Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:06 a.m. No.19904834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4977 >>4982 >>5007 >>5017 >>5089 >>5545

US military aircraft crashes in Mediterranean


The Pentagon insists that the mysterious “mishap” happened during a routine training flight


The aircraft was conducting a training flight on Friday evening when it “suffered a mishap and went down,” EUCOM said in a brief statement. The Pentagon did not provide any additional information about the type of aircraft, how many people were aboard, or whether the incident took place over land or sea.


“However, we can definitively say that the aircraft sortie was purely related to training and there are no indications of hostile activity,” EUCOM added. “Out of respect for the families affected, we will not release further information on the personnel involved at this time.”




Discusses criminal Netanyahu

Say there are tribunals happening now in the Mediterranean

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.19904866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Biden-Du Pont Nexus: From A Prestigious Golf Club To A Controversial Child Rape Plea Deal


As the MSM turns on President Joe Biden heading into the 2024 election, the Washington Post had an interesting piece on Thursday exploring a little-known connection between the Bidens and the du Pont family, which revolves around a 2001 case in which then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) was voted in as a prominent new member of a prestigious Golf Club in Wilmington, Delaware, founded by a du Pont heiress


That year, Biden, known for his "Middle-Class Joe" image and modest financial status, joined the exclusive Fieldstone Golf Club, a symbol of prestige and power. This move painted a contrasting picture: a politician aligned with working-class values, yet rubbing shoulders with the state's most affluent family, renowned for their chemical company empire.


At the time, Biden walked a delicate line. On one hand, he campaigned as an Amtrak-riding “Middle-Class Joe” striving to make ends meet, and accurately described himself as “one of the poorest members of Congress” — reporting $221,000 in combined income with his wife that year and $360 in charitable contributions. -WaPo


Biden's connection to the du Ponts extended beyond social interactions. His staffing choices, political allies, and personal real estate investments all reflected a deep integration with this influential family. His acquisition of a mansion built by a du Pont member further underscores this relationship.


Yet, Biden's entry into the Fieldstone Golf Club raised eyebrows and led to a brief FBI investigation in 2007. The inquiry centered on how Biden obtained his club membership, especially as it involved an "unused" ticket from a company owned by the club's founder, potentially bypassing a substantial partnership fee. The FBI's probe, which included photographing Biden's personal locker at the club, eventually closed without any allegations of wrongdoing. It's unknown whether Biden was ever informed about the FBI investigation.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:23 a.m. No.19904914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Globalist Vision: "15 Minute" Prison Cities And The End Of Private Property


As a general rule I find that whenever the public scrutinizes any particular agenda being promoted by governments and globalists their first response is to act indignant, much like a narcissist would do when they are up to no good and they get caught.


“How dare you” question their intentions and suggest they might be nefarious.


How dare you suggest they are anything other than loving and benevolent.


Our “leaders” have only ever wanted the best for us, right?


They only want our lives to become safer, more comfortable and more convenient – This is what truly motivates your average elitist, right?


Obviously history tells us a far different story, and it boggles my mind when anyone tries to argue that things are different today compared to 100 years ago, 300 years ago, or 1000 years ago. There is nothing new under the sun. There will always be tyrants attempting to gain more and more power and those tyrants will always lie to the public, claiming they are good people with our best interests at heart.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:26 a.m. No.19904926   🗄️.is 🔗kun

European Parliament Lifts Immunity Of Conservative MEPs Facing Criminal Charges For Retweeting Criticism Of Illegal Immigration


The European Parliament has voted to lift the immunity of four of Poland’s governing party’s MEPs who have been accused of violating hate crime laws for endorsing an election advert that warned of the dangers of mass immigration.


Beata Kempa, Beata Mazurek, Patryk Jaki, and Tomasz Poreba could now face charges in their homeland for racially aggravated offenses after they retweeted and liked a Law and Justice (PiS) election video on social media ahead of local elections in 2018.


The video warned of the threats that an influx of illegal immigrants to Europe could cause and linked “enclaves of Muslim refugees” with sexual assaults and violent attacks.


It also suggested that a government formed by the Civic Coalition (KO), the largest opposition grouping, would lead to an influx of illegal immigration that would make residents “afraid to go out on the streets after dark.”


Accusations against the quartet were filed by Rafal Gawel, a left-wing Polish activist, who filed a subsidiary indictment in November 2021 after the prosecutor’s office twice dismissed his original claims as unfounded.


