Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 10:03 a.m. No.19909649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9868 >>0077 >>0220 >>0285

Ex-UK PM makes sensational return as foreign secretary


David Cameron led the country between 2010 and 2016, stepping down after the Brexit referendum


Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron has made a surprise comeback to the British government after being appointed to head the country’s Foreign Office by incumbent PM Rishi Sunak. Cameron, who led the country for six years, resigned in 2016 after the UK voted to leave the European Union.


The move was announced by Downing Street on Monday as part of a major cabinet reshuffle. Cameron was picked to succeed James Cleverly, who in turn was chosen to replace the recently sacked Home Secretary Suella Braverman. Braverman was given the boot after a row over the policing of pro-Palestinian protests in London, which she branded as “hate marches.”


Commenting on his appointment, Cameron wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “we are facing a daunting set of international challenges, including the war in Ukraine and the crisis in the Middle East,” saying the UK must “stand by” its allies.


He added that while he “may have disagreed with some individual decisions” of the British government, he described Rishi Sunak as “a strong and capable Prime Minister, who is showing exemplary leadership at a difficult time” while vowing to do his best in the new role.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 10:09 a.m. No.19909674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9868 >>0077 >>0220 >>0285

Federal Lawsuit: NY State Veterans Home Where 100 Vulnerable Hero Veterans Died From COVID: ‘Ignored Protocols, Kept Families in the Dark’


Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s policies killed at least 11,000 seniors during the COIVD pandemic. New York COVID deaths from nursing homes were 49% greater than previously reported.


In July 2021, the Biden Department of Justice dropped their investigation into Cuomo and several Democrat governors who sent infected COVID patients into nursing homes.


Now, the families of the more than 100 vulnerable hero veterans who died at the New York State Veterans’ Home in Queens are suing the state-run facility for negligence.


The New York Post reports that the suit was filed on Nov. 4 in federal court and alleges the State Veterans’ Home did not follow COVID protocols and violated residents’ Fourteenth Amendment right “to conditions of reasonable care and safety” by failing to “implement basic infection control protocols and provide adequate medical care to the State Veterans’ Home’s residents.”

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 10:17 a.m. No.19909706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9726 >>9771 >>9868 >>0077 >>0220 >>0285

Dick Durbin, Who Shut Down Marsha Blackburn’s Epstein Subpoena Vote, Recently Tried To Shut Down The Epstein Disclosure Movement


What's the deal with that, Durbin?


Democrat senator Dick Durbin of Illinois adjourned a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing before holding a vote on whether or not to approve Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee’s subpoena for the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs. It turns out that Dick Durbin personally tried to shut down the Jeffrey Epstein disclosure movement by disparaging those who believe in a “grand conspiracy” surrounding accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epsteins’ death. Durbin is a close ally of former president Bill Clinton, who palled around with Epstein and flew on Epstein’s private jet.


“The American people deserve to know the names of every person who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s human trafficking ring. We need to see his flight logs. I’ve asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to authorize a subpoena to his estate so we can review these documents,” Marsha Blackburn said.


“Given the numerous allegations of human trafficking and sexual abuse surrounding Mr. Epstein, I think it is very important that we identify everybody that was on that plane, and how many trips they took on that plane, and the destinations to which they arrived,” Marsha BlackBurn said.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 10:30 a.m. No.19909785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9868 >>0077 >>0220 >>0285

Top Heath Official Admits Hospitals Faked Pandemic Deaths


A top government health official has admitted that hospitals were faking data for causes of death during the pandemic.


A former director of the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS) has spoken out to allege that a new system was introduced at the beginning of the Covid panoramic to certify deaths.


Prior to the pandemic, four types of pneumonia were grouped together as the highest cause of death in the United Kingdom.


However, after the new Medical Examiner System was implemented, medical examiners started certifying deaths from all types of pneumonia as being caused by Covid.


In a post on Twitter/X, former NHS director of End-of-Life Care Saineethan “Sai” Balasubramaniam exposed the changes to the death reporting system implemented by the UK government health service.


Balasubramaniam explains that four different diseases are grouped and marked as Covid deaths.


He notes that seeing huge death rates for Covid was inevitable due to his method of reporting.


Balasubramaniam added that mainstream media was reporting on the significant increase in COVID-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.


According to Balasubramaniam, the British government proposed and piloted a change to the procedure of how deaths were certified in all hospitals in the U.K. in 2016.


Balasubramaniam has also published the Department of Health (DOH) document that outlines the “reforms.”


The DOH document proposes a switch to the “Medical Examiner” (ME) System.


The doc was sent to several audiences for feedback and consultation.


The ME System was already being piloted at two hospitals in the UK, said Balasubramaniam.


