Well, yeah.
But the Jew vibes are beyond stereotypical and set to 11 with that guy.
That totally overwhelms all the other vibes.
>(32) already
Damn, but at least you're stimulating discussion so you got that going for you.
Well, yeah.
But the Jew vibes are beyond stereotypical and set to 11 with that guy.
That totally overwhelms all the other vibes.
>(32) already
Damn, but at least you're stimulating discussion so you got that going for you.
All that Hannitus jizz will bloat a gal I guess.
> thinking anons are digging
Yeah, that in itself is suspicious on QR 2023.
There hasn't been that spirit here since twenty one nine.
>He won this office, running unopposed.
I'm in a blue city, a flyover kind not NYC tho.
Still, many Dims often run unopposed in the Generals in blue cities across this fine land.
It's the Dim primaries (usually in Aug) where the real battles take place.
Well played, PDJT, well played.
>t. he's moar than just a mean tweeter doesn't get enough respect for his cogent takedowns
>From the Department of Just Glanced At The Thumbnail Hot Takes
Vegas Sheriff?
Come on, Anon, that guy doesn't do anything that his FBI handler doesn't make him do.
I think it was a misnomer from the other Anon that's the issue here.
By namefag he really meant famefag.
Namefags are image board only things.
A famefag can't be a namefag unless he posts on a chan (or derivative of such) id'ing themselves as said famefag in the process.
Perhaps that correction would change the argument here.
Would you settle for a shift named after his timely daily posting schedule instead?
>a few remain
They've always been as distant from the Generals as they are geographically.
The few non-American anons that are active here in the Generals and also in those threads are the real experts at describing the vastly different culture those threads have compared to the General.
I'll allow them to expound further should they so desire.
I love QR kiss-n-make-up resolution as much as anyone.
Very rare.
>inb4 TOGTFO
Men can be allowed to embrace their inner desire to occasionally respond like a women would at a family bbq so long as they are hiding behind the cloak of anonymity.
tldr: make a Tranime style post if they want to
>Delete by IP is the real assho
This is the #1 you're not wrong argument on QR 2023.
Because it's Baskin Robbins in terms of the number of banhammer example flavors taking place.
Each side of the argument has plenty of legit ammo.
I like both OSS and Dart (formerly GB) and have fought/cut-up with both of them over the years.
Despite being polar opposites they are easily comrades whose BV style causes moar Board War skirmishes than anything else.
>Wiki doesn't say that he's Jewish.
Fair enough and even if he isn't he could easily play one in a Holocaust movie.
Just saying.
>Badge of Honor
As bad as some of the modern day anons here are at spotting the real ones (hint: keep an eye on what sneaks into Muh Notables) I couldn't think of a better way of establishing my anon bona fides than your post.
That is embedded within all the legit admin activities (that they generally do a good job of taking care of) for sure.
But, hey, every admin of all sides of the many fences here have been human and subject to all personal biases entailed with that.
>Damn right I'm a shill.
It's overused so much here now that every anon gets to be a shill sooner rather than later if you're here even just the slightest amount of time.
Shills of QR unite and take over!
Polls show that 99% of anons (er, I mean shills in oppo world QR 2023) wish that Vatican would let up on the daily spergo outbursts and use moar camo instead.
kek memes always explain it better (or at least deeper)
Stop being so damn shilly you 2!!!!
Currently (6), I don't mind Currently (25) motorposting so long as it's part of the natural post/respond flow here.
I'll take a (44) anon participating in back-n-forths with other anons over a (9) that only posted the SSDD real spam clutterfuck bs any day.
Yeah, I always slow down when having to type that one.
Even though it's easy to 'member definitely as de finite ly.
When I Baked on Night Shift back in '18 I hated them.
Not the posters doing it, but the feels bad man aspect of feeling compelled to send each one a reply for being so kind to me.
Those were the inner feelz I didn't like having to deal with.
It's hard enough keeping up with the Notes as it is and now I have to do it while feeling guilty as well?
Baking here really is one of Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs that's for sure.
Both Smoking Pepe and I Hate Smoking Pepe hardest hit.
>t. B-b-b-but you have (20)+ posts, too - who are you to talk???
That hurts, anon, that really hurts.