what is sayanim?
I am familiar with Israel and know a bit of hebrew, so I must fix the most common mistake I see here and it is the use of "sayanim" as if it is something special all because of a miss translation.
Say'an = collaborator (say'anim is plural). It is used in Israel (also by Israeli media) mostly to address arab collaborators who work for Israeli agencies in west bank or gaza. That's it. If you'll ask any Israeli on the street he'll tell you this. Originaly though it means any foreign citizen who contributes to the intelligence agencies but are not employed by these agencies.
for agents who are "employed" you use the regular word for agent - sohen (sohnim - plural). pretty straight forward.
It's all open source in the internet but only on hebrew sites as there's nothing classified here.
always remember, Israel is complex like all other country. The people there are not to blame for the crimes of cabal members and puppet politicians. Personally I believe netanyahu is trying to clean the deep state especially from the supreme court, but the delicate political situation and the investigations against him don't allow him to really make a serious impact. It's getting there though.