Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:15 a.m. No.19904874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4880 >>4889 >>4900 >>4938 >>4952 >>5381 >>5545

Anons he’s an anon, he found this meme on 4chan. He says to Tucker, pardon my French, but its called a shitpost!


Watch the Video on X


Tucker Carlson@TuckerCarlson


Ep. 38The First Amendment is done. Douglass Mackey is about to go to prison for mocking Hillary Clinton on the internet. We talked to him right before his sentencing. Remember as you watch that this could be you.



(3:12) The Hillary Clinton meme

(4:20) Hillary’s reaction

(6:38) FBI raid


Mackey is currently raising funds for his appeal.

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.19904900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545


Commentator: What we are seeing with the “Douglass Mackey Affair” is Anarcho-Tyranny in action…

November 11, 2023 (2 days ago)

The Douglass Mackey trial, conviction, and sentencing is a perfect example of “Anarcho-Tyranny” in action. That’s what one very astute X user and writer by the name of Chad Crowley declared recently in a very powerful post. But what exactly is anarcho-tyranny? Well, according to Wikidata, it’s a stage of governmental dysfunction in which the state is anarchically hopeless at coping with large matters but ruthlessly tyrannical in the enforcement of small ones. That sounds about right.


If you’re not familiar, the Mackey case is the most important First Amendment case in the nation, and if he’s unable to overturn his conviction on appeal, we’re all screwed in ways we can’t even fathom right now. Revolver has covered this case in-depth, so if you haven’t got all the details, we encourage you to read our viral piece called, “Most Important First Amendment Case You’ve Never Heard Of: Biden Regime Tries to Toss a Young Man in Jail for 10 Years for Anti-Hillary Memes.”


The Cliff Notes version of the story goes like this: Mr. Mackey posted a humorous, satirical meme poking fun at Hillary and her low-information voters. In response to this harmless act, the feds charged him with conspiracy to commit election fraud. A New York City jury found him guilty, and a Democrat judge with clear biases sentenced him to seven months in federal prison. It’s almost unbelievable that this unfolded in what’s supposed to be the “land of the free.” Now, “anarcho-tyranny” may be making a lot more sense.

Chad Crowley has delved deeply into the case, highlighting how the government fears any form of dissent, including memes that are obviously jokes, even to those with the simplest minds.


Read it and weep:

Mackey’s actions did not change a single vote, but as Tucker Carlson most recently stated in the opening monologue to his interview with Douglass Mackey:


“If someone had told you even ten years ago that you could be indicted by the federal government and go to prison for 10 years for making fun of Hillary Clinton on social media, you would not have believed it. It’s a free country, we have free speech. But it turns out that not only is that possible, it has likely become much more common, because the actual war is over information.”

Information is any stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. Mackey’s actions may not have changed a single vote, but they did, however, change the context of the conversation.

His satirical meme, while not directly impacting the outcome of the election, contributed to a broader discussion on the American electoral process and the growing sense that elections are not as “free, fair or open” as they are portrayed, while also highlighting the absurdity that characterizes contemporary politics.

This, in essence, is the power of information — the ability to influence and provoke critical thought, even through something as seemingly harmless as humor, and the reason why the Regime tyrannically crushes all dissent.

In the case of Mackey, his memes, though presented in jest, were perceived as a threat to the established order, particularly because they aligned with his support for Donald Trump, a then political candidate whose 2016 political platform of “America First” challenged the reigning powers that be.

This Trumpian alignment made Mackey’s satirical content even more dangerous in the eyes of those who opposed Trump and what he stood for. The reaction to Mackey’s satire epitomizes anarcho-tyranny in action, highlighting the increasing sensitivity of the Regime towards any form of dissent or mockery, especially when it not only challenges the status quo but also gives support to a controversial figure like Donald Trump, whose very political platform was a threat to the system.

The “Douglass Mackey Affair” serves as a cautionary tale about the fragility of free expression in an era where any and all means can, and will be weaponized by the state to crush those challenging its monopolization of power.


