Anonymous ID: 356054 TWO important “I did it” videos dropped in the past few days. Nov. 12, 2023, 10:07 a.m. No.19904842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4847

Two of the most important video confessions of our time came out in the past few days. If you are going to archive any videos, these should be among them.


The first is an “I did it” interview that is evidence for the literal mother of all conspiracy theories. This is a confession of the event that the term “conspiracy theory” and its psy-op were invented to hide.


Remember all of those conspiracy theories about a shooter in the grassy knoll? Well, here’s an interview with the guy who claims to have been that shooter. Did you get that? This guy is confessing to have made the kill shot that took out JFK. The interviewer, Michael Jaco, is former special ops. He believes this is the real deal.

Some wonder why the shooter is still alive. When you find out why he’s confessing, it will blow your mind, and that might also explain why he survived. I’m not going to give you that spoiler here.


The other video is “I did it” testimony of the foreign theft of the 2020 US presidential election. This video shares Italian intelligence and US sworn testimony provided in a Kansas hearing. According to testimony, Pres. Trump was handed a letter on December 24, 2020, detailing the event.


So why would these videos be coming out now? I believe that “they” are getting ready to reinstate Pres. Trump, “they” being the US military and/or the US Supreme Court. The event reported in the second video was probably the trigger for the executive orders that Derek Johnson has been telling us about. I’ll leave it to another anon to share links to the executive orders. This video also confirms information being recently shared by Jan Halper-Hayes.

Anonymous ID: 356054 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19904950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545


The "science" has been really showing them up lately. So many studies are showing the jabs to NOT prevent infection, to NOT prevent spread, and to actually kill a lot of people, whether immediately or years down the line.


Do NOT take any of these "vaccines" or boosters.