You still haven't copied the updated filename. You're slacking, idiot.
Not triggered at all. Pointing out how sloppy and useless you really are.
I remember when that retard told me that I was ruining everything for him. I wasn't even trying to. Perhaps I should.
Hello, Special Agent Retard!!!
MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center/MAGA Cyber Technology/MAGA Firepower/No More Bullshit Trump/MAGA Patriots Private Contractors/Deep State MAGA Patriots USA
MAGA Patriots, the Patriot Front of 8Kun
Timestamp. Good shit.
Oh look, Bubba Wallace's army's public relations division is promoting that globalist hag, again.
But I'm not a shill. No amount of consensus generation attempts will work either. You're as discredited as CNN and MSDNC here, absolute retard. The only reason you stay is because you are told to for your paycheck.
It's the dance, the battle between good and evil, fought on a new battlefield. I aligned myself with good. I want to protect the sheep, not eat them. Not my fault I go after the wolves; it's instinct.
Typical NPC slideshill with a limited amount of responses within a singular topic and calling everyone Jewish whether they are or not. In the filter, Dirk the Dickless ~~Afterthought~~. You can go "Aye" in there all you want, you rotten bastard.
You too, dipshit, in the filter. If everyone that doesn't agree with you is Jewish then you're going to have a bad time when the normies fully realize they're the majority.
At least you're honest with your confessions via projection while copying the mannerisms of the Anon you blame for it.
Nice IP hop. Are you going to copy all my named files, retard? If your attempt to provoke a choleric temper by mimicking me is your goal then I'm afraid all you're provoking is amusement at your desperation.
Boy… all them Marxist indoctrinated kids chanting "Gas the Jews" and "Kill all kikes" in their far-left bubbles sure support the arguments of the shills. So edgy and funny to post Hitler. So edgy and funny to spend all your posts hating a specific ethnicity and blaming them for all the woes in the world. I'd say shithead Klaus is moar of a threat than the Jews, but the same fountain that funds the shitheads at the WEF are the same ones that trickle down some cash for the shills' paychecks.
I think the USS Liberty was fired upon because the C_A was doing some shit that Israel never liked.
USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was a Belmont-class technical research ship (i.e. electronic spy ship) that was misidentified and attacked by Israel Defense Forces during the 1967 Six-Day War.
That's just a bitter bitch that's sore that everyone left his CBTS board.
I only see good and evil and that is the criteria for my judgements.
Is he evil because he is a Jew or because he is evil, dumbfuck.
Yeah, some 20-year-old couple starting a family in the Golan Heights is a real threat to me.
How the fuck do you know what they pray about? You don't. You spend all day trying to incite people over what they think for fuck's sake. Do you not realize how that makes you look, idiot?
Did I stray outside of the acceptable topics you fucking retards are paid to try and control? So that required you to pop your mimicking head up for a distraction, just like posting gore, the exact same tactic. You're probably the idiot that posts the gore too.
Another filename I'll modify. No biggie. Remember when you told me that I was ruining everything for you while you were the grip of exasperation? I remember.
They mean every one, Anon. That's how sick these morans are. They lick their chops at the thought of genocide.
I do not use moar than one device, one IP, no VPN. Do me a favor and seeing as you like spamming my first attempt at creating disinfo post the bread number that post is from. I'm curious to see if a (You) shows up beside Anonymous in that post. You're desperately trying to create a consensus for one Anon out of revenge for being a shitty shill and being spotted under multiple personas, criticized for your failed propagandic narratives, and a spotlight shone on your stupidity. Like I told you last week: You will not break me, you will break yourself upon me. I'm not defending myself, I'm deconstructing you further.
>if you think hundreds of thousands of your dollars should support their racist bums
If you're going to say Apple then present an apple. .not an orange painted red.
>it will always be painted with extreme prejudice
Your fruit, your problem. Not my fault your think small.
You're kicking my ass by trying to generate a consensus that no one is believing? You're kicking my ass by trying to copy my mannerisms, filenames, and turns of phrases? How exactly is that kicking my ass? Remember when you said I was ruining everything for you?