Anonymous ID: 09c6df Nov. 13, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.19910803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0814 >>0833 >>0836 >>0845 >>0852 >>0883 >>0900 >>0956 >>1115

any anons/autists with helpful info appreciated.


have mom, 84, started showing

some weird cognitive stuff.


doc gives antibiotic for bladder infection


next day, cognition way better.


but … now on 4th round of antibiotics


dealing with same infection from

2 months ago.


cognitive stuff happening again

though not to same degree as

before but still very concerning.


have started doing meth/blue drops

(7 drops in zero sugar cranberry juice)

tiny thing, less than 5'2" 90 lbs ish.


also added women's probiotics


read good stuff about black cumin seeds

and wormwood but haven't started

don't know dosage.


also dealing with osteoarthritis on

right knee and have been using that

knee massage thing with red light



am open to hearing suggestions on

next steps and/or from people who've

dealt with similar things and have

had success with getting to healthier



thanks, in advance.