Anonymous ID: 70111d Nov. 10, 2023, 8:01 a.m. No.19893455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3458 >>3462 >>3513 >>3599







The statins are now the biggest selling group of drugs of all time with sales exceeding $22 billion. Lowering blood cholesterol It isn't difficult to find many examples of the way that drug companies (and doctors) do their best to turn every illness into a profit making opportunity - while endangering the health of individual patients. › statin-drugs-can-kill-you


In addition to the common side effects**, top-selling statin drugs were found to: Raise blood pressure Lower levels of lifesaving HDL cholesterol or "good" cholesterol Increase an important measure of blood clotting, linked to heart attacks Block your body's production of Coenzyme Q10. › statin-drugs-killing-millions-people

Statin Drugs Are Killing Millions of People - TDW

Statin drugs do way more harm than good…they kill more people than they save. The fundamental problem is that MD's give patients the idea they get a free pass to eat unhealthy foods and live a toxic lifestyle, just take your statins! › case-against-statins

The Case Against Statins | Next Avenue


Statins inhibit cell growth in muscles, so from the time you start taking a statin, your muscle health is compromised — and statin-induced muscle conditions often don't go away when the…


Statins speed up the transition from midlife vigor to debilitated old age.


Statin side effects mimic the effects of aging;


They include fatigue, weakness, instability, memory loss, reduced mental capacity, dementia, neuropathy. slowed reactions, muscle wasting, muscle pain, Myopathy, Rhabdomyolysis, Kidney failure, dyspnea(difficult or labored breathing) and heart failure, intestinal disease, pancreatic problems, diabetes, reduced libido, depression, accidents, suicide and cancer…also linked to ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease and early onset Parkisons.


Recently scientists have found that statins interfere with our stem cells, which work to repair damage to our bodies and protect us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss.


Clinicians should be alert to the potential for drug-drug interactions to minimize the risk of myopathy during long-term statin therapy in patients.,125463


/Statins-and-Myoglobin-How-Muscle-Pain-and-Weakness-Progress-to-Heart-Lung-and-Kidney-Failure.pdf drug reactions


Journal of the American College of Cardiology


Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says


Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says-2022


Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit


Interesting Notes: Every Cell In Our Body Needs Cholesterol!

Anonymous ID: 70111d Nov. 10, 2023, 8:02 a.m. No.19893458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3462 >>3513 >>3599 >>3608 >>3824 >>4005








And Irreversible Atorvastatin-Associated Hearing Loss


Interesting Notes: Every Cell In Our Body Needs Cholesterol!


And Irreversible Atorvastatin-Associated Hearing Loss


Statin induced myopathy (muscle weakness)The most commonly reported side effects to statin therapy are muscle pain and weakness. If left unchecked, these symptoms can progress to rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle damage)and kidney failure. Statin induced myopathy (muscle weakness) include fatigue, muscle pain, muscle tenderness, muscle weakness, nocturnal cramping, and tendon pain.

354 patients (age range 34–86 yrs) who self-reported muscle-related problems associated with statin therapy. Three hundred patients (85%) met literature criteria for probable or definite drug adverse-effect due to statins

Muscle syndromes associated with statins include myalgias, myopathy, myositis, and muscle injury. Statin-associated myopathy with normal creatine kinase levels. biopsy-confirmed myopathy and normal creatine kinase levels associated with statin use. Symptoms diminished after discontinuation of statin drug. Statins speed up the transition from midlife vigor to debilitated old age.

What causes myopathy with statins?

Known risk factors for the development of statin-associated myopathy include coexisting diseases associated with rhabdomyolysis (renal, infection, liver, thyroid)

Physicians' Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series


Statin-induced Gastrointestinal Bleeding Events. Statin users had a higher risk for gastrointestinal bleeding. These findings are important when treating patients at a high risk for bleeding events. 2017 UNV.Kentucky— This finding suggests that GI bleeding adverse effects may be associated with increased statin dosage, as has been suggested in the literature.

This study is the largest known retrospective study investigating the association between statin therapy and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.


Can taking a statin cause shortness of breath? Dyspnea (labored, difficulty in breathing)


Suspected Statin-Induced Respiratory Muscle Myopathy-also interstitial lung disease is listed as a possible complication of statins and there are a few other case reports of statin related unexplained dyspnea in the literature.


Statin-induced kidney injury, chronic kidney disease (CKD). Statin users had greater odds of acute kidney injury, nephritis/nephrosis/renal sclerosis. In conclusion, statin use is associated with increased incidence of acute and chronic kidney disease. Statins and risk of kidney cancer.The relationship between statin use and risk of kidney cancer was evaluated in seven studies. Among these studies, one studies showed significant associations of statin use with risk of kidney cancer,

Statin-induced frequent Urinary Tract Inf

ections (UTIs)

Statins-atorvastatin may increase your risk for urinary tract infections (UTIs). (FDA, 2017)

Anonymous ID: 70111d Nov. 10, 2023, 8:04 a.m. No.19893462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3469 >>3513 >>3599 >>3608 >>3824 >>4005









Statins are poison…My Dad's Physician put my father on Statins, over 20 some years ago with no history of heart disease or diabetes. My Dad had problems from very start , muscle cramping and weakness. His Physician refused to take him off…just put him on different statins. Now on atrovastatin 20mg. Waited till his liver was stage 4 plus before taking him off of a statin.


