Anonymous ID: d83f3a Nov. 12, 2023, 12:39 p.m. No.19905336   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every anon should eyes on their local sheriff's

They are elected officials

The[y] have been stealing local elections via their inner circle who includes Vote Counters

The[y] most likely have access to all cell phone traffic via private companies and cell towers in respective County

You are looking for links to FreeMASONry and other foreign influence

The[y] are the enforcers wearing uniforms and military rank with military gear but violating the Oath of Office, Constitution, and stamping on your face aka Bill of Rights. The[y] don't believe in it. The[y] have 6 6iff6rent [authority].

The right to your Life, Liberty, Children, and Pursuit of Happiness

Think Patriot Act

Think [s]a[t]an worship

Think flesh industry

Think pedophile rings and human trafficking

Think child brides and slavery

Think stolen elections via vote counters, mockingbird cover, illusion of choice, and installed infiltrators as above and below with judges, attorneys, prosecutors, lawfare and beauracracy.


It may not be every freemason, it may just be a red flag, but if one is doing it and selling themselves out, others out, and America out.. what have the rest of them been doing. What is their loyalt[y] to, exactly?

Anonymous ID: d83f3a Nov. 12, 2023, 12:47 p.m. No.19905364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5367



Have you seen Zer0 Days yet?


nSA and Israel team up a joint operation with stuxnet. The perfect attack, last minute, allegedly, Israel team ignores USA and leaves American fingerprints all over it. So Iran would point at America and not Israel.


Great watch, kekable memer