Rafał Gaweł is said to be the first Pole to be given political asylum since the fall of communism. Photograph: Czarek Sokołowski/AP


Gawel, who was convicted of embezzlement in Poland in 2019 and is wanted by the Polish police, subsequently obtained asylum in Norway, claiming that he was the victim of a politicized justice system.


“I am the first Pole who managed to win asylum since communist times,” Gawel told the Associated Press over the phone from Norway.


“I am sure I have saved my life, because if I had gone to prison in Poland, I couldn’t have expected any good future,” he said. “I was hated by the government.”


Thereafter, Edyta Snastin-Jurkun, a Warsaw court judge, submitted a request to the European Parliament to waive the immunities of the four MEPs.


Gilles Lebreton, an MEP and rapporteur in the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee, whose task is to give opinions on such applications, stated that it was politically motivated and recommended its rejection.


On Tuesday, however, the Legal Affairs Committee voted in favor of the proposal to waive their immunity, and the European Parliament backed its stance on removing immunity for the four MEPs so they could stand trial in Poland.


Beata Mazurek, commenting on the ruling, said later on Thursday:


“We are neither surprised nor shocked by this decision - we predicted that this would happen, taking into account what is occurring in this parliament.


“We are moving on, continuing our work, we are not limited in any way,” she added. “We will certainly not succumb to such pressure and become intimidated or limited in our political activities.”


Patryk Jaki exclaimed on X that "The EP has just joyfully stripped me of my immunity for liking a spot on Twitter that showed real scenes of violence by illegal migrants in Europe."


"They call it 'hate speech'…This is what the Brave New World of the "Democratic Camp" is supposed to look like. We would like to thank everyone who supported this 'democracy'…"

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19904947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4954 >>4957 >>4967 >>4973 >>4988 >>5545

U.S. Treasury intercepts payment for “Police State” documentary ad campaign


In an ironic twist, the United States Treasury has intercepted a bank transaction by the producers of "Police State," the new Dinesh D'Souza documentary film that addresses the emerging authoritarian police state in America.


Doing exactly what the film itself warns is becoming normalized, the Treasury, a federal government agency, blocked a transaction to the Salem Media Group, which produced "Police State."


The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which even more ironically enough is responsible for tracking terrorism and narcotics trafficking, decided to "intercept" a $106,000 payment that was intended to purchase ads for the D'Souza film.


The Treasury Department has yet to address the delayed payment, which occurred right around the time that the nation's largest banks were failing to transfer customers' direct deposit payments through the ACH system.


"Although the Treasury Department remains silent on their actions, the delay has already begun to create waves and provide a real-time example of the content pointed out in the film," reports Reclaim the Net.


The money was eventually returned, but why was it seized in the first place?

Since the job of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is responsible for enforcing economic sanctions and monitoring assets primarily against terrorist cells and narcotics traffickers overseas, it is unprecedented for this agency division to suddenly take an interest in this local matter.


OFAC's jurisdiction usually involves foreign transactions, in other words, and not domestic affairs like something as simple and benign as purchasing advertisements for a new film release.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:41 a.m. No.19904960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4991

Vatican Says Transsexuals and ‘Homoaffective’ Persons Can Be Baptized, Serve as Godparents


ROME — The Vatican’s doctrinal office (DDF) declared this week that transsexuals and “homoaffective” persons can be baptized and serve as godparents provided certain conditions are met.


Transsexual persons, even if they have undergone hormone therapy or sex reassignment surgery, may receive the Sacrament of Baptism “if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or confusion among the faithful,” stated the text, signed by Argentinean Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández.


The document was published this week in response to six questions (dubia) submitted to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) by Bishop José Negri of Santo Amaro, Brazil.


The responses “re-propose, in substance, the fundamental contents of what has already been affirmed in the past by the Dicastery concerning these matters,” the document asserts.


Shortly afterward, the former prefect of the very same DDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, released a text criticizing the document for its confusing language as well as for employing “transhumanistic terminology” antithetical to a Catholic understanding of the human person.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.19904972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5107 >>5164 >>5545

House GOP Introduces Legislation To End John Kerry’s Woke Climate Role


Oklahoma Republican Rep. Josh Breechen introduced a bill that proposed eliminating John Kerry’s role as the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Breechen’s new bill is titled the Stop Climate Hysteria in Diplomacy Act.


Rep. Breechen slammed Joe Biden for labeling climate change as an “existential threat” to further the expansion of bureaucracy in the federal government. The GOP Representative maintained that John Kerry utilized the position to interject the climate change agenda into American diplomacy unnecessarily.


