The plan has been revised. 4-6% is no longer valid.
It WAS a mirror, and 95% depopulated but its closer to 60% staying now.
The 4-6% were the human souls created by God that had been brought here to Earth 40 million years ago after being rescued when (planet) Mars was destroyed.
Not all "humans" here are God's creations (many were brought here by other entities from other star clusters for nafarious reasons) and not all have fully "human" souls, ie, they may not have free will such as neanderthals. And is why they have problems thinking for themselves, even though they are still very lovable. For Example as a society, they may not believe in God or that God could come down temporarily in a human body (Jesus).
The Plan has changed quite a lot since that post and is still being revised somewhat.
This has been a 600 BILLION YEAR LONG INTERGALACTIC SPIRITUAL WAR so collateral damage is unfortunately unavoidable. The Earth's well being (and her critters) is the priority here.