None of us, here, care about Gen Flynn
so who cares what he has to say… Not I
Trump & Dan are the only ones I follow
Gen Flynn for all I know could be DS
Sure gives me that vibe
& Why do they really care about what a dozen people do on 8Kun
So what we don't "Participate", We're Researchers
Most of us are Broken and can't run for shit cause no one would hire us
All I know is, We're doing what we can to help Shine Light on the Darkness
despite our Physical limitations
Battling an Information War on a Digital Battlefield is the best I can do
Google Has a Division to Fight an online Information War
WEF Has a Division to Fight an online Information War
FBI Has a Division to Fight an online Information War
If not Us, Who would battle them in Digital Combat?
Not the Normies, that's for sure
I Concur
Not seeing any rope
Are you just making it up?
Pretty difficult to Lynch someone without rope or Trees
after years of Researching
I'm at the point of waiting for something to Research
False Flags are my Specialty