wake em up, been 9 years) might give you a kek if you know.

Why they think moar text = IQ idk


Normie (OP): The earth (orbiting at an average distance of 93 million miles from the sun) has to travel a distance of 584 million miles to complete just one full orbit around it.

That's 584,000,000 MILES!

As you already know, it takes 1 year (365.25 days) for earth to complete this journey once around the sun. What you may not know is that earth travels at a speed of 67,000 mph to cover this distance in a year.

However old you are today, your age, is the number of times the earth has made this complete trip around the sun!


Anon: You a big fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson? Do you know what they teach the Freemasons until they reach the 33rd degree? Lol like they always do, mock God & mix His truth in with deceit.


Normie: what? I'm a bit lost there. As for Neil deGrasse Tyson hes a funny, interesting guy, I suppose. Actually I just find astronomy and things related to it really interesting. I don't know what you mean by 33rd degree


Anon: alright, let's simplify things. Do you "believe" or think that we as human beings came from pond scum billions and billions of years ago (evolution) or that a Devine being "GOD" created man (creation)?


Normie: I consider myself a rational and intelligent individual. As all evidence well beyond any reasonable doubt proves evolution, something we can still physically see happening today, of course I believe that. As there is no evidence that can disprove it, it is therefore fact. I'm not going to debate you on the question is fire hot, is gravity real, is the earth round, or if we evolved over billions of years and were not just put on earth in our current form. Humans are still evolving, we are not the final form, we are a transitional species just like every other. By your question I already know that you disagree and that's cool, but doesn't make it any less factual.


Anon: Normally I'd say pray over it but I get the feeling you don't do that. So there's no need to continue our engagement here. Since you claim you know it all. Good luck to you.


Normie: I never claimed to know it all man, stop putting words in my mouth. If I told you the earth was round you would not accuse me of being a know it all, you'd say well ya that's obvious, any rational person knows this. It's EXACTLY the same for Evolution. It's not an opinion. It's scientific fact. The only reason that certain people have issue with it is because their book says humans were created by God. You don't see those people having issue with gravity, or the laws of thermodynamics or motion. They don't dispute any other factual scientific theory or law. Only one. And that's only because it goes against their religious beliefs. Stop making it out to be an opinion and just accept it like we do other known facts about life.It's literally not up for debate by a single person in the scientific community. It's not like a we aren't sure we need more evidence, or it could be creation. NO. That's not reality man. You wouldn't ask me if I believe 2+2 equals 4 or 8. So stop asking people non religious people if they believe in evolution or creation. It's a similarly stupid question. Favorite color, sure, that's an opinion. Evolution, not opinion, 100% FACTS, unless you're a creationist.


Anon: numbers can't lie fren, feel free to unfollow me