That’s just the beginning of the thread; you can read the rest here.

Mr. Mackey recently broke his silence. He sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his case and the current “police state” governing America.

Mr. Mackey is prepared to challenge this extreme injustice all the way to the Supreme Court, but he can’t do it alone. He needs your support to make this journey. Please consider contributing to his legal battle—a fight he’s undertaking for all of us:


Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.19904962   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hopes and prayers, reminder this is done by a Federal Agency under Bidan that believes that Americans are terrorists. But the Hamas and The Muslim Brotherhood supporters are not.


The End of Rome is rapidly accelerating

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:46 a.m. No.19904977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5545


DEVELOPING: U.S. Military Aircraft Crashes Over Mediterranean Sea

by Graham16 hours ago


A United States military aircraft crashed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.


It is reported that the aircraft went down due to a malfunction during training, not because of hostile activity.


Fox News shares more on the story:


The organization, which is responsible for U.S. military operations across Europe, portions of Asia and the Middle East, the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean, said that they can “definitively say” that the mishap was “purely related to” training exercises and that there are “no indications of hostile activity.”


It is not clear what service branch the personnel involved are a part of, or details about the aircraft or its crew.


EUCOM also did not provide any additional information regarding how many crew were aboard the aircraft, saying that, “out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the personnel involved at this time.”


What is going on with our aircraft?


You may remember that back in September, a military jet crashed in South Carolina.


The Associated Press News has more on the aircraft that went down over South Carolina:


Authorities had been searching for the jet since the pilot, whose name hasn’t been released, parachuted to safety into a North Charleston neighborhood about 2 p.m. Sunday. He was taken to a hospital, where he was in stable condition, Marines Maj. Melanie Salinas said.


“The mishap is currently under investigation, and we are unable to provide additional details to preserve the integrity of the investigative process,” the Marine Corps said in a news release on Monday evening.


The Marine Corps announced earlier Monday it was pausing aviation operations for two days after the fighter jet’s crash — the third costly accident in recent weeks.


Gen. Eric Smith, the acting commandant of the Marine Corps, ordered the stand-downwhile authorities searched near two South Carolina lakes for the missing FB-35B Lightning II aircraft.


It’s the third event documented as a “Class-A mishap” over the past six weeks, according to a Marine Corps announcement. Such incidents occur when damages reach $2.5 million or more, a Department of Defense aircraft is destroyed, or someone dies or is permanently disabled.


Commanders will spend the stand-down reinforcing safe flying policies, practices and procedures with their Marines, according to the Monday release.


Is a lack of funding or training responsible for these crashes?


These are not cheap aircraft, and every time we lose one, millions of taxpayers’ money is out the window.

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:54 a.m. No.19904995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5000

12 Nov, 2023 17:18

EU state prosecuting citizens for supporting Russia

People in the Czech Republic could face up to three years in jail for justifying Moscow’s conflict with Kiev, authorities warn


Czech law enforcement is dealing with a growing number of cases linked to the public approval of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, the iRozhlas media outlet reported on Saturday, citing police data. The EU nation’s authorities have made it a crime to publicly express support for Moscow in its conflict with Kiev.


The Czech Public Prosecutor’s Office warned in February 2022 that endorsing Russia’s military operation in Ukraine at demonstrations or online, as well as praising or supporting senior Russian officials, can be treated as ‘approval of a crime’, or “denying, questioning, approving or justifying a genocide” under the Criminal Code.


Police say they have investigated hundreds of complaints related to these types of actions since the beginning of the conflict. The number of criminal cases opened over public endorsements of Russia has reached 384, Police Spokesman Ondrej Moravcik told iRozhlas. Almost 100 people have been charged, he added.


According to the spokesman,the courts have already passed judgment in some of the cases. The official did not reveal how many cases reached the courts or if anyone has received a prison sentence for expressing support for Russia. According to Moravcik, the police stop following these cases after handing them over to the prosecutor’s offices for indictments.


