Anonymous ID: 757a59 Nov. 10, 2023, 8:53 a.m. No.19893720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3810 >>3855


> time the truths drop people will have long forgotten and honestly will not give a damn.


>Take 2020 election fraud. Deep down, Most of the D’s know it was stolen and don’t care.


There was and is nothing in the "Law" that would have allowed for Trump to be 'reinstated'. Not even SCOTUS can change an illegally certified election. That's why J6 was so important to them. That was the only mechanism - and it's already been changed by law from the Democrats.


I had hopium, but realize its all delay tactics. Trump won't be back unless we elect him. 2020 will never be rectified. State elections have to be fixed and that will take all of us in every state to correct the fraud with the machines.

Otherwise there will be no way to 'vote our way out of it'.

Also, I think they are hoping for a couple of demoralization efforts

-R convention drama and theatrics

-Jailing Trump before Nov 2024

-having him removed from a ballot in a state.


Lawfare continues whether we like it or not.

They can't have anything that looks like populist uprising. Thus the over the top jailing of all J6.

Anonymous ID: 757a59 Nov. 10, 2023, 9:21 a.m. No.19893849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3883 >>3899 >>3919


there is definitely something to "find" in the q drops. There are images with hidden text no one has unlocked publicly.

There are "helpers" trying to tell us there are "keys" that will unlock maybe the photos?

But there is something to find, for sure. I have been working offline on it, but can't seem to find the connection yet. Maybe one day.

Anonymous ID: 757a59 Nov. 10, 2023, 9:37 a.m. No.19893910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4005 >>4009 >>4044

The Heritage Foundation Project 2025 group is recruiting and training pro-Trump lawyers to take over general counsel offices throughout the federal bureaucracy, and planning to bring federal agencies under White House control if Trump wins the election next year. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is also planning for another attempted popular revolution, like the 2020 Summer of Love. Left wing activists and militant groups at the time planned to escalate nationwide protests and riots into an insurgency, as we documented at the time. A group called Shut Down D.C., for instance, held meetings on how to shut down the nation’s capital to prevent Trump’s re-inauguration. Other Far Left groups distributed pamphlets entitled “chokepoints in a fragile economy” with instructions on shutting down major ports and shipping facilities. One Far Left group planned to bomb the FedEx facility and airport in Memphis, Tennessee – the busiest cargo airport in the world at the time. Their overall plan specifically called for disrupting U.S. economic activity until Trump was removed from office. If any of this is news to you, it’s because virtually none of this was covered in the mainstream press.