Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:18 a.m. No.19903926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3940 >>3946 >>3948 >>3955 >>4261


China Prepares To Choke Off America's Rare Metal Supply


China will tighten reporting controls on strategic rare earth elements, according to its Commerce Ministry, in a move that could choke off America's supply of critical minerals used in the production of electric cars and missiles.


The ministry said on Tuesday that exporters of rare earth elements would need to report their shipment orders, although no limitations were announced at the time. The government did not publicly specific which minerals would be subject to the new reporting requirement.


The decision is being viewed as a message to Washington about Beijing's potential to target specific industries as a response to the U.S.'s own restrictions on high-end semiconductors.


The decision also comes as Chinese leader Xi Jinping is slated to travel to San Francisco next week for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, where he is expected to meet President Joe Biden and attend a reception with U.S. corporate elites.

Rare earth elements are a group of 17 minerals that, although abundant, are challenging to extract and process for use in cutting-edge technologies, from new electric vehicles and solar panels to microchips used by the defense industry.


China is the biggest producer of rare earth elements, having mastered extraction and processing. The new reporting requirement was a common practice, its Commerce Ministry said of the policy move.


"The establishment of an import and export statistical survey and reporting mechanism for certain bulk products is an internationally accepted practice. Statistics on the import and export of goods helps us to grasp the incomings and outgoings of bulk products in a timely manner in order to examine trends," said He Yadong, a ministry spokesperson.


The new reporting requirement is an update to the commodity reporting regulations published in 2022 by China's statistics bureau and will last two years starting from October 31.


China currently accounts for 60 percent of the world's rare earth extraction and 87 percent of processing, according to analysis by the Paris-based International Energy Agency.


Rare metals aren't the only items on Beijing's growing list of strategic targets; the Commerce Ministry has also asked importers of iron ore, copper ore concentrate and potash fertilizer to report their orders.


In July, China imposed export restrictions on two rare earth minerals—gallium and germanium—which are crucial for semiconductor manufacturing. The decision was seen as a counterblow to Washington's controls on China's access to high-end computer chips.


However, experts have questioned the presumption that China could hurt the United States with rare earth restrictions.


"We have a hard time seeing how China could slap rare earth restrictions on consumer goods—goods that are produced inside China and are increasingly consumed globally—and not shoot itself in the economic foot in the process," John LaForge, head of real asset strategy at Wells Fargo Investment Institute, said in a 2019 research report.


China has been accused of weaponizing its dominance in the rare earths industry before. In 2010, Beijing slashed export quotas and reduced shipments to Japan after tensions escalated over the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.


Beijing's targeting of Japan raised widespread concerns in the West, but China eventually lifted the restrictions after the World Trade Organization ruled against Beijing's actions in 2014 in a case jointly put forward by the U.S., the European Union and Japan.


Jeremy Hsu, writing for Scientific American, concluded that Beijing's restriction of rare earth exports to Japan had backfired, as companies found ways to reduce dependence on particular elements.


"Afterward, Japanese automakers such as Toyota and Honda began developing hybrid car motors that greatly reduced or even eliminated rare earth elements, such as terbium and dysprosium, from the powerful magnets used in electric motors," Hsu said.


Meanwhile, the U.S. has worked with its allies to reduce dependence on China for rare earth metals. Renewed efforts are being made to shore up domestic production at sites such as Fort Worth in Texas.


China, however, continues to find new reserves of rare earth elements at home, including the latest discovery of a new ore in Baotou in its northern Inner Mongolia region.


The Commerce Ministry has imposed new reporting requirements for rare earth elements.

Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.19903931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3963 >>4288 >>4350 >>4594

Ramy Mahmoud 


Message Organization the Anonymous to Netanyahu.


Each Palestinian child that has been killed = Revealing the identity of one of your spies.


#OpIsrael #FreePalestine🇵🇸


Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.19903938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3939 >>3941

In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order


BEIJING—With one war raging in Ukraine and another unfolding in the Middle East, Chinese leader Xi Jinping is promoting his signature foreign-policy project as a force for unity, cooperation and prosperity around the globe.

At a summit convened here to celebrate the Belt and Road Initiative, the picture looked more fractured.

During a keynote speech inside Beijing’s Great Hall of the People on Wednesday, Xi positioned China as a leader of a new, more inclusive global order and promised that his country’s rise would benefit any that wanted to participate.

