Anonymous ID: c52122 Nov. 12, 2023, 12:15 p.m. No.19905225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5268

For those you know who still hold the official 911 account as truth, give em this:


If you believe the official narrative, that 2 planes turned 3 buildings into dust, that the 19 Saudi nationals accomplished this with US-based flight training, that the US intel and mil apparatus mustered their best real-time response, that there was not gov't collusion/foreknowledge/participation in this event, that a plane struck the Pentagon, that passports of the 'attackers' were recovered intact, that many curious patterns of behavior were merely coincidently changed on and only on that day, that the tower complex owner just happened to have a very specific insurance policy, that a massive hurricane just happened to make a precise and immediate redirection of course within a few hours prior to the event, that FEMA just happened to be staged on Pier 10 on Sept 10, that almost the entire Cantor Fitzgerald firm (3 floors of staff) the Pentagon's chief accounting consultant was lost, that the Pentagon budget office was precisely 'targeted' by coincidence the day after SecDef Donald Rumsfeld announced a missing $2T, that packing and sending ALL of the debris to oversees (or mid ocean?) dumps immediately was SOP, that were multiple tons of gold vaulted beneath the tower complex which still remains unaccounted for by coincidence, that Building 7 just happened to be announced as collapsed on live BBC TV while still standing in the very shot, and that that building just happened to collapse without impact nor fire, then what more after 20+ years would you need to see that would convince you that that story is not the truth?

Anonymous ID: c52122 Nov. 12, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.19905298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545


mRNA Cancer Vaccines


During the last decade, mRNA became increasingly recognized as a versatile tool for the development of new innovative therapeutics. Especially for vaccine development, mRNA is of outstanding interest and numerous clinical trials have been initiated. Strikingly, all of these studies have proven that large-scale GMP production of mRNA is feasible and concordantly report a favorable safety profile of mRNA vaccines. Creative Biolabs is a world leader in the field of cancer vaccine development. With our extensive experience and advanced platform, we are therefore confident in offering the best development services for mRNA cancer vaccines. We guarantee the finest results for our customers all over the world.


RNA – Creative Biolabs

Advantages of mRNA Cancer Vaccines

Simultaneous improvements in the production, modification, and stabilization of mRNA have nurtured the recognition of mRNA as a potential alternative. During the last decade, mRNA became increasingly recognized as a versatile tool for the development of new innovative therapeutics. Especially for vaccine development, mRNA is of outstanding interest as it maintains the key characteristics of pDNA, but with a superior safety profile. Similar to pDNA, mRNA vaccines lack MHC haplotype restriction, unlike peptide vaccination strategies. But in contrast to pDNA, mRNA does not require nuclear localization for translation of the encoded antigen. Moreover, it represents the minimal vector enabling transient protein expression and does not harbor the risk of insertional mutagenesis or permanent genomic alteration. Consequently, mRNA demonstrates inherent safety features optimal for therapeutic use.


Antigen Acquisition

Uptake and Endosomal Release - Once mRNA has reached the close neighborhood of DCs (by any delivery route), the subsequent steps of cellular uptake and, importantly, access to the cytoplasm, are critical. Nonlipid nanoparticles may by highly protective of their cargo and easily coupled to targeting ligands, yet they are often confronted with the problem of efficient mRNA release once inside the cell. Incorporation of destabilizing or pH sensitive polymers is an option. Lipid-based nanoformulations have a long record of being used for transfection of negatively charged biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and oligonucleotides in vitro, and have been thoroughly investigated. The cationic lipids DOTMA and DOTAP have been the most extensively used transfection reagents due to their ability to facilitate membrane fusion.


Translation - When the interest into the use of mRNA as a gene delivery platform was eventually sparked, exploration of structural elements has led to engineered mRNA molecules highly optimized for stability and translational efficiency.


Antigen Processing and Presentation - After translation of the mRNA in the cytosol, the encoded protein will eventually be degraded into peptides by the proteasome, routed into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for loading onto MHC class I, and via the secretory pathway shuttled to the cell surface for presentation to CD8+ T cells. In contrast to peptide/protein vaccines, mRNA vaccines deliver antigen directly into the cytosol, facing the hurdle of intracellular proteins usually not entering the MHC class II pathway very efficiently (autophagy is one mechanism), with peptide loading taking place in MHC class II-containing secretory vesicles. In order to make mRNA-encoded protein eligible for MHC class II presentation, trafficking signals of endosomal or lysosomal proteins residing in MHC class II processing compartments have been fused to the encoded antigen, such as lysosome-associated membrane protein-1 (LAMP-1), the chaperone calreticulin, MHC class II-associated invariant chain, and HIV TAT protein transduction domain.


RNA – Creative BiolabsImmune Stimulation

Caution should be taken when designing optimal mRNA, to fit it to the intended use: for cancer therapy, better immune activation may outweigh translation, whereas immune activation would be detrimental for other approaches such as protein replacement, where high protein production is the primary aim. Activation of dsRNA-recognizing protein kinase R (PKR) should be avoided, as triggering this signaling cascade would interfere with mRNA translation. Incorporation of naturally occurring modified nucleosides, such as 2-thiouridine, N6-methyladenosines, 5-methylcytidine, or pseudouridine can suppress PKR activation by not forming dsRNA (2-thiouridine, N6-methyladenosine) or reducing dsRNA contaminants during in vitro transcription.


Creative Biolabs is a leader in the field of vaccine development and has focused on the cancer vaccines for years. We have experienced experts and advanced platforms that are able to provide excellent services. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.