Under the Czech Criminal Code, the crime is punishable by up to one year behind bars.Those found guilty of denying or justifying “genocide” could spend between six months and three years in jail.


The Czech authorities have faced heavy public criticism over its support for Kiev and its ties to the US. In September, around 10,000 people took part in a rally in the capital, Prague, demanding the government resign due to its pro-Western policies.


The demonstration was organized by the opposition Law, Respect, Expertise (PRO) party.The protesters demanded that Prague veto any attempts by Ukraine to join NATO, adding that the Czech Republic should withdraw from the US-led bloc.


(The end of Rome is accelerating! All because the US, EU and Canada must prove Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax is true. Basically the Trump haters must have a villain. This is insane. Free Speech and Thought Are Under Attack by Countries that believe they are Democratic. How ironic)

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:56 a.m. No.19905000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5059


It’s odd that the countries that were part of the Soviet Union, who are now a free and democratic country, are reverting back to Soviet tactics. Are they even aware of it?

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.19905089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545


Wait a minute is that why Trump says he wants to Federalize Wash DC?because we won’t be part, or are currently not tied to London and the Vatican Triade? Trump supposedly signed the Bankruptcy of Gov in DC in 2020.


Trump Calls for 'Federal Takeover' of D.C., Change of Venue

Former President Donald Trump, ahead of his arraignment in Washington, D.C., insisted a change of venue is needed because getting a fair trial is "impossible" there, noting he has called for a "federal takeover" of the nation's capital.


Former President Donald Trump, ahead of his arraignment in Washington, D.C., insisted a change of venue is needed because getting a fair trial is "impossible" there, noting he has called for a "federal takeover" of the nation's capital.


"The latest fake 'case' brought by Crooked Joe Biden & Deranged Jack Smith will hopefully be moved to an impartial venue, such as the politically unbiased nearby State of West Virginia!" Trump wrote on Truth Social, railing against the president, his special counsel, and the "anti-Trump" city of D.C., the night before his arraignment.


He added it is "impossible to get a fair trial in Washington, D.C., which is over 95% anti-Trump, & for which I have called for a federal takeover in order to bring our capital back to greatness. It is now a high-crime embarrassment to our nation and, indeed, the world.This indictment is all about election interference!!!"


In a separate post early Thursday, Trump said "the radical left wants to criminalize free speech!"


Trump won West Virginia in his 2016 election by 42 percentage points and took the state in 2020 with 68.6%. West Virginia, a strong red state, has not elected a Democrat for president since former President Bill Clinton in 1996, according to The New York Times.


Trump, the front-runner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, is to be arraigned Thursday afternoon in a four-count indictment by Smith's special counsel. Trump has been charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.


Six other co-conspirators have been listed in the indictment but have not been officially named.


The courthouse where Trump is being arraigned is located between the Capitol and the White House, and Wednesday afternoon, police put up security fencing around the government building.


The indictment is Trump's third in recent months. He was indicted in Manhattan in April on charges related to the falsification of business records, and in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida in June, where he is charged with allegedly mishandling classified documents kept at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19905149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5156 >>5545


Dr. Jan talks about Netanyahu being the biggest block in the Middle east and how he wouldn’t engage in peace talks. I found this article that seems to lead to a Q post. Note the dare if article

Trump calls Netanyahu 'a bigger problem' than Abbas:Reports

Comments are said to have come during meeting between US president and UN chief in New York last month

Published date: 4 October 2017

The US President Donald Trump described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the harder side to convince in his efforts to mediate between the Israelis and Palestinians, according to well-placed sources.


A Western diplomat who was briefed on Trump’s comments, which came during a meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York, told Haaretz that “Trump said both leaders are problematic.”


“But the general context was that from the two of them, Netanyahu is the bigger problem.”


The Israeli paper said that the claim was backed up by seven Western and Israeli sources who were either present at or briefed on the meeting.


