Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 5:26 a.m. No.19903949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3964 >>4283 >>4520

"Climate" of Vaccinated Sheep…


Study reveals worrisome new factor contributing to heart attacks: ‘Up to 2.8% of heart attack deaths may be attributed’


Air-breathers beware: the combination of heat, smoke, and smog prevalent in much of the country right now is hard on our hearts.


It’s a growing concern, as more than 800,000 people in the U.S. have a heart attack each year already.


The American Heart Association is highlighting Chinese research that examined 202,000 heart attack deaths from 2015-20.


They found that days with extreme heat and high levels of air pollution particles were “associated” with a greater risk of heart attack death, more so for women and the elderly during heat waves, the association reported.


“Extreme temperature events are becoming more frequent, longer, and more intense, and their adverse health effects have drawn growing concern,” Dr. Liu Yuewei, an associate professor at China’s Sun Yat-sen University, said in the report.


Moar Ignore the Obvious and blame Climate here

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 5:58 a.m. No.19904024   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming = the exponential growth of items posted on this board and the way info is distributed around the internet!


Lets take a look at some of todays Deltas in that regard.


3:02 in the Morning, 3:02 in the evening…


Bryan S Ware (Looking Glass guy, stepped down. Also Chris Krabs was FIRED BY TWEET. kek)




Chris Krebs


(Also kind of dasting is Biden's code name was Joe B ware…or something like that)


What the FUCK happened at 3:02???


Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.19904060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4075 >>4588



Did the Rino's just lose their Handler?



‘Eccentric’ billionaire forced to sell his 2,000 captive rhinos following government ban: ‘One of the largest … endeavors to occur for any species’


John Hume is the world’s most prolific private rhino breeder, and his operation has been on the verge of bankruptcy for years, as Save the Rhino reported in 2018.


The reason? A series of government bans on the sale of rhino horns, which Hume claims to harvest humanely from his herd of captive rhinos. Now, an NGO has stepped in and agreed to pay Hume for his rhinos so that they can be rewilded.


Hume, a wealthy South African property developer turned rhino farmer, is a controversial figure. His herd of 2,000 semi-captive rhinos constitutes around 7.4% of the world’s total rhino population (there are an estimated 27,000 rhinos currently alive, according to Save the Rhino).


Hume has claimed that his efforts to breed rhinos and harvest their horns are, in fact, protecting them from poachers. He calls his work a philanthropic project to save the species.


The eccentric billionaire has drawn plenty of backlash with his practice of regularly anesthetizing the rhinos and cutting off their horns in an attempt to sell them. Now, his ability to make money off the animals has been stymied.


“This is one of the largest continent-wide rewilding endeavors to occur for any species,” the NGO said, as Daily Maverick reported, while also adding that Hume’s captive-bred rhinos represented nearly 15% of the world’s remaining wild rhino population.


Hume — who has reportedly claimed to have sunk $150 million into the project and is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy — was forced to find a buyer for his 2,000 rhinos.


This was a challenging task. Hume attempted to put the rhinos up for sale in an online auction with an opening bid of $10 million but received no bids, per the Guardian. For a time, the future of his rhinos was uncertain — in a worst-case scenario, they would’ve been simply abandoned and left at the mercy of poachers.


Luckily, African Parks has stepped in and agreed to purchase the rhinos, with the endorsement of the South African Government and the African Rhino Specialist Group. These organizations will work to rewild the rhinos over 10 years, reports Daily Maverick.


“The key thing will be finding conservation areas that are large enough and secure from poaching,” Dr. Mike Knight, chairman of the IUCN specialist group, told Daily Maverick. “The conservation sector is delighted that African Parks can provide a credible solution for this important population, and a significant lifeline for this near threatened species.”


Though rewilding the rhinos requires great effort, experts are optimistic about the mission’s success.