“President Biden has used the excuse that climate change is an existential threat to create additional bureaucracy inside the State Department. The Climate Change Support Office is nothing more than a pet project for John Kerry to integrate climate change into all aspects of American foreign policy decisions,” Brecheen stated.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.19904980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4984

Trump Files Legal Motion To Have Federal Election Trial Televised


Lawyers for former President Donald Trump said in a legal filing on Friday that his federal election criminal trial should be televised so that Americans can see how he is being treated unfairly.


Trump’s filing expresses his support for a request from a media coalition asking U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan to allow the trial to be broadcast. Trump is accused of conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.


“For the first time in American history, an incumbent administration has charged its main, leading electoral opponent with a criminal offense. Aware that its charges are meritless, the prosecution has sought to proceed in secret, forcing the nation and the world to rely on biased, secondhand accounts coming from the Biden Administration and its media allies,” Trump’s filing said. “As a result, the citizens of our great country are unable to review for themselves what the facts of this case show, and how unfairly President Trump is being treated at the hands of his political opponent.”


Federal court rules currently stipulate that federal trials cannot be broadcast, but Trump and the media hope to be granted an exception.


The filing added that the public would benefit by seeing the case and would see that it was a “charade.”


“President Trump absolutely agrees, and in fact demands, that these proceedings should be fully televised so that the American public can see firsthand that this case, just like others, is nothing more than a dreamt-up unconstitutional charade that should never be allowed to happen again,” the filing said.


Trump’s lawyers said that confidence in the American justice system would be undermined if the proceedings took place “behind closed doors.” The former president’s legal team also said that the prosecution had given them millions of pages of evidence and thousands of hours of videos with little time to review.


The filing added that Trump could present evidence about the 2020 election during the trial which the public would have a right to see.


Media organizations have filed to broadcast the trial saying that it would be useful for future historical writing and evidence.


“It would be a great loss if future generations of Americans were forever deprived of being able to access and view the events of this trial even years after the verdict, which would immeasurably improve the ability of future journalists and historians to retell accurately and meaningfully analyze this unique chapter of American history,” Rebecca Blumenstein, president of editorial for NBC News, said in a court filing.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.19904993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545

Judicial Watch: Emails Show Communications Between Biden Surgeon General and Facebook on Covid Censorship


Judicial Watch announced today that it received 14 pages of emails between U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and top Facebook executives in 2021 regarding the censorship of user posts about Covid controversies. The emails show Facebook leadership seeking to “better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.”


Judicial Watch received these emails in response to its January 13, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:23-cv-00113)) for:


All records, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, texts, memoranda, and handwritten notes, of, regarding, referring, or relating to any efforts of Vice Admiral Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, U.S. Surgeon General, to contact any employee of Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Pinterest concerning COVID-19 or COVID-19 vaccines.


On July 15, 2021, Murthy issued “Confronting Health Misinformation,” a 22-page document addressing his concerns in multiple areas. These included social media, for which it offered a number of suggestions to address misinformation:


[M]ake meaningful long-term investments … including product changes. Redesign recommendation algorithms to avoid amplifying misinformation, build in “frictions”—such as suggestions and warnings—to reduce the sharing of misinformation, and make it easier for users to report misinformation.




Platforms should also address misinformation in live streams, which are more difficult to moderate due to their temporary nature and use of audio and video.




Prioritize early detection of misinformation “super-spreaders” and repeat offenders. Impose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate platform policies.




Amplify communications from trusted messengers and subject matter experts. For example, work with health and medical professionals to reach target audiences. Direct users to a broader range of credible sources, including community organizations.


The newly obtained records show that on July 16, 2021, the next day, Nick Clegg, vice president of Communications and Global Affairs at Facebook, emails Murthy:


Dear Vivek,


Reaching out after what has transpired over the past few days following the publication of the misinformation advisory, and culminating today in the President’s remarks about us. I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.


In our previous conversations I’ve appreciated the way you and your team have approached our engagement, and we have worked hard to meet the moment – we’ve dedicated enormous time and resources to fighting this pandemic and consider ourselves to be partners in fighting the same battle. Certainly we understand (and have understood for some time) that there is disagreement on some of the policies governing our approach and how they are being enforced – even as your team has acknowledged the unprecedented scale of our efforts to provide authoritative information to millions of Americans and to help them get vaccinated. But I thought the way we were singled out over the past few days has been both surprising and misleading, and I believe unproductive to our joint efforts too.


