Anonymous ID: b9cb17 July 1, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.1989389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9398 >>9402 >>9433 >>9446 >>9454 >>9518 >>9560 >>9665 >>9740 >>9775 >>9792 >>9859



Your site is not coming up in any of the browsers that I am using - Chromium, Opera, and Maxthon. The error message is saying that the site is using an unsupported encryption protocol.


If you don't know this, this is what is going on with https …..


(((They))) are using https to prevent sites they don't like from being viewed by giving this type of bullshit excuse - 'Using https secures your website against fraud and lets users know that they really are accessing your site and not some lookalike' or something like this excuse. That is why there has been such a huge push for using it. Nearly everyone falls for it. I don't because I have done my homework. I own and operate a number of sites and the only pages I use https on, if at all, is payment/checkout pages.


Even so called Pros get conned into believing the 'use https' bullshit. It is fucking annoying talking to these jackasses who think they know more than me about something they have no idea about. I have 34+ years of research under my belt including stuff about computing, so I know what the many scams about https are out there. If you don't believe me look at who the companies are that provide the secure certificates - a bunch of NWO companies or with links to them. Veritas is the biggest one of them. Also look into their method of deciding if a website is 'legit' or not.


Please do NOT use https as it restricts people's ability to see sites that (((they))) don't like.


Another way to kill sites is to use Google Ad Words, or any Google analytics scripts.


Wordpress also has a kill switch embedded in its terms of service (but not easy to find) - they can shut your site down if they don't like your content. Have a read of the T & C. So I hand code ALL my sites.


I tried to access the site today and it will appear only by using Firefox 15 (which is proof that https is being used to shut the site down, not to protect users)! But nothing can be done with it as the search function doesn't work.


If any of you have a problem with what I have written use your fucking brains…..


Pedos use the excuse 'we are doing this to protect the children…..'


Criminals in government enact legislation to shut down that which they purport to help or assist.


'We are doing this for the safety of/your safety…..' is the calling cry of every fucking criminal in government, every damn pedo and every other scamming lowlife on the planet. And we, like lemmings, keep FUCKING FALLING FOR IT!''


So please, anon, get rid of that bloody https on

Anonymous ID: b9cb17 July 1, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.1989489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9601 >>9811



"Your OS is not supported…" Really???? Parroting some crap that you heard somewhere??


Why do you think Windows XP is 'not supported'? Maybe because every OS since Vista is built on Vista - Virtual Instant Surveillance Tactical application.


Windows XP is more secure than ANY of the garbage since XP.