“I would call them ‘semi-wild’ rather than ‘semi-captive,’” one rhino conservation expert told Daily Maverick. “It’s interesting that some of John Hume’s black rhinos were sent to a property in Eswatini a few years ago — and within just a few months of their arrival one of the females had been mated by a wild rhino. So I strongly suspect his white rhinos will also do fine.”

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 6:15 a.m. No.19904079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4211


Do you REALLY think you don't GLOW?



Ramaswamy criticizes Trump's actions in alleged fake elector scheme

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 6:29 a.m. No.19904122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4126 >>4127


>Vander Plaats

Sounds like a vaccine side effect


The RNC and I have agreed on the format of


November 17 Thanksgiving FAMiLY Forum. The Forum is NOT a debate. Thus, the RNC is giving a thumbs up for candidates to participate. Thanks to the RNC for facilitating a win/win for the process. #ChooseWell2024

11:13 AM · Nov 11, 2023


Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 7:26 a.m. No.19904295   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The US taxpayer should have the opportunity to vote with a special ballot on whether we want to get involved. That is all.


Good idea, but Voter Fraud is too easy.

How about America STFU and let everyone else handle their own shit?

Why is America, the worlds ATM?


This is what breeds corruption in the first place.

Follow the money.

No money, no wars.

THEY can't PROFIT from LIES.

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 7:55 a.m. No.19904410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4426 >>4456


Greenland's receding icecap to expose top-secret US nuclear project

This article is more than 7 years old

Camp Century – part of Project Iceworm– is an underground cold war network that was thought to have been buried for ever

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 8 a.m. No.19904422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4438

Clown Rewards


'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley, who served more than 2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, now wants to run for Congress


Jacob Chansley, or the "QAnon shaman," became an infamous symbol of the January 6 attack on Congres.


Chansley apologized and was recently released from prison after serving more than two years.


Now he wants to run for Congress.


Jacob Chansley would like to return to the scene of his crime.


Chansley rose to American infamy as the "QAnon shaman," becoming the face of the January 6, 2021 seige on the US Capitol, which sent congressional lawmakers scrambling in fear for the exits.


Now he thinks he might like to work in the building he attacked.


Chansley is considering running for a US Congress seat in the 2024 election, representing his home state of Arizona.


He recently filed his initial paperwork with Arizona's Secretary of State's Office, indicating that he planned to run as a Libertarian for the state's 8th congressional District, The Arizona Republic reported.


Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko now holds the seat for the district, which is made up of suburbs surrounding Phoenix. Lesko recently announced she would retire in January instead of seeking reelection in 2024.


So, the race is now on for her seat. Notable candidates thus far include Blake Masters, who failed to cinch a seat in the Senate in 2022, and Abe Hamadeh, who lost his race to be Arizona's attorney general the same year.


One of the first rioters to breach the Capitol, Chansley issued an apology after pleading guilty to his crimes. He served 27 months behind bars in a 41-month sentence. Once released, he suggested that he wanted to reverse his guilty plea.


Though as a convicted felon he can't vote, that doesn't prevent him from running for office.

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 8:25 a.m. No.19904514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4552 >>4734


Iceland’s data centers are booming—here’s why that’s a problem


Bitcoin miners and data scientists love cheap, green Icelandic processing power. Maybe a little too much.


The southwestern tip of Iceland is a barren volcanic peninsula called Reykjanesskagi. It’s home to the twin towns of Keflavik and Njardvik, around 19,000 people, and the country’s main airport.


On the edge of the settlement is a complex of metal-clad buildings belonging to the IT company Advania, each structure roughly the size of an Olympic-size swimming pool. Less than three years ago there were three of them. By April 2018, there were eight. Today there are 10, and the foundations have been laid for an 11th.


This is part of a boom fostered partly by something that Icelanders don’t usually rave about: the weather.


Life on the North Atlantic island tends to be chilly, foggy, and windy, though hard frosts are not common. The annual average temperature in the capital, Reykjavík, is around 41 °F (5 °C), and even when the summer warmth kicks in, the mercury rarely rises above 68. Iceland has realized that even though this climate may not be great for sunning yourself on the beach, it is very favorable to one particular industry: data.


