Anonymous ID: 893c3b Nov. 10, 2023, 7:02 a.m. No.19893152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


let's be a little more humorous, and this is humor, because 'technically' what they post isn't illegal.


their screen shot is incriminating evidence.

Anonymous ID: 893c3b Nov. 10, 2023, 7:07 a.m. No.19893178   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sometimes the BO comes on and does this 'all my peeps are wonderful and holy' bit and

anon know this isn't true.

and we mention some things that happened in the over night and then get attacked by a crew of IP hoppers.

who say 'attack on the board how dare you'


but the facts are the facts.

some of the bakers are compromised, and the BO allowed it to go on.


When the BO is scoffing at the truth of it and pretending that it's OK to have an abusive baker who attacks all the anon, and then pretends we are 'attacking the board' it is fair game to tell the BO he's off base.


It's not attacking the board, it's pointing out the false narrative of 'oh my holy bakers'.

Anonymous ID: 893c3b Nov. 10, 2023, 7:18 a.m. No.19893239   🗄️.is 🔗kun


20 posts in a bread ?

that's hardly very many when one is posting memes.


plus it's not how many posts in a bread, because sometimes when it's slow the bread lasts for very many hours.

it's how many posts per hour.

so the rate of posts, not just the number of them.

plus, when someone is reading news and posting links they might have a bunch of important stories to post in sequence.

the posts that annoy me are the ones that are bland close ups of bad portroiture.

everyone takes a bad picture. The art of photography is often just 'throw away the bad pictures. '

for portroits if you pull a still out of a video you can always find one where the eyes and mouth are strange as a single shot.

the 5 image post of the same picture, progressively close to the lips or eyes in each successive shot, so it crops out the rest of it and you get either a creepy-eye post or a creepy gape mouth post: those image floods are useless noise in my opinion.

and the oens who flood that usually flood it in a stream for a time, then leave (probably IP hop).

the problem with banning by number of posts per bread is that the bad-spammers who post the operational images and subliminal content, the gape-mouthed unflattering progressive closeups, the horrid focus on croch, women grabbing themselves, cladda rings that are made to look unholy (bent over gaping . . . )

that kind who posts that stuff can IP hop.

they will just post 19 posts and the do that and the board will be flooded with all that crap.

Also sometimes when there was an end of bread the baker would say 'new bread is read, post at will' and anon would post to fill the bread. (that would happen when Q would post.)

or there might be duelling memers who are memeing on some current event and they are progressively trying to make some useful presentation in a meme.

they go back and forth and it can get to be a lot of posts rather quickly.


as far as the meme flood of useless closeups and unflattering and possibly desturbing memes: I just filter that. It doesn't need to be deleted.

when I see that format that poster gets my filter because they never ever post anything but that. Hillary, AOC, other people who I don't want to see in super close up.

the gape mouth posters, too, they get the filter. No BV needs to bother with it.


my main point: anons will disagree about a limit of posts per bread so don't doubt it.