The Savior Messiah King ID: 7ea4ee The Conditions To End The Current Wars In Gaza, Ukraine Is Beyond All Government Capability Nov. 10, 2023, 6:08 p.m. No.19896254   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Conditions To End The Current Wars In Gaza, Ukraine Is Beyond All Government Capability


www. ascension joy. com/11/2023/the-conditions-to-end-the-current-wars-in-gaza-ukraine-is-beyond-all-government-capability/


There is zero chance all the current world chaos conflicts from COVID pandemic to war in Myanmar, Ukraine, Gaza are caused by normal mortal humans. But probably some kind of “orders” from a special group/entities that above all national governments.


Thus now even if all 200 nations on Earth in this civilization like USA, UK, EU, China, India, Japan, Russia, etc. want to stop the wars, they just could not !

But the truth is that some of them have direct access and communication with the group/entities who gave that orders out for sure !


Based on my personal thinking, that top entities either following some kind of special “tools” and/or waiting for some formula, knowledge, wisdom.


One thing I can sure and confident to say is that: if I knew their demand,/request I would easily “supply” it in matter of days !


But I did not have specific question.


It could be about world economy financial system.

It could be about civilization and/or human development evolution.

It could be about some new knowledge, wisdom or some books document.

It could be about a real higher beings appear that can be seen or observed.



The list are endless !


So it is very complex and complicated.


The biggest problem is still the stupid useless eaters at the top of this mortal human affair because they all they did is trying to control enslave others, did not support, assist me at all.

Their mindset is “wait and others will give them free lunch”, the mindset of those illusion “empire owner” since ancient times, disgusting !


If the rest of this society, civilization do not put hope in me, do not give me all the financial support and fair working environment, then there is zero chance I can going to produce and try all of the possible solution for all the possible problem.


Again, all the current wars will only end with my help, my knowledge wisdom !


Give it or take it, it is up to you.

Why not try everything ?!

I do not have answer, explanation for the stupid idiots entities !


Only me the real Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha can end the current war, it is just matter of I did not have specific request questiion, connection from the rest of you.


Best Regard,

The Savior

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings



www. ascension joy. com/11/2023/the-conditions-to-end-the-current-wars-in-gaza-ukraine-is-beyond-all-government-capability/