The statins are now the biggest selling group of drugs of all time with sales exceeding $22 billion. Lowering blood cholesterol It isn't difficult to find many examples of the way that drug companies (and doctors) do their best to turn every illness into a profit making opportunity - while endangering the health of individual patients. › statin-drugs-can-kill-you
In addition to the common side effects**, top-selling statin drugs were found to: Raise blood pressure Lower levels of lifesaving HDL cholesterol or "good" cholesterol Increase an important measure of blood clotting, linked to heart attacks Block your body's production of Coenzyme Q10. › statin-drugs-killing-millions-people
Statin Drugs Are Killing Millions of People - TDW
Statin drugs do way more harm than good…they kill more people than they save. The fundamental problem is that MD's give patients the idea they get a free pass to eat unhealthy foods and live a toxic lifestyle, just take your statins! › case-against-statins
The Case Against Statins | Next Avenue
Statins inhibit cell growth in muscles, so from the time you start taking a statin, your muscle health is compromised — and statin-induced muscle conditions often don't go away when the…
Statins speed up the transition from midlife vigor to debilitated old age.
Statin side effects mimic the effects of aging;
They include fatigue, weakness, instability, memory loss, reduced mental capacity, dementia, neuropathy. slowed reactions, muscle wasting, muscle pain, Myopathy, Rhabdomyolysis, Kidney failure, dyspnea(difficult or labored breathing) and heart failure, intestinal disease, pancreatic problems, diabetes, reduced libido, depression, accidents, suicide and cancer…also linked to ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease and early onset Parkisons.
Recently scientists have found that statins interfere with our stem cells, which work to repair damage to our bodies and protect us from muscle and joint pain as well as memory loss.
Clinicians should be alert to the potential for drug-drug interactions to minimize the risk of myopathy during long-term statin therapy in patients.,125463
/Statins-and-Myoglobin-How-Muscle-Pain-and-Weakness-Progress-to-Heart-Lung-and-Kidney-Failure.pdf drug reactions
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says
Cholesterol confusion: Statins have little impact on heart health, study says-2022
Cholesterol drug lowers LDL-C levels but again fails to show clinical benefit
Interesting Notes: Every Cell In Our Body Needs Cholesterol!