Anonymous ID: cce755 Nov. 10, 2023, 5:56 a.m. No.19892872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2877 >>2881 >>2911 >>2919 >>2961 >>3037 >>3119 >>3192



That example is understandable.

However, much more than repeated over-and-over posts are being deleted.

In most threads 'all posts by IP' are blanket wiped 4-5 times per thread.

Anons have been complaining about the censorship.

The posts are anything that the BO doesn't like personally, and any dissent of the censorship. Just blanket wiped. Poof!

Anonymous ID: cce755 Nov. 10, 2023, 6:15 a.m. No.19892941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2947 >>2951 >>2954


Anon agrees with anon.

It's the personal decisions of the admins of what stays and what goes which is riling this and other anons up.

Deleting posts by those they have a vengence with or which theories they don't agree with or want discussed, isn't free speech imho.

And that's not 'spam', but something else entirely.