who majority-owns, and runs Pfizer?
And you're a 32-post gatekeeping, pilpul-running Israeli from Unit 8200?
Question for you: So, who majority-owns, and runs Pfizer?
so you're on the Epstein Flight Logs, then?
>so you're on the Epstein Flight Logs, then?
So if you're not an Israeli shill, then you are a Fed?
Question for you: So, who majority-owns, and runs Pfizer?
Question for you: So, who majority-owns, and runs Pfizer?
You come here and posit that you know everything.
You post a Pfizer meme.
I post a question for you: So, who majority-owns, and runs Pfizer?
and you keep avoiding it.
If it so easy to find on Google, why don't you answer it, Smoking Pepe/shill/Fedboi?
I already know the answer, 36-post Israeli/shill/Fedboi won't answer because he doesn't like the truth being known.
yup and who owns it, and who runs it?
I gotta go now but I will come back next bread and answer.
Some research is good for you all.
Here's a hint; Pfizer is evil.