The digits are waning for me. Should be waxing for another Anon. Roll 'em hard.
VaticanTard and MuhGuhGaytriot are back. I guess they decided to go back to their safe spaces and cry behind their bots after getting herded and slapped around last bread.
As a snuff user, both wet and dry, that stuff wasn't even tobacco. Herbal snuff with scent oils.
>you are what you post
Complete and utter bullshit. Am I Dominic Teretto because I posted a picture of him?
>thoughtful critical thinker
The first word in those three is most definitely debatable. KEK. By that I mean the "ripples" as I call them for lack of a better word. I do not try to make them, they just happen. A byproduct of me being in the moment. It always amazes me when I see them, realizing the road that led to them only after the fact. If you know, you know.
In character as Dominic, hence why I used the character's name as opposed to the actor.
I most likely spelled it wrong, but close enough.
Not everyday you see someone that can scratch their eyeball with their back teeth.