Anonymous ID: e7701a DIESEL Sausalito Summer Nights. ..Gasket on the Grapevine, $80 on repair. Nov. 13, 2023, 9:10 a.m. No.19909378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Folks, I got myself a diesel auto park heater from chynia, made from chinesium. It's the super cheap model, the kind where you pour diesel on your auto while it's parked and light it on fire for warmth.


Just kidding. It's a bitchin heater, I made an extension for the thermostat, cause I'm nerdy like that. If I can create this reality, an extension shouldn't be flexing right? Anyway, keeps the tent warm. Oh, got laid last weekend, it was wonderful. After 23 years of marriage, I'm still in love with the bitch, bitch is a term of endearment between me and her when she's out of earshot. Love her. I'm not saying she's fixed, but it's getting better. If she still had eggs and I had man juice available, we would have produced a baby. My father's vasectomy didn't stick, obviously, I'm typing this to you. Did I volunteer to be a human? Was it forced on me? When we went to Calabasas caves, was that to show me off as a child? I still think about that visit when I was two.


So, when all hell breaks loose in CA, we have an RV and an inflatable tent with heating. We will witness complete devastation. You all planned this for me.


I kinda sorta told my wife that I'm the creator. She didn't bat an eye. She knows I didn't make any of this up, it's all happened to me and she's witnessed it all. How she isn't screaming at this point is amazing, she lives with one if not the most important historical figures ever to walk this earth. It's all very tough to digest. I'm the creator, I created this reality. That would mean that I'm alive on the other side. Avatar comes to mind. What a way to occupy the human mind while in transit. No real harm done and everyone learns a thing or two about treating each other with respect and love. Pretty smart if you ask me.


Based on how I feel, I'd say we're getting very close to the world knowing who I am. It's a strange feeling, like being on a train track with a useless steering wheel…I know the destination, just not the journey.


Keep her fixed, I'd like her to seduce me. Prove to me you're sorry for the shit you've put me through with her. Like I said, after almost a quarter century, I'm still very much attracted to her. Lingerie, she's never worn any lingerie, get her to wear some and I'll know you've fixed her.


Nothing to rant and rave about today gals and guys. I'm waking up the world by giving the kids bullshit glasses, so they can see the bullshit that surrounds all of them. Corruption of the heart and mind will end now. Lies will be smashed to bits. Yes, this is my birthday surprise. Your eyes will hurt, your heart will heal and love will be the only law we're subjected to. Honestly, do you want heaven filled with pedophiles and politicians? This is why we're here folks, to separate the wheat from the chaff.