Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 5:11 a.m. No.19908358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK< so the midnight bread was deleted and everything in it.

here is a post I made last night that I thought was important:


>>19907307 (deleted bread)

>>19907293 (deleted bread)

some of the most powerful prayers are 'obsessed over' by brilliant people.

reading the explanations of each verse, each word, often can be a 10 or 15 page essay.

Nothing wrong with it, and, in fact, it's a great way to learn about God.

open your mind.

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 5:21 a.m. No.19908385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8397 >>8402


all you have to do is ask: which side was trying to abolish slavery?

which side didn't let it happened and were the slave owners?

which side were the ones out warring to capture and enslave people?

which people tried to end slavery?


I don't need to say it out loud which did, who were the righteous.

and hopefully there were some on all sides but . . . History tells us some stuff and all we need to do is learn it and see, and see who has not changed their narratives in 100's of years, and who, in the the hope for peace, has. How admits the sinful ways of their ancestors, and who pretends that 'ours were the virtuous, those others deserved what they got'.



what truth do you need, anon? my point is that hearing someone else call out the groups as virtuous or non virtuous isn't needed by those who study History. So whatever truth you need, if you study History you will perhaps find it.

also by studying History we can see who is still parroting out ancient lies to justify the theiving and slaving that is done (even to this day) by some.

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 5:24 a.m. No.19908396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if people are thieving slavers anon, and that is 'how they live' should others just sit back while those thieving slavers go out and capture slaves and steal whatever they want?

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 5:32 a.m. No.19908411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8414 >>8438


If you look at History as a constant process of learning, you don't just read someone's summary of it. You read a lot of different summaries and try to see what hte differences are.

what I noticed is that a lot of History seems . . . I don't want to say repressed, but it's not put in the forefront . . . like the hundreds of years of piracy that went on in the Meddeterain, it's not put in the forefront, and it's not put forward as a constant reminder because diplomats and statesmen want peace.

Even things that happened 80 years ago: many groups just pass over it. They don't go on and on 'oh what happened to our city during WWII'. it happened, and it's 80 years later.

other groups never stop with it and even though their fmailies were safely thousands of miles away (in the USA in cities that were never burned down) they act as if it were them being hunted and put in camps, when they have rather privledged lives.

they never let the story go. They have to act as if it's still happening to them.


other places if you bring up what happened people won't talk about, and someone will probably tell you not to bring it up.

They've survived. It's History now. They see no purpose in bringing forward the hurt.

they don't cover it up, they just don't constantly feature it.

other groups seem to want to always get hand outs based upon what they were told happened to their great grand parents.

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 5:45 a.m. No.19908461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

at midnight I'd made a post and I hadn't capped it so I went back into the bread and found it and capped it (or copied the text, one or the other). I remember thinking 'this bread is all psyop nonsense.'

it had the cheerleading for the marxist witch ambassador and someone saying 'look at her' and showing a nude photo of her, as if she's someone responsible for the human form and I thought 'huh, she's a person, created by God so if you find her 'beatiful' then that's what God did for her, but meanwhile she's a mocker and seems to not like God (she's got creepy art)

and then I thought 'is there anything to read, any news that I missed'. I scanned up the bread and thought 'seems to be nothing.'

I looked for notables and saw none (a list of things didn't exist yet).

and then I said 'this bread is a psyop bread, and the psyoperators are doing their cheerleading for the devients of the left (they post close ups of Hillary or one I remember was John Roberts in repeated close up and I filtered but then the person kept posting it).

I decided it wasn't worth reading anymore. I had my posts archived for my own purpose, I closed the bread and went to bed.


and this morning that bread is deleted.

so I guess my point: there seemed to be nothing in it that I noticed. It wasn't untypical of an overnight bread, which usually are fairly useless.

and I didn't find any news that I didn't know.

let me review because I screen capture things I find of interest.


no, nothing was capped in that bread.

I did cap a cool picture of 'griffin cats' in the previous bread. I'll put it up.

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.19908534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8559


when one such as myself just describes what they see going on often a 'clownish BV' will accuse in the manner that you do.

they post 'oh, all whining is subverting' and stuff like that.

no, anon, describing what one remembers, or sees going on, and describing the behavior of bakers-behaving-badly (smoochy bakers) is not whining. It's commentary.

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 6:10 a.m. No.19908560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8575

Anonymous ID: a0588b Nov. 13, 2023, 6:20 a.m. No.19908622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the pro Hama people seem to conflate Hamas with Palestinians.

they seem to cheerlead a 'kill all J_ws' message.

the Pro Israel people seem to say 'lookit, we know that Hamas is a terrorist org, and they hold the people of Gaza hostage.

We are NOT at war with Palestinians. We don't want what is happening either, but Hamas gave the IDF no choice.

they seem to say 'reform Israel, and stop the Hamas from holding Gaza citizens hostage. They never say 'kill all Palestinians'


so for me it's simple: one side seems to see that genocide of Israel would be somehow the 'solution' to their issues.

the other side (the Isreali side) says 'let's change the politics in Gaza, Hamas are terrorists, we're not for destroying Palestinians and we don't really like to have to do this'.


so while I'm not either a Jew or a Palestinian, I can't support those who cheerleader for Hamas.

and though I hate the excessive 100 eyes for one eye tactics of the IDF (so it seems)

I have to say 'in war stuff happens, I don't really know what IDF is doing, and maybe they are doing too much that is over reaching'

but that never gets me to that talking point of the supporters of Hamas where they wish death to Israel and all Jews.


do you get it?

Israel and Hamas are bot at fault but Israel is not totally insane and wanting genocide.

And Israelis don't tear down flags on Veteran monuments and try to break into the White House, and accost business students at harvard and prevent them from walking to class.


So I say Israel is doing what they do to elliminate Hamas and as it is, even though I hear of stuff I find horrible, that IDF is said to do, I don't understand why some business major at Harvard is being hassled.