Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 12:22 p.m. No.19910326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0345 >>0372

I'm noticing the tactics of psych warfare used

against us here for the many years are now being

fully rolled out into the mainstream socials.


This is sucking in a lot of people. They are being

tricked into picking a side. Once they convince someone to

pick a side they have them right where they want them!


Boxed - compartmentalized!

Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 12:29 p.m. No.19910358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0480 >>0745 >>0892 >>1018 >>1091

Police Use Tear Gas, Flash-Bang Grenades to Push Back on Antifa Militants Protesting Atlanta Police Training Site


Police on Monday clashed with Antifa militants trying to stop the construction of a police and firefighter training facility in Dekalb County, Georgia.


Law enforcement dressed in riot gear used tear gas and flashbangs to push back on the more than 500 far-left militants.

Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.19910379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0892 >>1018 >>1091

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces


The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from


Meanwhile, Israel has allowed suitcases holding millions in Qatari cash to enter Gaza through its crossings since 2018, in order to maintain its fragile ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of the Strip.

Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 12:36 p.m. No.19910389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0892 >>1018 >>1091

“Businesses Will NEVER Come Back to New York If This HOAX Is Not Dismissed” – Trump Warns New York City – They Better Pay Attention


With each passing year it becomes more and more obvious that life and business in New York City is unbearable.


New York City is suffering through a horrific crime wave and rent is through the roof. The business environment is oppressive under the Democrat leadership in the city and the state.


Between early 2020 and 2023, 158 companies that manage $993 billion in assets moved their headquarters out of New York City.


With all of these obstacles for business owners New York Attorney General Letitia James has now started suing businesses based on their politics.


On Monday President Trump warned New York City on what their future looks like.


President Trump: Nobody can believe this Political Witch Hunt Trial is still going on. No Victims, No Witnesses (their witness recanted his FAKE story, and said he Lied!), No Defaults, No Jury, No Nothing, only happy Banks etc. There was FRAUD, however, but by the Judge and the A.G., in saying that Mar-a-Lago was worth only $18,000,000, when they knew it was worth many times that amount. They just wanted to make me look bad – All a big SCAM by the New York A.G. in order to get elected, and then to run for Governor, unsuccessfully. The Trump Hating Judge MUST WITHDRAW his “bull….” early ruling (before the trial even started. HE KNEW NONE OF THE FACTS!). He is devastated by the TRUTH, but just can’t let it go. He is OBSESSED! Any other Judge but this one would have dismissed this ridiculous lawsuit years ago. He asked me to settle for a MUCH LOWER AMOUNT, at a settlement conference, but I said NO, I DID NOTHING WRONG! Businesses will NEVER come back to New York if this HOAX is not dismissed & forgotten!

Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 12:55 p.m. No.19910479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mossad asset Sharri Markson is busy


Sharri Markson calls for political leadership as Australia's anti-Semitism reaches 'emergency levels'

Sky News host Sharri Markson has slammed the government over its "serious lack of political leadership" as anti-Semitism in the country reaches "emergency levels".

Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 12:59 p.m. No.19910503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0892 >>1018 >>1091

The Palestinian-Australian owner of a popular Melbourne burger chain says he has moved his wife and young child into a safe house after receiving a threat on his life over social media.


Hash Tayeh, the owner and CEO of Burgertory, said an anonymous message told him he would be made a "Shahid", an Islamic term for a Muslim martyr.


He has since reported the message to the police.


The death threat came shortly after the Caulfield store of his fast-food chain was firebombed and prompted him to move his family into a different home as a safety measure.


"Our staff were getting phone calls daily, saying, 'You don't belong here. We're going to boycott you. We're going to close you down, your shop's going to go','' he told 7.30.


Police have so far said there is no evidence indicating the firebombing of the store was racially or politically motivated.

Anonymous ID: 0c7fcb Nov. 13, 2023, 1:22 p.m. No.19910627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0745 >>0892 >>1018 >>1104

Microsoft and Meta Detail Plans To Combat “Election Disinformation” Which Includes Meme Stamp-Style Watermarks and Reliance on “Fact Checkers”


And so it begins. In fact, it hardly ever stops – another election cycle in well on its way in the US. But what has emerged these last few years, and what continues to crop up the closer the election day gets, is the role of the most influential social platforms/tech companies.


Pressure on them is sometimes public, but mostly not, as the Twitter Files have taught us; and it is with this in mind that various announcements about combating “election disinformation” coming from Big Tech should be viewed.


Although, one can never discount the possibility that some – say, Microsoft – are doing it quite voluntarily. That company has now come out with what it calls “new steps to protect elections,” and is framing this concern for election integrity more broadly than just the goings-on in the US.


From the EU to India and many, many places in between, elections will be held over the next year or so, says Microsoft, however, these democratic processes are at peril.


“While voters exercise this right, another force is also at work to influence and possibly interfere with the outcomes of these consequential contests,” said a blog post co-authored by Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith.


By “another force,” could Smith possibly mean, Big Tech? No. It’s “multiple authoritarian nation states” he’s talking about, and Microsoft’s “Election Protection Commitments” seek to counter that threat in a 5-step plan to be deployed in the US, and elsewhere where “critical” elections are to be held.


Critical more than others why, and what is Microsoft seeking to protect – it’s all very unclear.


But one of the measures is the Content Credentials digital metadata scheme, similar to meme stamp watermarking. However, considering that the most widely used browser, Chrome, is not signed up to the group (C2PA) that spawned Content Credentials, the question remains how helpful it will be to political campaigns using this tech in their images or videos, “to show how, when, and by whom the content was created or edited, including if it was generated by AI.”


Meta (Facebook) also announced its own effort in the same vein, seeking to combat altered content such as deepfakes – in case they “merge, combine, replace, and/or superimpose content onto a video, creating a video that appears authentic (… and) would likely mislead an average person.”


As ever, a very clear and concise, easy to enforce definition – not.


And who will help enforce it? No surprises there.


According to reports, Meta will “rely on ‘independent fact-checking partners’ to review media for fake content that slipped through the company’s new disclosure requirement.”