Anonymous ID: 2ff669 July 1, 2018, 4 p.m. No.1990206   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0260 >>0271


we left /pol/ for that reason

if you don't like /qresearch/, /pol/ still exists

we research Q's crumbs, make memes, side by sides, and proofs to spread Q/POTUS' message and the great awakening


legitimate discussions about judaism, israel, and mossad are warranted, but spam is spam

Anonymous ID: 2ff669 July 1, 2018, 4:59 p.m. No.1990882   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0901


Shills this bread (mightโ€™ve missed some):

ec4544 (muh jew)

9aa0c5 (muh jew)

3c47a8 (muh jew)

6188a4 (muh jew)

62a6b6 (muh jew)

87d263 (muh jew)

90a354 (muh jew)

a74228 (muh jew)

c723f8 (muh jew)

c0a061 (muh jew)

59f688 (muh jew)

5fab05 (muh jew)

59f688 (muh jew)

bc9429 (muh jew)

e0f5dc (muh jew)

cdfd34 (muh jew)

e4dbbf (shitposter)

ba6608 (muh larp)

c0a28b (muh larp)

21adf8 (muh formatting, either shill or newfag)

24e0bd (muh formatting, either shill or newfag)

2be8c2 (muh formatting, either shill or newfag)

c92d7f (muh formatting, either shill or newfag)


shitposter: posting nothing but stupid memes

muh jew: nothing but shitposting about jews, Israel, kikes, and jidf

muh larp: acting like an anon to go on about how โ€œQ is a larpโ€

muh formatting: acting like a newfag wasting posts with formatting tests


My UID: 2ff669, can check my posts too, not a shill, just observing tactics

I encourage the BV/BO to look these up