The only conclusive method of determining an accurate and plausible cause of death is to refer the deceased patient to Her Majesty’s (HM) Coroner, according to Balasubramaniam.


However, this can only be done if certain criteria are met.


Once an HM Coroner accepts the case, a post-mortem is conducted by a histopathologist.


If a death is considered natural and there is nothing untoward, the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD) is written by the treating doctor of a deceased patient.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 10:37 a.m. No.19909825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9868 >>0077 >>0220 >>0285

Child Psychiatrist Gets 40 Years In Prison For Using AI To Alter Photos Of Children Into Child Porn: 'It Is Inconceivable'

A child psychiatrist in North Carolina has been handed a hefty prison sentence for child porn offenses. The Charlotte man reportedly took photos of children and altered them into child porn by using artificial intelligence.


David Tatum, 41, was convicted in May of one count of the production of child pornography, one count of the transportation of child pornography, and one count of the possession of child pornography. Last week, Tatum was sentenced to 40 years in prison, followed by 30 years of supervised release.


The judge also ordered Tatum to pay restitution in an amount to be determined within 90 days, a $100 special assessment per count of conviction, and a special assessment totaling $99,000. Tatum will also be required to register with the Sex Offender Registry Board in any state or jurisdiction where he works or resides after he is released from prison.


Tatum possessed images and videos of child pornography, according to court documents.


The child psychiatrist in Charlotte utilized AI to digitally alter photos of clothed children and transform them into sexually explicit images. In two images, Tatum used a web-based artificial intelligence application to create child pornography from photos from a school dance and a photo commemorating the first day of school, according to prosecutors.


Tatum secretly recorded his 15-year-old cousin while the child was undressing and showering, according to court docs.


The child psychiatrist also secretly recorded others, including one of his patients who had just turned 18 years old five days before the covert recording, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Western District of North Carolina.


Fox News reported, "Tatum viewed more than 1,000 files of child pornography titles, all of which contained the phrase, 'PTHC,' which stands for 'pre-teen hard core.'"


Tatum had collected child porn from 2016 through 2021, according to court documents.


“As a child psychiatrist, Tatum knew the damaging, long-lasting impact sexual exploitation has on the wellbeing of victimized children. Regardless, he engaged in the depraved practice of using secret recordings of his victims to create illicit images and videos of them," said Dena J. King – U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.


"Tatum also misused artificial intelligence in the worst possible way: to victimize children," King continued. "Today’s 40-year sentence underscores our efforts to do all we can to bring justice to child victims. As the field of artificial intelligence advances, my office is committed to prosecuting predators who seek to exploit this technology to inflict harm on children."


FBI Charlotte Special Agent in Charge Robert M. DeWitt added, "It is horrific to believe anyone would secretly record children undressing and showering for their own sexual gratification. And when the evidence proves that person is a doctor entrusted to help children through difficult mental health situations, it is inconceivable. The FBI will never stop working to put predators like Tatum behind bars for a very long time.”

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 10:51 a.m. No.19909892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9948

A Palestinian man claims the soldier who forced him and his family to flee their home had an American flag on his uniform.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19910007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Billionaires are teaming up for pro-Israel, anti-Hamas media drive: Report


The campaign is seeking million-dollar donations from dozens of the world’s biggest names in media, finance and tech, Semafor reported.


More than 50 individuals are being courted, including former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Dell CEO Michael Dell and financier Michael Milken. They have a combined net worth of around $500bn, Semafor said.


Some of the individuals, such as investor Bill Ackman, have publicly threatened to blacklist pro-Palestine students who are critical of Israel. On October 10, Ackman wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he and other business executives wanted Ivy League universities to disclose the names of students who are part of organisations that signed open letters criticising Israeli policies in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19910047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0099 >>0138

Israeli diplomat slammed for using backstage film footage to spread disinformation on Gaza suffering


Israeli diplomat Ofir Gendelman faces backlash for spreading false information by using behind-the-scenes film footage in a bid to discredit the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza.


An Israeli diplomat faced backlash on Thursday as he flagrantly attempted to spread misinformation about civilian suffering in Gaza, where an indiscriminate Israeli bombing campaign has killed over 11,000 Palestinians - mostly children, women and elderly.


Ofir Gendelman, who is also a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was called out for attempting to pass behind-the-scenes footage from a Lebanese short film as "evidence" that Palestinians were "faking injuries".


Gendelman posted the misleading clip on social media, where it remains live and unedited despite a community note on X and hundreds of comments saying it was fake.


"See for yourselves how they fake injuries and evacuating ‘injured’ civilians, all in front of the [sic] cameras. Pallywood gets busted again," he wrote.


