Anonymous ID: fadf6f Nov. 10, 2023, 5:10 p.m. No.19895976   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Attorney General Bailey Calls for Removal of Student Visa Holders Who Support Terrorist Groups

Anonymous ID: fadf6f Nov. 10, 2023, 5:34 p.m. No.19896103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6224 >>6366 >>6443


Phelps County judge rules Missouri city tried to ‘intimidate’ woman with ban on city hall visits


Story is pretty interesting. Quotes: "Varney, a longtime resident of the community, began looking into city finances after receiving a traffic ticket in 2018, Beger wrote in his ruling.She was concerned that the town’s police force was using traffic offenses as a means of generating revenueand began visiting city hall frequently to review documents." (Red text added.)


"She also regularly attended meetings of the Board of Aldermen, the judge wrote, raising criticisms of city operations and, when dissatisfied with the results, gathering signatures that resulted in a state audit.The audit found numerous deficiencies in financial administration and Sunshine Law violations" (Red text added.)

Anonymous ID: fadf6f Nov. 10, 2023, 5:45 p.m. No.19896160   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seems like it. Youtube doesn't have anything new. Did you look at Twitch?


I think his access was pummeled. If he "did it on purpose" there would be a reason why he'd quit a channel with hundreds of thousands of viewers around the world.

Anonymous ID: fadf6f Nov. 10, 2023, 6:48 p.m. No.19896434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6470


>Would he want so many people killing each other over Religion? There are a few Bible verses about killing non-believers,


I think the answer to that is "no". The killing that was supposed to happen when God's people entered "the Promised Land" was due to the sins and vileness of the inhabitants reaching critical mass. God did not choose suffering and death for man. Man chose to be a traitor in the Garden, but God in infinite kindness and wisdom made a way back to for us in Jesus.


The "Old Testament" provides insights for us. If your father was a ruler of some sort he might be dangerous to any old body who would want to approach him. However, if his own little child ran up to him the response would be very different. When a person is "saved" through Jesus they are now a child and have a different relationship with God


God in his system of government operates with covenant and in "seed, plant, harvest" (as you sow, so you shall reap.). A person sowing wicked acts will reap a crop of destruction and those sowing toward better things through faith get a good reward.


Tribal people would make "blood covenants" with each other. The covenant in the Old Testament was ratified with the blood of animals. When Abraham made covenant with God he could call on this agreement. This is to be a picture of what happened in the New Testament where the covenant was sealed in the blood of the Lamb (Jesus).


If you are "born again" through faith in Jesus and baptism you can access the benefits of the New Covenant. You don't get things just dropping on you, but if you call on the terms of the agreement you will get results. It's like having a light switch in your house and thinking the lights should just come on without you flicking the switch. For the believer, we turn on the lights through faith, and declaring the promises available to us in scripture. It totally works.