I would appreciate the opportunity to speak directly to discuss a path forward with you and how we can continue to work toward what I sincerely believe are shared goals.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19905004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel said to carry out drone strike 40 km inside Lebanon


Earlier this morning, Lebanese media outlets reported that an IDF drone struck a truck near the coastal village of al-Zahrani, some 40 kilometers from the Israeli border, just south of Sidon.


There were no reports of injuries in the strike.


The IDF had said it had carried out a strike on a site from which surface-to-air missiles were fired at military drones over the Israel-Lebanon border, without specifying the exact location.


Army radio reports that the two strikes are the same incident, marking the deepest Israeli strike in Lebanon since hostilities ramped up after Hamas’s October 7 onslaught.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.19905020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WEF Warns ‘Climate Change’ Causing Sudden Heart Attack Surge


The World Economic Forum has published a new study claiming that the sudden spike in fatal heart attacks and strokes are caused by ‘man-made climate change.’


The WEF-funded UPenn, which is also financed by Bill Gates, published the results of its study in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA).


The WEF team of scientists, led by Sameed Ahmed M. Khatana, concluded that “climate change is causing an increase in extreme heat.”

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:10 a.m. No.19905042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apple Hit With MASSIVE Penalty For Giving Preference To Immigrant Workers Over Americans


The settlement, which is the largest ever for the DOJ involving claims of discrimination based on citizenship, requires Apple to pay $6.75 million in civil penalties and $18.25 million to an unspecified number of affected workers.


According to the Department of Justice, Apple violated federal law by not recruiting US citizens or permanent residents for jobs that were eligible for the permanent labor certification program. This program allowed employers to sponsor immigrant workers for green cards. The tech giant also failed to advertise these job openings on its website, as it does for other positions, and required applicants to submit paper applications instead of electronic ones.


In response to the allegations, Apple claimed that the practice was unintentional. The company has since implemented a remediation plan to comply with the requirements of various government agencies and has expressed its commitment to hiring American workers and expanding its presence in the US.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19905066   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On November 12, Hezbollah and its allies launched another wave of attacks from southern Lebanon, inflicting some serious losses on the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).


Hezbollah fighters first targeted an Israeli technical team that was installing surveillance and spying devices near Dovev barracks. Video footage from the scene of the attack showed several damaged or destroyed vehicles. Hebrew media reported that six were wounded in the attack, one in critical condition and five others in serious condition.


7 videos in link

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.19905092   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5101

UK banks caught up in Europe's biggest-ever tax fraud of £10billion


Multi-billion pound scam has rocked Germany and is spilling across Europe

It is likely to lead to more claims against banks and individuals in the City

The so-called Cum-Ex case of alleged dividend tax frauds has 2,000 implicated


Europe's biggest ever tax scandal is about to engulf banks in London - and is already worth £10billion in Germany alone.


The multi-billion pound scam, which has already rocked Germany, is likely to lead to more claims against banks and individuals operating in the City.


The so-called Cum-Ex case involves alleged dividend tax frauds that are estimated to have cost German taxpayers alone nearly £10billion.


Up to 2,000 suspects are implicated, many of them bankers, brokers and hedge fund managers based in the City of London. More than a dozen convictions already have been secured in German courts.


Banks under investigation include Britain's Barclays, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley of the US, France's BNP and Japan's Nomura, as well as law firms and auditors.


The epicentre of the long-running cross-border probe is Cologne, but it extends much further afield – and is escalating. In a significant development, Danish authorities last week won the right to pursue a £1.4billion alleged Cum-Ex fraud in London after the Supreme Court ruled it could be heard in England.


Experts say the judgment will have profound implications for similar cases being heard. 'This ruling is likely to open the floodgates to claims by other European regulators,' said Prateek Swaika, partner at law firm Boies Schiller Flexner. Banks implicated in Cum-Ex were 'low-hanging fruit', he added.


Cum-Ex was a controversial 'double-dipping' trading strategy that exploited a loophole in how dividend tax was collected so that multiple investors could claim refunds on a tax that was only paid once.


Shares were borrowed just before a company was scheduled to pay dividends. This meant more than one investor could claim bogus tax refunds. The dividend-stripping practice was abolished in Germany in 2012.