Film director Mahmoud Ramzi shared on his Instagram Story on Thursday that the video was a behind-the-scenes clip from a short film called "The Reality", which was shot in Lebanon last month.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:31 a.m. No.19910075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0102 >>0159



Under Hamas, being gay means death. Israeli Yoav Atzmoni wanted to send a message of hope. See his story below.


To Gaza’s hidden LGBTQ+ community: STAY HOPEFUL of a future where you can live and love free of Hamas!

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19910093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Secret Pentagon Investigation Found No One at Fault in Drone Strike That Killed Woman and 4-Year-Old


The Intercept is publishing, for the first time, a Pentagon investigation of civilian deaths from a drone strike in Africa.

The probe acknowledged that a woman and child were killed in a 2018 attack in Somalia but found that standard operating procedures were followed.

After months of “target development,” a secret U.S. task force rushed to annihilate perceived enemies in a war Congress didn’t declare, mistaking a woman and child for an adult male. They never even knew how many people they killed.

The strike was conducted under loosened rules of engagement approved by the Trump White House, and no one was ever held accountable for the civilian deaths.

The Pentagon expressed doubt that the victims’ identities would ever be known. But in Mogadishu this spring, seven members of their family told The Intercept that, despite multiple pleas, they have never received compensation or an apology from the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19910129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Israel Times Reports – “Israel Seeking to Appoint UK’s Tony Blair as Gaza Humanitarian Coordinator”


The Israel Times has reported that Israel is seeking to install former British prime minister Tony Blair as a humanitarian coordinator for the Gaza Strip, according to a report Sunday, out of a desire to improve the humanitarian situation inside the Palestinian enclave and reduce international pressure as it continues to wage its war on Hamas. Source. Is he really the best man for the job given his past experience?


The Ynet news outlet, citing unnamed senior officials, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hopes to leverage Blair’s experience as former envoy to the region for the Middle East Quartet to temper international concerns over the civilian cost of Israel’s campaign in Gaza.


Although Ynet said the exact definition, scope and authority of the proposed role had not yet been clearly defined, adding that there would be an emphasis on “providing medical treatment and medicines, and on the possibility of evacuating the wounded and sick from the Strip.” Source


According to the report, efforts at easing the humanitarian situation in Gaza are being coordinated by Israel’s health and defense ministries, with the former assisting in a number of projects in recent weeks, including efforts by international actors to set up field hospitals in Egypt and the arrival of a hospital ship from France. Source

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19910139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0151



Humanitarian crisis is deepening in the Gaza Strip. The aid provided to the enclave is delivered in limited quantities, it is not enough to meet the needs of the population. At the same time, Israeli airstrikes are destroying more and more strategic infrastructure facilities, where civilians are taking refuge.


On November 13, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) reported that its facilities located in the southern part of the Gaza Strip suffered serious damage as a result of Israeli Navy strikes. The day before, a guesthouse in Rafah, south of Gaza Strip received 3 direct hits. This was one of 60 UN facilities damaged in the last month.


About 780,000 people have taken refuge in the facilities of the UNRWA in the Gaza Strip.


“This recent attack is yet another indication that nowhere in Gaza is safe. Not the north, not the middle areas and not the south. The disregard for the protection of civilian infrastructure including UN facilities, hospitals, schools, shelters and places of worship is testament to the level of horror that civilians in Gaza are living every day,” the UNRWA commissioner-general said.


According to the reports from the area, the Israeli military has turned Ghazza Al Jadeeda UNRWA School into a military base and kidnapped at least six civilians from the area in order to use them as human shields.


5 vids in link

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19910166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0220 >>0285

Three Construction Planning Firm Executives Charged With Bribing San Francisco Dept. Of Building Inspection Employees


Siavash Tahbazof, Reza Khoshnevisan, and Bahman Ghassemzadeh Allegedly Paid Bribes in Return For DBI Employees’ Expediting and Approving Construction Inspections and Building Plans

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 11:58 a.m. No.19910199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0211 >>0220 >>0285

Ex-U.S. Intel Director Clapper: Destroying Hamas Means Destroying Gaza Strip


James Clapper tells Haaretz the U.S. must intervene if Hezbollah attacks, Hamas is as bad as ISIS, and no two-state solution can be seen on horizon


In 2014 James Clapper toured the length of the Gaza border fence. That was before Israel started building the underground, marine and above-ground “barrier.” “I will never forget a tour of the fence line along the Gaza border, hosted by the Israeli Southern Command Commander [Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman], around 2014. I recall coming away with the impression that the army had very tight surveillance and monitoring capability all up and down the border. That memory made the attack so shocking to me.”

Anonymous ID: 11c0a9 Nov. 13, 2023, 12:04 p.m. No.19910240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0285 >>0312

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines – Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and Thomas Renz to Testify