Anonymous ID: 18aabe Nov. 10, 2023, 7:34 a.m. No.19893320   🗄️.is 🔗kun



> >>19892790 (pb) PDJT on Jack Smith leak to the press

> >>19892793 (pb), >>19892799 (pb), >>19892808 (pb), >>19892821 (pb), >>19892829 (pb), >>19892834 (pb), >>19892840 (pb), >>19892856 (pb), >>19892854 (pb) Dig on the worldwide disinformation network and EIP/Stanford

First above Notable has President Trump saying, "Election Interfering Thugs", in caps, EIT.

Second above Notable has EIP, "Election Integrity Partnerships".

Anon wonders if any connection. First word, and first four letters of second word, are the same.

Comm? Pointer?