Anonymous ID: 3b87e8 Nov. 9, 2023, 11:53 p.m. No.19892118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could you imagine being so use to committing treason on a corrupt system that you openly send comms over Gmail, believing and knowing for sometime your comms, enemy comms were safe from over sight ? Knowing the firewalls in place to cover up and silence of anyone did unmask an 'American'?

Now Q comes on the scene

Enemy is here, constantly monitoring posts

MM, Media Matters, constantly here, they told us who theY are

This post gets posted at that important Timestamp

>Get nervous, unplug servers, attempt to scrub exact same things Q mentioned gMail sent, gMail received, gMail autosave, gMail draft

It was too late though

Pissed off service customers, data copied, data mirrored

Fast forward to today's Delta coincidences

Fast forward to next year's coincidences

Remember and meme last year's coincidences

Anonymous ID: 3b87e8 Nov. 10, 2023, 12:02 a.m. No.19892140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If satanic inversion has been their push,

Then the tower of Babel would be inverted and the Peoples working together would bring them all closer to God


The people of the world all spoke one language and came together to build a massive tower that would reach the heavens. God saw what they were doing and felt threatened by their unity, so he confused their language so that they could no longer communicate effectively. As a result, they were unable to continue building the tower, and they scattered across the earth into different nations and languages.



No where did God say to rape each other or use a spell to put the People's Asleep, to divide and confuse.. those actions alone would collapse a tower of Babel and prevent the People from sharing and being the People's close to God with Love, understanding, and trading each other goods without monopoly or ill intent