“We don’t do ideological confrontation, we don’t do geopolitical rivalry and we don’t do bloc politics,” he said, taking aim at unilateral sanctions, economic decoupling and other tools that Beijing accuses the U.S. of exploiting to contain its rivals. “What has been achieved in the past 10 years demonstrates that Belt and Road cooperation is on the right side of history.”


Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of a summit in Beijing to celebrate the Belt and Road Initiative on Wednesday. PHOTO: EDGAR SU/REUTERS

Invited to speak directly after Xi, Russian leader Vladimir Putin praised what he said were the trillion-dollar infrastructure program’s efforts to build a “fairer, multipolar world and system of international relations,” according to a translation by Chinese state broadcaster CGTN.

The prominence given to Putin, and the near absence of Western representation among the roughly two-dozen world leaders who attended the forum, reflects how the Belt and Road Initiative has become increasingly fractured along geopolitical lines since Xi first proposed the idea a decade ago—tensions that have been worsened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and most recently the attack on Israel by Hamas.

Originally envisaged as a way to promote infrastructure development to better link China to Central Asia and beyond, the initiative has faced sustained criticism from Western governments for piling what they say are unsustainable debt loads on some participant countries.

Xi didn’t directly address the debt criticism in his speech on Wednesday. Instead, he spoke in broad terms about how China’s rise benefits other countries.

“When China does well, the world will do even better,” Xi said. “Through Belt and Road cooperation, China is opening its doors even wider to the world.”

Amid the war in Ukraine and an outstanding arrest warrant against him by the International Criminal Court, Putin’s attendance at this year’s forum reinforced China’s economic and diplomatic support for the Russian leader even as he has become a pariah in the West.



Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.19903939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3941


In response to Western sanctions against Russia following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, trade ties between Russia and China have surged, as Russia has increasingly turned to China to source technologies and machinery it struggles to get elsewhere.

As Russia contends with economic isolation from the West, Putin in his speech invited Belt and Road countries to take part in developing what’s known as the Northern Sea Route, which runs through the Arctic from northwestern Russia to the Bering Strait. The route cuts the shipping distance to China and avoids the chokepoints of the Suez Canal and Malacca Strait.

While Russia has previously sought to frustrate China’s ambitions in the Arctic, Putin sounded a more welcoming note in his speech in Beijing. “We invite interested states to directly participate in its development,” he said of the Northern Sea Route.

In a meeting between Xi and Putin on Wednesday, their 42nd since 2013, the Chinese leader praised what he said was a “good working relationship and a deep friendship” with Putin, according to a readout by Chinese state media.

“The Chinese side supports the Russian people taking the path of their own choice for national rejuvenation, defending national sovereignty, security, and development interests,” Xi told Putin, according to Chinese state media.

The Chinese state-media readout didn’t mention Ukraine specifically, but said the two leaders discussed the situation between Israel and Palestine, without providing details. At a press conference on Wednesday evening, Putin said the meeting with Xi ran for three hours, during which he provided a detailed update to Xi about the situation in Ukraine.

Under the difficult current circumstances, China and Russia should closely coordinate their foreign policies, Putin told Xi, according to Russian state media.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping with foreign leaders at the opening ceremony to celebrate the Belt and Road Initiative in Beijing on Wednesday. PHOTO: EDGAR SU/REUTERS

Russia has previously praised China’s official position on the Ukraine war, with Beijing taking the view that the security interests of all parties must be taken into consideration in seeking a resolution to the conflict. That position, according to Western analysts, lends weight to the Russian stance that external security threats meant it had no choice but to invade Ukraine.

There was no immediate word of a breakthrough on long-running negotiations for a new natural gas pipeline linking Russia and China, dubbed the Power of Siberia 2. The pipeline would traverse Mongolia and bolster Russian gas sales to China, further reorienting Russia’s energy industry toward Asia and away from its traditional reliance on Europe.

In a meeting with Mongolia’s president in Beijing on Tuesday, Putin said he thinks the project will move forward with good momentum, according to Russian state media.

With Putin and other foreign leaders in town, security in Beijing has been exceedingly tight for several days leading up to the forum, with Chinese soldiers and scores of police and plain-clothed security agents deployed to keep guard in parts of the capital. Amid the fighting in the Middle East, an employee of Israel’s embassy was stabbed in Beijing last week.

In the buildup to this year’s forum, China has implicitly linked the Belt and Road Initiative to its growing rivalry with the U.S. and other Western countries. A white paper by China’s government earlier this month took aim at U.S. efforts to limit certain technology sales to China, a strategy the Biden administration calls “de-risking.”