But a senior White House official has since disputed the account of the meeting, saying: “This was a short but productive meeting that primarily focused on UN reforms and the great job [US Ambassador to the UN Nikki] Haley has been doing. After discussing the United States’ defence of Israel at the UN, the participants quickly addressed the ongoing peace conversations.


"The president said that he feels both sides want to make peace and he remains optimistic about an enduring peace deal. We are focusing on our productive conversations and not on the noise created by spoilers.”


Guterres and Trump are said to have spent half of a 15-minute meeting speaking about the Israeli-Palestine issue alone on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly last month.


According to a diplomat who was briefed on the meeting, Trump fancied himself as the US president that could broker a peace deal, adding that the time was right given that Abbas was getting older and wanted to leave a legacy behind and Netanyahu now had a US president who was sympathetic to Israel’s security needs.


Yet Netanyahu was surprised by Trump’s emphasis on peace talks when they met on the side of the UN last month. The Israeli prime minister had expected to discuss the Iranian nuclear deal, according to Haaretz.


Meanwhile Mahmoud Abbas is said to be supportive of Trump’s efforts after they also met at the UN, before which Trump said about a potential peace agreement: “I think we have a pretty good shot – maybe the best shot ever.


“I certainly will devote everything within my heart and within my soul to get that deal made. … So we’ll see if we can put it together. Who knows? Stranger things have happened.”


(Saving Israel for last. Is Netanyahu intentionally trying to destroy the “Abraham Accords”?)

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 12:50 p.m. No.19905378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5389 >>5412

12 Nov, 2023 19:31

Zelensky may be ousted – ex presidential aide

The idea of peace talks between Moscow and Kiev has become a “prevalent narrative” in the West, Oleg Soskin believes


Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s unwillingness to consider peace talks with Russia might lead him to being ousted to make such negotiations possible, Oleg Soskin, an adviser to two former Ukrainian presidents, said on Saturday.


Zelensky, who continues to maintain that victory should be achieved on the battlefield, simply “cannot” enter peace talks with Moscow, Soskin said on his YouTube channel. Such actions, he believes, are pushing Russia and at least some of Ukraine’s Western backers to think that they need someone else to represent Kiev who can “agree on even a temporary truce.” In order to achieve that, the current Ukrainian leadership needs to be “neutralized,” the former presidential aide added.


The idea of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine has become a “prevalent narrative”not only in Russia but in the West as well, Soskin suggested. He noted that French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni expressed such ideas not so long ago.


Macron told the BBC in an interview this week that although it was France’s “duty” to support Kiev the time might have come for some “fair and good negotiations” with Russia. Meloni recently told a pair of Russian pranksters, Vovan and Lexus, that “there is a lot of fatigue”in the EU over the conflict. “We are near the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out,” she added at that time.


Soskin, a renowned economist who was the deputy head of the Institute of the World Economics and International Relations of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the 1990s, said that the EU would also be potentially unable to satisfy Kiev’s needs for military equipment and ammunition, particularly if US military aid decreases.


The former official served as a senior adviser to Ukraine’s first president, Leonid Kravchuk, in the early 1990s and was later an economic adviser to the nation’s second leader, Leonid Kuchma, between 1998 and 2000.


Kiev has repeatedly ruled out any talks with Moscow and demands a complete withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories Ukraine claims as its own. Zelensky reiterated this demand in an interview with Reuters this week, adding that Kiev would continue the fight even without US aid if need be.


He also denied media reports about Ukraine’s Western backers allegedly encouraging it to engage in peace negotiations with Moscow. “This is not going to happen,” he said last week.


Russia has repeatedly signaled its readiness to engage in negotiations with Kiev but has insisted that such talks should take Moscow’s security interests and the “reality on the ground” into account. In the autumn of 2022, four former Ukrainian territories – including the two Donbass republics – officially joined Russia, following a series of referendums.


Kiev declared the votes a “sham” and has sought to reclaim control over the four territories, as well as Crimea, which joined Russia in 2014 following another referendum.

