Anonymous ID: c3087c July 1, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.1989575   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>This country was built on the backs of my people

>Built, too, on the backs of yours, I bet

>My folks were immigrants and natural born

>My folks were white, black and brown

>By their blood, toil, tears

>By the sweat of their brow

>They may have been faulty individuals

>But cumulatively, they made this nation

>And, I bet, did yours, anon


>We owe it to them.




Salute to The Haitian Soldiers who Fought for America’s Independence

Anonymous ID: c3087c July 1, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.1989801   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9821 >>0104






Like the age-old debate in Psychology and Biology over the role of Nature (genes) vs Nurture (environment), we know that in the real world, the life of an organism reflects a combination of BOTH forces at work and never only involves just one or the other. And when thinking about wave/particle duality in Physics, when can conceptualize an electron as a discrete "particle", but also as part of a wave function where it can affect the movement of other electrons in an interference pattern. THE SAME IS TRUE OF THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS.


So, YES, "collectivism" is desirable and necessary, BUT ONLY WHEN groups can organically nucleate and extinguish themselves from the level of the individual (bottom up) as opposed to being artificially created and maintained from a centralized authority (top down). Paraphrasing Q, "There is no bigger threat to a 'centralized authority' (e.g. the State) than the public being awake and thinking for themselves."


Thus, as long as we (ALL RACES) are FREE to speak (1st amendment) and have constructive dialogue with one another and the ability to protect ourselves (2nd amendment) from "mob rule run amuck” then we should COME together “collectively” under the banner of Liberty and TRUTH, regardless of our diverse individual differences. After all, THIS IS preciously what our founders did to TAKE a stand against the tyranny of the "globalist" British Empire.