Anonymous ID: a0b453 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:17 p.m. No.19891577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hamas 'Mass Rape' Hoax Falls Apart: Israeli Paper Admits 'Evidence' of Alleged Rapes Has 'Slipped Away'


Israel never produced any evidence of Hamas committing mass rape during their attack on Oct 7 and now we know they never will.


Though such claims spread like wildfire in the media and on social media, the only "evidence" ever produced was the claim that Shani Louk was dragged off "naked" by Hamas (she was not naked and had clothes on) and the claim that female IDF soldier Naama Levy was dragged off with dirty pants by Hamas into a truck (she could have soiled her pants or more likely simply being made to sit down in muddy water as the similar stains were at the bottom of her pants).


Reuters interviewed Levy's mother over the weekend and she said nothing about her being raped or sexually assaulted.


Other than those two cases, all that's been produced is hearsay, one "confession" extracted under the threat of (if not outright) torture and deliberately fake translations.


On Thursday, The Times of Israel admitted the evidence of Hamas's rapes has "slip[ped] away" and put out a cover story for why it will never be produced:

Amid war and urgent need to ID bodies, evidence of Hamas's October 7 rapes slips away


Despite definitive witness testimony, global skepticism persists about the terrorists' sexual crimes. ToI investigates how a mass-casualty event in a war zone made forensic determination impossible.




Every part of their BS "war" is falling completely apart. Go read the articles from the Jewish papers. They're off the fucking wall hilarious. These people have no morality, whatsoever. You know what to do. Spread this shit far and wide.


Godspeed, Anons!



Anonymous ID: a0b453 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:18 p.m. No.19891580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hamas 'Mass Rape' Hoax Falls Apart: Israeli Paper Admits 'Evidence' of Alleged Rapes Has 'Slipped Away'


Israel never produced any evidence of Hamas committing mass rape during their attack on Oct 7 and now we know they never will.


Though such claims spread like wildfire in the media and on social media, the only "evidence" ever produced was the claim that Shani Louk was dragged off "naked" by Hamas (she was not naked and had clothes on) and the claim that female IDF soldier Naama Levy was dragged off with dirty pants by Hamas into a truck (she could have soiled her pants or more likely simply being made to sit down in muddy water as the similar stains were at the bottom of her pants).


Reuters interviewed Levy's mother over the weekend and she said nothing about her being raped or sexually assaulted.


Other than those two cases, all that's been produced is hearsay, one "confession" extracted under the threat of (if not outright) torture and deliberately fake translations.


On Thursday, The Times of Israel admitted the evidence of Hamas's rapes has "slip[ped] away" and put out a cover story for why it will never be produced:

Amid war and urgent need to ID bodies, evidence of Hamas's October 7 rapes slips away


Despite definitive witness testimony, global skepticism persists about the terrorists' sexual crimes. ToI investigates how a mass-casualty event in a war zone made forensic determination impossible.




Every part of their BS "war" is falling completely apart. Go read the articles from the Jewish papers. They're off the fucking wall hilarious. These people have no morality, whatsoever. You know what to do. Spread this shit far and wide.


Godspeed, Anons!



Anonymous ID: a0b453 Nov. 9, 2023, 9:27 p.m. No.19891612   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every Jewish politician is a "dual citizen" of Israel, by right. Americans don't understand "Law of Return." Each and every one of them can board a private plane, fly to Israel and say "I want to be Israeli" and with limited requirements (basically not be sick with disease or have betrayed Israel/Jews) you're in. It's that simple.


Why do you think all the Jewish pedophiles that get charged here only to "disappear" before sentencing end up in Israel?