Anonymous ID: 1be478 Nov. 13, 2023, 1:12 p.m. No.19910569   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0597


I forgot what I used for these but you could do multiple styles. I wanted a - Carnival ride calledZyklonand a sign that said Ride the Zyklon, with Hasidic Jews waiting in line . With Nazi gaurds or something. And some Chicken jokes, Can you guess it?

Anonymous ID: 1be478 Nov. 13, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.19910586   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0620


Those glasses look dangerous. Party goers at an rich NFT party suffered blindness and burns from lighting.


The company behind the Bored Ape crypto art craze is looking into reports that people have been suffering from eye burn, extreme pain and impaired vision after attending one of its events, which was lit by UV lights.


The ApeFest festival is held every year for members of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, AKA Bored Apes, who have invested in a collection of 10,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) featuring computer-generated profile pictures of cartoon apes.


More than a dozen people who attended last weekend’s ApeFest in Hong Kong took to social media afterwards to complain that they were suffering from eye pain and vision problems.


One attender posting on X, formerly Twitter, under the handle CryptoJune, wrote: “Woke up in the middle of the night after Apefest with so much pain in my eyes that I had to go to the hospital … Doctor told me it was due to the UV from stage lights. I go to festivals often but have never experienced this.”

The Bored Ape NFT craze is all about ego and money, not art

Jonathan Jones

Jonathan Jones

Read more


Fellow attender Chloe Ge told the Financial Times that the stage lights were “quite strong” and that, by about 3am after the party, she had started feeling as though her eyes were “being burnt with spicy chilli”.


She is still experiencing some discomfort, although the pain has now eased, the newspaper reported.


Adrian Zduńczyk described waking up with “severe eye burn” and going to hospital, where he was diagnosed as having photokeratitis (snow blindness) in both eyes. The condition is caused by unprotected exposure of the cornea and conjunctiva to ultraviolet radiation.


He was prescribed steroid eye drops and eye lubricants and said his vision was testing “close to perfect” with no serious cornea damage, “luckily”.


Posting on X, the Bored Ape Yacht Club wrote: “Apes, we are aware of the eye-related issues that affected some of the attendees of ApeFest and have been proactively reaching out to individuals since yesterday to try and find the potential root causes.

Anonymous ID: 1be478 Nov. 13, 2023, 1:27 p.m. No.19910650   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I think they didn't have a lighting engineer and maybe the huge LED screen was blasting them. I don't think it was a weapon or anything,it says it was Lit by UV lights probably to give everything a Dayglo look like the Smocking party.

Anonymous ID: 1be478 Nov. 13, 2023, 1:52 p.m. No.19910777   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0786 >>0789


>Positive vibes sent to you, Sir.

Thank you I appreciate it, I just use my lived experience now to help people learn to control their minds themselves because if they don't someone else will. The crap on the street is so fucking toxic and deadly I just do what I can to help them make better decisions As far as shills and negativity here, Fuck 'em amirite.. I love my country and The Constitution. I even explain it to drug addicts If we didn't have the 4th amendment they could listen in on Any conversation, they do anyway, but they don't act on it, they can't because of the 4th amendment. The Police need a different avenue to get probable cause and warrants even though any "Pattern of Life" of an addict would reveal their dealer. Death to the Kingpins and shotcalllers . Average small dealers only do enough to get their fix free, even though they are the last person to sell to someone who might overdose. How many Suicides are hidden in an overdose?

Anonymous ID: 1be478 Nov. 13, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19910990   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1001


I was talking to a guy at a party last week, I had a Deplorables shirt and he High Fived me because it said Trump 2020. He was black and was talking a lt fo "Conspiracy " Stuff that I am into. Then he got on Flat Earth and was telling me "How could I believe all that other stuff and fall for their Globe Lie"? Sorry Flat Earth is Bullshit to me. Water makes Drops, Bodies in Space are Round, After a while, I wanted to say, Enough Nigger get the fuck away from me you Idiot.