My Dad has statin induced permanent/ and or adverse condition could be directly linked (Documented Studies) to statins:


  1. Hearing loss

  2. Dementia

  3. Can't speak full sentences/Difficulty in speaking

  4. All over muscle atrophy

  5. Difficult breathing/on oxygen last hospital stay first time ever

  6. Can barely walk

  7. Dying Liver stage 4 plus

  8. Non functioning Kidney

  9. Frequent urinary infections that land him in the hospital

  10. Gastrointestinal bleeding that land him in the hospital

  11. Now Heart Problems

  12. Shakes, constant fatigue


Statins are killing him and robbed him of 15 good years.


They took a perfectly healthy non-overweight man with just "pharmaceutical company determined" high cholesterol levels, poisoned him, turned him into a frail old man and robbed him of 15 years of his life.


My Dad's parents lived without statins Father 91 and Mother (over weight) 87 with diabetes and both could run circles around my frail Dad.


Statins are killing him and Physicians need to wake the hell up!.


Same goes for all Cholesterol lowering drugs….poisons.


This Medical facility & research hospital & School/text books & physician continuing Education, research hospital receives bulk funding from the Pharmaceutical Companies like Pfizer, Merck,

Fauci's NIH,

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. etc.

& CEO's are health partner Governors with the World Economic Forum


This Medical facility even mandated the experimental mRNA gene therapy jabs and boosters never used on humans before for their entire staff with only a few getting religious exemptions. This goes to shoe that they care more about their funding sources than they care about their own medical staff & employees & patients.

Anonymous ID: 70111d Nov. 10, 2023, 8:12 a.m. No.19893513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3599 >>3608 >>3824 >>4005












STATIN NATION: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up (Full Movie)



Big Pharma, Government, Media Manipulation for $$$ profits, haven't changed.

Compare it to the covid clot shot marketing/and forced mandates & censorship!






How Statin Drugs REALLY Lower Cholesterol (And Kill You One Cell at a Time)


A small reduction in cardiovascular deaths with Statins is counterbalanced by an increase in deaths from other causes.

Statins do more harm than good.


Over time, perhaps years of statin therapy, a statin user may become increasingly weak, in some cases to the point of major disability.


Serious side effects of Statins, aka Lipator or generic form Atorvastatin. Some of the most popular brand names are besides Lipitor: Crestor, and Zocor ( rosuvastatin, and simvastatin). etc.


  1. Statin users had an elevated risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage/internal bleeding. Statins side effects: Risk for internal bleeding. Unusual bleeding from various body parts. Could cause blood in the rectum, blood in your urine or blood in your stools.


  1. Statin cross the blood brain barrier, and can cause a broad spectrum of adverse cognitive conditions occur from taking statins. They include confusion, forgetfulness, disorientation, memory impairment, transient global amnesia, mood, comprehension, and fully mimic symptoms of dementia. Especially in the elderly.


Of interest, in some patients, a diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's disease reportedly was reversed after discontinuation of Statin drug.


Results of one Statin Effects Study, 171 patients (age range 34–86 yrs) who self-reported memory or other cognitive problems associated conditions while on statin therapy,


The Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale was used:


128 patients (75%) experienced cognitive ADRs determined to be probably or definitely related to statin therapy.


Of 143 patients (84%) who reported stopping statin therapy, 128 (90%) reported improvement in cognitive problems, sometimes within days of statin discontinuation (median time to first-noted recovery 2.5 wks).


Nineteen patients whose symptoms improved or resolved after they discontinued statin therapy and who underwent rechallenge with a statin exhibited cognitive problems again (multiple times in some).




Atorvastatin Decreases the Coenzyme Q10 Level in the Blood/brain/heart putting Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke


Manufacturers of statin drugs have recognized the fact that statins depress the immune system.


A Review of published case studies found that pancreatitis was more likely to occur after many months of statin use.


Statins may also raise stroke risk.

Atorvastatin Decreases the Coenzyme Q10 Level in the Blood of Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke


  1. Statin induced musculoskeletal adverse events (MAEs) Some Statin induced MAEs occurred after long-term use.



A key message is that muscles are forced to cannibalize themselves to acquire sufficient energy. But another factor is oxidative damage to muscle tissue, with subsequent disintegration of the cell walls. This is true not only for the skeletal muscles, but also for the respiratory muscles controlling breathing and the heart muscle.



statins like lipitor or generic Atorvastatin can cause Severe muscle damage & dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing).


Stop taking atorvastatin if: Feeling extremely weak and tired


Severe muscle damage, called rhabdomyolysis. This serious condition can cause kidney damage, Liver damage, heart rhythm problems, and seizures. In severe cases, it can cause permanent disability or even death.

muscle wasting and muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis), you get unexplained fatigue, muscle pain, tenderness, weakness or cramps, dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing). – these can be signs of muscle breakdown and kidney damage.. You may feel this Muscle pain as a soreness, tiredness or weakness in your muscles.


Contact your doctor immediately if you have unusual fatigue or weakness,


Who's at increased risk of developing statin side effects? Warning: Taking statins may speed cognitive decline in people over age 65.

Being age 80 or older

Having kidney problems

Anonymous ID: 70111d Nov. 10, 2023, 8:30 a.m. No.19893599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3605 >>3608 >>3824 >>4005











>>19893192,125463 drug reactions

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says

Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit




ACC/AHA/NHLBI Clinical Advisory on the Use and Safety of Statins


Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit


Importance of Cholesterol and Dangers of Statin Drugs

Controversial New Study Reports Statins Useless - Carolina Total Wellness–peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-PPA

Long-Term Benefit and Withdrawal Effect of Statins After Percutaneous | PPA