About that mine in Wyoming….
Don't even need to go that far. Fuck the Feds.
The $2 Million Coal Mine That Might Hold a $37 Billion Treasure
Wyoming discovery could be America’s first new source of rare-earth elements since 1952
"Twelve years ago, former Wall Street banker Randall Atkins bought an old coal mine outside Sheridan, Wyo., sight unseen, for about $2 million.
He thought the mine might eke out a profit. Instead, Atkins recently learned it could bring a windfall.
Several years after Atkins bought the Brook Mine, government researchers came around asking if they could run some tests to see if the ground contained something called “rare-earth elements.”"
That would almost get to be true if it weren't for Drudge selling to Chinese interests.
Curious what case those 3 criminal subpoenas arose from….
Now do small pox.
Jess part of the DS spreadin' their bets.
Like a moth to a candle, famefags can't help but post to flood.
Coal product development been going on for over a century. Carbon nanotubes just the newest leg of that table. Look up the graphene patent usages if you really want to rabbit hole on this.
The New MuhJoo!
Ronna gibbon odas? Or takin' odas from GOPe?
This system started collapsing about Nov., 2021….
Next phase will be that vaxes cost 66 Million.
Prove me wrong….
Large edifices take a while to collapse under their own weight. Still ongoing. Watch headlines for massive bankster layoffs as they are finally forced to move past "Save The Management Bonuses!" strategeries towards the existential "Save the GD Bank!" strategy that should have been the focus all along. The Street's pain has only just begun, and they're ain't no way to escape it.
Because math.
Ok, dumb fuck. Do the GD math on digging through all that rock, instead of sandy, loamy chit, and make the canal use pay for all the holes and time it took to get Muh Ben Gurion finished.
Stupidest MuhRussiaToday repeat of dumber InterTubes misleading rabbit MuhJoo holes yetter.
Because stupid is obviously genetic for you. Can't recognize PallyWood when it sprays you.
Ebber look up the finances, and slave labor, that it took to get even THAT built? So many BKs later they had to give it to Egypt to get out from under the debt load.
If anything smelled like a "tap on the shoulder" forced sale by the Feds, that was a great example. Plus no questions from "Financial Press" sez "MuhFeds", anyhows.
No, just econ history enthusiast and math fan. Canals are ridiculously expensive in today's "gubmint here to help" enviro. The theft is too huge to ignore. Panama land grabs were similar, and are being repeated with the "new" copper mine permit laws in Panama, eben today. That"law perfessor" just happened to have connections with the political block trying to land grab in Panama as it were. Because Majik.
Been watching. Most odd timing.
Time to Lifefag. Just canal story stupid economics, no math to support, unless, of course, nuking Suez is on the menu to remove competition for next 10 to 30,000 years…
No, No moar appetite to bail out TBTFs. Speaking of such, TBTFs hab soooo many debt instruments out there, it's like watching (but not playin'!) 3 card monte. I'd expect to see the first "normie" reaction in no bidders for their CDs…pros would spot bonds, except trading amongst thieves to keep the prices up. BlackStone would bid to keep the forgiving lending in place over that REIT carp, just one example.