James Woods! “Some Americans could find themselves in internment camps” - #Cher They already are. It’s called the Democrat Party.
We love ya JW.
James Woods! “Some Americans could find themselves in internment camps” - #Cher They already are. It’s called the Democrat Party.
We love ya JW.
So dumb. The story is an obvious a 4am talking point. They key to these stories is how they attribute the source of the information. Always the unnamed sources close to the matter etc.
"Rosenstein has taken no public action on a criminal referral against Christopher Steele sent to him almost six months ago by Grassley and Graham. Why?"
Immigrants from the former Soviet Union see right through the antics of the loons in the Dem party.
Fun trolling material
One more since it is fun to troll #MadMaxine
Those who still cling to the idea that RR is /ourguy/ should watch this body language analysis.
The level of stupidity caused by the MSM is shocking. Critical thought and analysis severely in short supply.