Ulrich Bremer, chief public prosecutor in Cologne, told the Mail on Sunday his office had '120 investigations pending against at least 1,700 defendants'. The backlog is such that a new, £40million courthouse dedicated to hearing Cum-Ex cases is being built near Bonn.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19905114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5119 >>5125 >>5127 >>5130 >>5143 >>5530 >>5545

Israeli Troops Run Over Palestinian With a Bulldozer, Israelis Laugh About It On Social Media


Israel Defense Forces shot a Palestinian civilian in Gaza and ran him over with a bulldozer on film for social media laughs, according to a report from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.


The video was published on an a popular Israeli Telegram channel with nearly 130,000 followers for depraved minds to laugh at:


From Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, "Shock, outrage expressed by Euro-Med Monitor over Israel’s ongoing mutilation and filming of dead Palestinian bodies":

In a statement released today, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor expressed shock and horror over video footage showing an Israeli military vehicle deliberately trampling the body of a dead Palestinian civilian who died trying to cross Israel's "safe corridor" in Gaza.


According to the Euro-Med Monitor team's investigation, the man had been attempting to flee Israeli violence via the "safe corridor"—Salah al-Din Street, the Gaza Strip's main road—that the Israeli army allegedly allocated for the use of displaced Palestinian civilians travelling south from Gaza City and other northern areas. The man was shot and killed before being deliberately trampled on by the military vehicle, said the human rights organisation.


Since the start of Israel's war on the Gaza Strip on 7 October, Euro-Med Monitor has documented numerous brutal Israeli violations, including mutilating the bodies of dead Palestinians by harassing corpses on camera, dragging them, urinating on them, and even cutting off their limbs.


The rules of international law stipulate the necessity of respecting and protecting the bodies of the dead during armed conflicts, in accordance with Rule 115, which states that, "The dead must be disposed of in a respectful manner and their graves respected and properly maintained." The Fourth Geneva Convention also stresses that, "Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited."


Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor wholeheartedly denounced the Israeli soldiers' boasts of mutilating the bodies of the dead, and their publishing of video clips documenting these horrific practices. The Geneva-based rights group views these acts as reflections of the severity of the soldiers' sadism and their flagrant violation of the rules of war, and called on the international community to immediately intervene.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.19905162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5545

Israel-Hamas war: Minister calls Gaza operation a ‘Nakba’, ‘grave fears’ for major hospital


A minister in Israel’s government has shocked TV viewers by using a striking one-word description of the Gaza conflict.


And an Israeli minister has caused renewed outrage by referring to the operations in Gaza as a “Nakba” – a term which refers to the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from what is now Israel in the late 1940s.


“We are now actually rolling out the Nakba of Gaza. In the forefront, this is the Nakba of Gaza,” Avi Dichter told a national TV station.


“So this is the Nakba of Gaza, Avi Dichter?” asked the channel’s host.


“The Nakba of Gaza, 2023,” Mr Dichter affirmed.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.19905172   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ACT Greens backbencher Johnathan Davis 31 resigns after sexual misconduct allegations


Johnathan Davis was stood down as a member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) last week over the allegations, which relate to an alleged sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male.

Anonymous ID: f81c62 Nov. 12, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19905177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5208 >>5403

Jewish groups 'highly concerned' by Foreign Minister Penny Wong's calls for Israel to 'cease the attacking of hospitals'


Two prominent Jewish organisations have put out a joint statement calling out Foreign Minister Penny Wong for allegedly helping support "false and harmful" narratives about the Israel-Hamas conflict.


The Zionist Federation of Australia and Executive Council of Australian Jewry have published a joint statement saying they were "highly concerned" by Foreign Minister Penny Wong's call for Israel to stop striking hospitals in Gaza.


Speaking to the ABC on Sunday, Senator Wong had urged the Israel Defence Forces to "cease the attacking of hospitals," amid reports of fighting around Al-Shifa Medical Complex over the past week.


While the Foreign Minister reaffirmed Australia's support for Israel's right to defend itself from militant attacks, she also repeated past statements about the need to minimise civilian casualties.


"We refer to the Minister's assertion that the hospitals and medical facilities that Hamas burrows itself into are protected under international law and her call for Israel to 'cease the attacking of hospitals'," they wrote.


"We remind the Government that Article 19 of the Geneva Convention explicitly states that hospitals lose their protection if they are used for military purposes. It is incontrovertible that Hamas uses Shifa and other hospitals for military purposes.


"There is no evidence that Israel is not observing the laws of armed conflict.


"The libel that any Israeli attack on Gazan hospitals from which Hamas operates would amount to war crimes only serve to demonise the state of Israel and its supporters."