Each one of those Advania buildings in Reykjanesskagi is a large data center, home to thousands of computers. They are constantly crunching away, processing instructions, transmitting data, and mining Bitcoin. Data centers like these generate large amounts of heat and need round-the-clock cooling, which would usually require considerable energy. In Iceland, however, data centers don’t need to constantly run high-powered cooling systems for heat moderation: instead, they can just let in the brisk subarctic air. Natural cooling like this lowers ongoing costs.


Data demand, rapid growth

The result is that Iceland’s data center industry has expanded rapidly over the past few years, led by three companies that rule the local market. Advania primarily rents out space to Bitcoin miners. Verne Global, which was founded in 2012, mainly works to meet the supercomputing needs of enterprise clients such as BMW, which has used Icelandic processing power for complex calculations like crash simulations. The third company, Etix Everywhere Borealis, says it serves customers using blockchain technology, as well as supercomputing clients.


So how do you measure the growth of this industry? The rapid rate of construction is one way, but there are other indicators, such as how much energy it consumes. Data centers are hungry for power, and last year electricity use by large data centers in Iceland more than doubled. In 2019 it’s expected to rise again, by nearly 50%.


Here’s another way to gauge things: the industry is already a considerable part of the Icelandic economy. A report from KPMG suggested that in 2016, before the current explosion really took hold, the data center sector already contributed close to 1% of the country’s gross domestic product. Although there are no clear numbers on its current status, recent expansion will have increased its role in the local economy.


A combination of factors is responsible for this lightning-fast growth, including the favorable climate, competitive electricity prices, and access to renewable energy sources, says Einar Hansen Tómasson, project manager at Invest in Iceland, a public-private partnership set up to promote Iceland overseas.


And the country is trying to preserve that momentum: Invest in Iceland uses a promotional slogan suggesting that it’s the “coolest location for data centers.”


Natural cooling for data centers is not an Icelandic invention, though, and there is competition from other northern countries. Facebook, for instance, opened a naturally cooled data center in northern Sweden in 2013. Other tech giants, including Google and Apple, have also decided to build their own data centers elsewhere in the Nordic countries. The Danish Energy Agency predicts that in the period from 2017 to 2030, new data centers will account for 85% of the increase in electricity use in Denmark’s business sector.


More money, more problems

Iceland’s data center companies promote themselves as clean: after all, virtually all of the country’s electricity is generated from renewable sources like geothermal and hydroelectric power.



Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 8:35 a.m. No.19904550   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is anyone else wondering what could happen ???

Of course. (We'll never get the truth though)


"Conspiracy Theorists" still wildly ignored as the "Sudden Deaths" continue ticking upwards. So, clearly, THAT might be some of the information that has to be buried?


Seems fucked up though.

If "WE" collectively, ANON'S were not Continually left out in the COLD as "Conspiracy Theorists" and actually had BACK UP, perhaps many of our loved ones would still be with us today. Maybe many others will be leaving before their time.


This topic was a RED LINE for me.

Honestly. They crossed it, when they allowed Children to be dragged into their little 'show.'

And no, it wasn't Saline, and no, it didn't have to be this way.


That should have been OFF LIMITS. It wasn't. Let that sink in.

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 8:50 a.m. No.19904599   🗄️.is 🔗kun




And we're about to get names of Johns from a smut sting, and Epstein & Maxwells Frens are all going to jail, and a shit ton of Unsealed Indictment drop, and and and…………….


two weeks, two months, two years, SOON, lets see what happens……….

Anonymous ID: dcbe11 Nov. 12, 2023, 9:20 a.m. No.19904695   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I have heard him talk, and he seems ok.

Crisis Actors of Pelosi's are never "ok"



Agree he was a pawn, but think it was to mock Q & Anons.

He never corrected that "nick name".