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 1:09 p.m. No.19905449   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Nov, 2023 13:16

Ukraine security guarantees must be backed by Russia – NATO member

Moscow and Kiev should sign a ceasefire as soon as possible and without preconditions, a senior Hungarian diplomat has said


Negotiations on the settlement of the Ukraine conflict must eventually produce a security architecture that addresses both Moscow’s and Kiev’s concerns, a senior Hungarian diplomat has said.


Speaking at a political congress in the city of Szekesfehervar on Saturday, Tamas Menczer, the state secretary responsible for bilateral relations at the Hungarian foreign ministry, expressed the view that Russia and Ukraine should sign an immediate ceasefire without any preconditions.


“Peace negotiations are needed, and then the creation of a security systemthat guarantees Ukraine’s security and is acceptable to Russia,” he stressed.


His comments echoed those of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who earlier this month described the EU’s current strategy on Ukraine as “a complete failure.” According to the Hungarian leader, a viable “Plan B” would be a ceasefire and an arrangement that would be “reassuring for Ukraine and acceptable to the Russians.”


Hungary is heavily dependent on Russian energy, and has repeatedly slammed Western sanctions against Moscow as detrimental to the EU’s economy. It has also refused to lend Kiev military assistance. Orban has argued that Ukraine will not be able to prevail without direct NATO military intervention.


Budapest has also spoken outagainst Ukrainian membership in the EU, arguing that accession would only draw the bloc into the conflict. (Plus Ukraine is a welfare state and will suck the EU dry with confrontation)


While Moscow has repeatedly said it is open to talks with Kiev, President Vladimir Zelensky last year banned all talks with the current Russian leadership after four former Ukrainian regions overwhelmingly voted to join the neighboring country. Speaking to NBC last week, however, Zelensky acknowledged that while Ukraine is not engaged in talks with Russia, other countries maintain dialogue with Moscow at the level of intelligence chiefs.


TheAmerican networkhas previously reported that Western officials approached their Ukrainian counterparts regardingpossible concessions to Russia due to fears that Ukraine was “running out of forces.”


The issue of security guarantees was first raised by Russia in December 2021, shortly before it began its military operation. For years, Moscow has been wary of NATO’s gradual eastward expansion. In particular, the Kremlin demanded that the West rule out Kiev’s accession to the US-led military bloc and that the alliance retreat to its borders as of 1997. Those proposals, however, were rejected.


(Zelensky should get out before he is taken out. It doesn’t matter how much blackmail on the West he has, they’ll just deny it calling Zelensky a dictation like Hitler. Ukraine is still corrupt as hell though.)

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 1:22 p.m. No.19905485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5491 >>5545

Holy Shit

The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal


BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, NOV 11, 2023 - 03:45 PM.1/2

As the MSM turns on President Joe Biden heading into the 2024 election, the Washington Post had an interesting piece on Thursday exploring a little-known connection between the Bidens and the du Pont family, which revolves around a 2001 case in which then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) was voted in as a prominent new member of a prestigious Golf Club in Wilmington, Delaware, founded by a du Pont heiress.


That year, Biden, known for his "Middle-Class Joe" image and modest financial status, joined the exclusive Fieldstone Golf Club, a symbol of prestige and power. This move painted a contrasting picture: a politician aligned with working-class values, yet rubbing shoulders with the state's most affluent family, renowned for their chemical company empire.


At the time, Biden walked a delicate line. On one hand, he campaigned as an Amtrak-riding “Middle-Class Joe” striving to make ends meet, and accurately described himself as “one of the poorest members of Congress” — reporting $221,000 in combined income with his wife that year and $360 in charitable contributions. -WaPo


Biden's connection to the du Ponts extended beyond social interactions. His staffing choices, political allies, and personal real estate investments all reflected a deep integration with this influential family. His acquisition of a mansion built by a du Pont member further underscores this relationship.


