Anonymous ID: 770cfc July 1, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.1989603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9612 >>9629 >>9765 >>9774

What if we don't have to wait for a reporter to ask the question and we just ask it ourselves? At the next public appearance of POTUS. Imagine : >someone stands up >"HEY MR PRESIDENT" >everybody goes quite >"WHO-IS-Q?" >"WHO-IS-Q?" >"WHO-IS-Q?" >"WHO-IS-Q?" >all the anons start shouting alongside >"WHO-IS-Q?" >"WHO-IS-Q?" >normies are confused >more and more people are shouting >"WHO-IS-Q?" >"WHO-IS-Q?" >"WHO-IS-Q?" >normies have no idea but they start shouting to >POTUS raises his hand >everybody goes quite >"LET ME TELL YOU WHAT FOLKS HIS A GREAT GUY GLAD TO HAVE HIM ON OUR TEAM" >the crowd goes crazy >TFW BEST DAY EVER