Anonymous ID: a35062 Nov. 10, 2023, 9:57 a.m. No.19894026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4043




>For 248 years, Marines have earned a reputation as the most disciplined and lethal warfighters in the world. This legacy of honor, courage, and commitment passed on to us was paid for in sweat, blood, and sacrifice.


I honor all of your commitments to our Country, our People, and our way of life, and recognize all the sacrifices that were made in the past; to this very moment. Marines are first in, in times of trouble, and remain steadfast until the job is completed, no matter how long it takes and at all costs. Likewise, I consider this war was started on 911 by a network of hidden enemies both foreign and domestic, masquerading and operating in the open as various infiltrated actors that put the blame on the innocent while creating a smoke screen for their international crime organizations as they enriched themselves and their partners at the cost of our service members lives. The 911 event was a financial attack on US Sovereignty and the beginning of decades long plan to genocide our people who are loyal to our country and flag.


The collapse of building 7 on 911 was the smoking gun of insider domestic enemy operations and never in the history of NYC has any, of the over 1 million buildings, has ever collapsed without cause; let alone be announced 20 minutes too early. In honor of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, as a ground zero worker, I could not let this truth die even to this day, until the job is complete; for all the lives that has costed us here, our over seas service members, and the innocent people around the world.

Justice: Let's put her out there, bring her home, and come back safely.


God Bless you all, and God Bless the United States of America.