Yet, Biden's entry into the Fieldstone Golf Club raised eyebrows and led to a brief FBI investigation in 2007. The inquiry centered on how Biden obtained his club membership, especially as it involved an "unused" ticket from a company owned by the club's founder, potentially bypassing a substantial partnership fee.The FBI's probe, which included photographing Biden's personal locker at the club, eventually closed without any allegations of wrongdoing. It's unknown whether Biden was ever informed about the FBI investigation.


In response to an inquiry, the White House told the Post: "These bizarre suggestions from more than 20 years ago are confusing given the fact that the Post is reporting that President Biden was fully responsible for membership dues at the golf club and all out-of-pocket costs associated with it. Frankly, the Post’s own reporting suggests this supposed matter was closed 15 years ago with no finding of wrongdoing. If you want to dig deep on who’s funding a president’s golf habits, we might have some suggestions."


Yet, this story reveals the delicate balance Biden navigated between his public identity as a relatable politician and his private interactions with Delaware's elite. While maintaining his image as a defender of middle-class interests, Biden also sought inclusion in the state's upper echelons, epitomized by his association with the du Ponts and his membership at Fieldstone.


For someone raised in Delaware with Biden’s blue-collar background, “it would be quite an accomplishment” to rise into the same social circles as the du Ponts, said Joseph Hurley, a Wilmington attorney who grew up with Biden and represented Moseley.


“It’s like, ‘I’ve really arrived,’ because the du Ponts were the family, the king’s-family type thing,” he said. -WaPo


Biden often cited the long role of the du Pont family in Delaware in his family story - writing in his memoir that his father moved the family from Scranton, PA to a suburb of Wilmington, which was made more economically stable thanks to so many well-paid DuPont employees.


"DuPont meant security for today and better times for the future," Biden wrote.


Years later, Biden recalled that his mother urged him to value his heritage with as much pride as the state’s best-known family. “Like I’m a du Pont or something,” Biden recalled. “You’re a Biden. Nobody is better than you, and everybody’s equal to you,” his mother told him.…

Anonymous ID: 5ddab6 Nov. 12, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.19905491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5539 >>5545



Still, he envied the position and power of those who founded the DuPont company.


Elected to the Senate in 1972, he served in Congress alongside Rep. Pierre “Pete” du Pont IV, who later became Delaware’s governor and ran for president. Biden’s close adviser and Senate chief of staff, Ted Kaufman, had worked for DuPont as a plastics engineer.


In 1974, Biden spent $185,000 to buy what he called a “gorgeous … enormous” mansion built six decades earlier by a du Pont family member in Greenville, Del. The home, which he named “the Station,” served as a base for Biden’s unsuccessful 1988 presidential campaign; he sold it for $1.2 million in 1996 and then bought a four-acre lakefront property in Greenville. -WaPo.


The Biden-du Pont connection, reinforced by this membership, raises questions about potential influences and reciprocal favors within these elite circles.


In particular, it seems appropriate to revisit a controversial 2009 plea deal offered by then-Attorney General Beau Biden to a du Pont heir accused of raping his own daughter when she was a toddler. Richards was originally charged with two counts of second-degree rape, which carried a minimum of 20 years behind bars. Instead, he pleaded guilty in 2008 to fourth-degree rape, which carries no minimum prison time.


The deal was offered to du Pont heir Robert H. Richards IV, who had confessed to the fourth-degree rape of his 3-year-old daughter. He was spared prison time, a decision that sparked public outrage and scrutiny. Beau Biden defended the decision in 2014, citing the case's weaknesses and potential for loss at trial, but these justifications were met with skepticism, given the family's history with the du Ponts.


The plea bargain's leniency towards a figure from a wealthy and powerful family contrasts sharply with the typically harsher sentences meted out to less privileged offenders. This disparity points to a potential bias within the judicial system, influenced by socio-economic status and connections.


The link between the Bidens and the du Ponts, established years earlier through Joe Biden's golf club membership, suggests a narrative of mutual benefits and unwritten understandings among Delaware's elite. While there's no evidence of a link, the timing and context of theserelationships paint a picture of intersecting interests and shared spaces between powerful families.