“Certain countries overstretch the concept of national security and seek ‘decoupling’ in the name of ‘de-risking,’” it said. “Their actions raise obstacles to the long-term development of humanity.”

The U.S. Commerce Department said Tuesday that it was further tightening restrictions on China’s ability to buy advanced chips that could fuel breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. U.S. limits on technology exports to China have emerged as one of the most contentious points of disagreement between the countries. China complains that the restrictions are unfair and designed to contain it.



Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.19903941   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In his speech Wednesday, Xi said China’s economy was open to foreign investment, despite a souring of international business sentiment amid an unpredictable domestic regulatory environment and an intensifying national-security clampdown. Xi said that China would scrap all restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector—long a sore spot for foreign companies seeking to make products in the country—without providing details.

For Belt and Road projects, many of which are built outside China’s borders, Xi said the state-owned China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China would each make an additional 350 billion yuan, equivalent to $47.9 billion, of financing available, while 80 billion yuan would be injected into China’s state-run Silk Road Fund.

Despite the new commitments, there is evidence that, in some ways, enthusiasm for the Belt and Road Initiative is waning. This year, roughly two-dozen heads of state or government have attended the summit, compared with the 37 who participated in the last such forum in 2019.

Other governments, such as Afghanistan, sent lower-level officials. The Taliban dispatched the country’s acting minister of industry and commerce to Beijing for the forum and to meet potential investors.

Noticeably absent from this year’s forum is almost all representation from the European Union, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban was the only head of an EU member state to attend this year’s gathering. Leaders from Greece, Italy and Portugal previously attended the 2019 meeting.

And while the Belt and Road Initiative was once focused on China helping to finance and build large-scale infrastructure, it now appears to be shifting toward smaller, more commercially-oriented projects, as well as giving priority to clean development and bolstering digital connectivity among its members, analysts who follow the initiative say.

But the change doesn’t mean the initiative is going away. Instead, Xi announced plans to create a secretariat for the forum, a move that would institutionalize the initiative going forward, said Rick Waters, the managing director for China at the political risk consulting firm Eurasia Group.

“So long as Xi is around, this project is here to stay,” Waters said.

Write to Brian Spegele at and Wenxin Fan at

Copyright ©2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


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Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:43 a.m. No.19903990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4017


You define government there, not just Wash DC.

ALL governments are in the businesses of espionage, money laundering, fraud, grand larceny, slavery, and human/organ trafficking.



nothing has changed other that awareness of what truly is.

Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19904027   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AI + Chrislam = One World Shitstem

Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 8:21 a.m. No.19904502   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Is there a way to spread freedom and peace quickly?


Yes, craft and spread the meme that

exposes One World Govt, CBDCs and BIS Central Banking usury, digital IDs, AI human management, transhumanism, mrna technologies, 15 minute cities, UN Agenda 2030/sustainable development, the WHO Zero Draft Pandemic Treaty, the maintenance of secrecy around the Epstein, Maxwell, nygard, etc client lists, the WEF Great Reset, CCP authoritarianism, communism, Islam, the Vatican, Jewish supremacy and Zionism, and the maintenance of secrets, deception, and false history in as little words as possible, so as to avoid the need for translations.


Post on every platform simultaneously, on billboards, TV ad space for sportsball events, and print ads worldwide at a coordinated time and date.


One meme to wake the world.

This is our assignment.

Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 8:31 a.m. No.19904534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Don't like it? GTFO!!!!

Nope. Nope.

No where else doing different.


You fly the brand logo of the corporation that tallies you as and borrows against you as an asset for debt collateral, aka the flag. It is your choice to do so, but that doesn't change the facts of what the relationship between the corporation and its possessions and resources, including those human.


If you enable or benefit from or ignore or justify "the crimes of our "Government"" or family, or bloodline, or gang, or mafia, are you not soiled as well? We all are.

Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 8:49 a.m. No.19904595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4642


drop the list of global pedophiles, cannibals, human hunters, and ritual practitioners using human derived materials.


make it a 'hack' that appears on every SM platform, TV network, radio signal all at once, on a 24 hour loop. so as to let it sink in, the magnitude.


Then watch then all attempt to scurry away on live feeds from security cams, phone cams, drones, and satellites.


Reverse hunger games.

Anonymous ID: ae44ce Nov. 12, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.19904709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

is there an AI image generator that will take parameters and make an image without requiring a sign up or login?


ty in advance